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After being forced into the carts that lowered us down the walls, we were surrounded by at least more than fifty men and women, all with guns pointing at us and watching our every move. Only Mikasa, Armin, and I were down here with Eren, the others were told not to speak of anything they saw and were escorted away.

I reluctantly handed Eren's still unconscious body over towards Armin and sidestepped Mikasa who had her swords out. "Put them down Mikasa," I murmur to her. If we showed them any slight sense of hostility they wouldn't hesitate to kill us all.

I walked a few steps, ready to clear any confusion but was stopped by a man's loud voice.

"Don't move! Don't move you... you titan spy!" I internally rolled my eyes at the man. I stayed still and surveyed the loud-mouthed guy. It appeared that he was in charge- a captain or general maybe? He had a scruffy beard and his eyes were wide in hidden fear.

I take a step forward and salute all the soldiers, not even a tiny bit scared by their guns pointing straight at me.

"Y/n L/n, sir!" I yell at the man, introducing myself. "I am 'Humanity's Future'- only second to Captain Levi, 'Humanity's Strongest Soldier, sir!" I scream again at the brown-haired man. Immediately after I announce my title, a wave of whispers goes back and forth between the soldiers. A while back Commander Erwin decided that like Levi, I would be given a title, hoping to inspire the citizens inside the walls. I didn't like it but it wasn't horrible. It was great honor really.

"I heard she's as strong as one whole brigade of soldiers combined!"

"Bullshit! She's just a little girl."

"Someone told me she was as fast as Captain Levi- faster even!"

"I heard that she already has thirty-five solo kills-"

"Enough!" The man in charge yelled at his soldiers. His face was screwed in anger and I swore I saw steam coming out of his ears. The man turned back to me again, "I don't care if you're Y/n L/n or not! You were with that- that titan filth. Who's to say you're not one of them." My patience was growing thin already with this guy.

"Sir, I swear to you I am not a titan, and neither is my comrade," I say pointing towards Eren, but I didn't even know if that was true.

"She's lying," a voice screamed from the rows of armed soldiers. "I heard from a scout that she can talk to titans!" My body locks at this. Shit shit shit shit shit.

Noticing my sudden change, the man who spilled my secret started to yap his stupid mouth again.

"She's probably one of them! We should just kill them all now, sir!" Soldiers began to lift their fingers over the trigger, awaiting the order from their superior to shoot.

The man in charge looked hesitant to do so, probably worried about harming "Humanity's Future." Who knew how much trouble he'd get into if I was killed.

"Stand down," the man says reluctantly.

"But captain! She's no doubt here to kill us all! We can't-"

"I said stand down!" I smirked to myself at the accuser's glum expression as he lowers his gun to the ground, all the other soldiers mimicked his actions. At least my title does some good.

"Soldier Rowan put your gun down!" My head whips towards a woman with ash grey hair as she yells at a man who still had his gun pointing at me. Even from here, I could see his finger hovering over the trigger.

"Y/n!" The man pointing the gun at me slightly forgotten, I turned to see Eren awake and holding out his hand towards me. His blue-green eyes were wide and his mouth forming another word-

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