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The thumps of my feet against the cobblestone road matched the fast beats of my pounding heart as I flew down the streets of Shiganshina, jumping over dead bodies and hurdling over boulders. I haven't seen any titans yet so I continued my way to my house. It was close to the wall, but maybe they got out in time. Maybe my family was still alive. That thought alone sped up my pace.

The streets I was running down were vacant, and the only sound was my moving feet against the road, but I could still make out the faint sound of pandemonium closer to the city's exit gates. It was quiet. Too quiet. Then I saw it.

The monster was at least seven meters tall, its long legs held its slender body as it walked towards a man trying to get out from under a boulder. A stupid dumbfounded look was on its face. My steps did not falter, but I watched as the titan took the man in his hand and ate him. Blood sprayed from where his limbs were severed by the beast's teeth. My body trembled even more and tears formed at the corner of my eyes.

I was one block away from my house when another titan appeared, its jaws open wide as it sprung out from a wide alleyway. I saw it a quick millisecond before it launched off its haunches and towards me, but I took a huge leap, flinging my whole body in front of me, and landed harshly on my knees and head, my arms failing to keep me upright. My bare skin scraped against the cobblestone road, a small pool of blood already flowing from my knees. My head pounded and blood began to drip down my temple, covering half of my line of sight. I brushed the redness out of my eyes and looked behind me to see the titan stuck headfirst in a bakery.

My ragged pants from exertion turned into harsh sobs from shock. My entire body was shaking now and tears were streaming down my face. Get up. I have to get up.

My arms trembled as I pushed myself up and got back on my feet. I checked again over my shoulder to make sure the titan wouldn't be moving again for a while and took off again towards my home. I pushed my legs to go faster. I could feel blood sliding down my leg in a sticky mess, but I couldn't worry about that right now.

A sob of relief escaped me as I turned the corner to where my house was waiting for me, but I stopped as if I ran into a wall. All the air in my lungs came out and I fell on my already injured knees, not even wincing from the pain of my raw skin against the road.

A large boulder sat by the side of my house, evidence of it crushing the entire top floor of my house was sprawled by its side. Shingles from the roof and glass from the windows surrounded the side. But that wasn't the worst part.

Two titans were eating my father, mother, and little (brother/sister). I could see some of their limbs spread out around the titan, but I couldn't recognize who was whoos. A high-pitched wail of terror came out from my (brother/sister)'s mouth as their body was being fought over by the titan.

A scream tore out of my mouth, "S/n!" Their head pivoted by me and their fear was still evident in their eyes. "Hold on! I'll help you, j-just hold on." I looked to my side for any kind of weapon to use on the titans while they were distracted. I wiped my nose of running snot and picked up a pipe laying on the ground. It felt heavy in my tight grip, but I would be able to swing it around if I had to.

I took a step towards my (brother/sister), my body locked and stiff to keep it from shaking, but I faltered when I saw the titans finally make a compromise to who would eat my (brother/sister). Their whole-body split open, organs and intestines falling out. Blood sprayed like a tidal wave of rain. They didn't even have time to scream.

I screamed (his/her), my voice coming out guttural. "S/n, S/n, S/n!" Over and over again I screamed for them.

"Put (him/her) down you bastard! Put them down!" And to my surprise the titans each dropped half of their body. Each side landed with a soft thud on the limb littered ground. The pair stalked towards me, their heavy steps shaking the buildings next to me. Each of their faces held creepy smiles that shook me to the core.

𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗥𝗜𝗦𝗘𝗦 𝗧𝗢 𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗦𝗘𝗧𝗦 | 𝙀. 𝙔𝙀𝘼𝙂𝙀𝙍Where stories live. Discover now