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What the hell was this boy doing?

Eren was punching himself in the face after having an inner dilemma for what must've been for the past five minutes. I was sitting on the ground, tying rope-like how Hanji instructed us to do, but my attention was half on my task and half on Eren. His face was dotted with small bruises and cuts already.

"Eren! Stop!" Mikasa quickly threw her arms around Eren to stop him from punching himself again. I just sat on the ground with my legs still crisscrossed, watching the scene before me.

"Making a wound? It's too early for that!" Armin exclaims, walking up to the pair.

"No..." Eren softly pushed Mikasa off of him. "Just beating the shit out of a useless brat."

I decided to speak up now. "I could've done that for you just fine Yeager, all you had to do was ask," I say with a wink and a smile.

Eren breaks out of his gloomy faze and his eyes fixate upon me, his face softening in the process.

"C'mon, help me with the rope, I'm getting confused on how to do it," I say while patting the space next to me.

I really wasn't confused, I just wanted an excuse to be near him.

Armin and Mikasa walk away, saying how they were getting more rope.

Eren rolls his eyes at my command but sits next to me regardless, taking the rope out of my hands and demonstrating how to wind it up. I don't pay attention to his hands at all as I watch his face. He seemed different from when we first got out of the cavern; he's more... sure of himself again.

"Are you even watching?" My body jolts and I'm broken out of my thoughts to see an amused-looking Eren.

"No," I replied bluntly while resting my head on his shoulder, looking down at my hands as I grabbed another piece of rope to fold from nearby while Eren busied himself with mine. Eren chuckles from beside me.

I whack him with the rope in my hands. "Shut up," I mumble out with a smile.

I feel Eren shift from beside him. He moves to rest his head on my shoulder, his body hunched over and completely facing me now. It's silent besides the loud cannons firing in the distance.

In front of us are the houses and shops of all the citizens in the Orvud District, and a pair of kids catch my eyes, reminding me of how Eren, Armin, Mikasa and I must've looked like as children. So naive and pure; never having to worry about our safety all day and every day.


He hums in response, his eyes never leaving the rope in his hands.

"Don't ever do that to me again," I say, repeating the same words he said to me days ago. I turned my head to him so I could see his face clearly, his green eyes meeting my (e/c) ones at my movement.

I see his understatement shine in his eyes as he looks at me with a soft grin. "Alright, I won't."

"Promise?" I ask with a cheesy smile. He rolls his eyes at me while pushing my head away.

"I promise, you dumbass."

I laugh at his mock annoyance and tackle him into a hug. My arms loop around his side and we fall to the ground. He places one of his hands on top of my head, gripping it to his chest so it doesn't hit the floor beneath us.

"Oh don't be like that Eren, I know you love me!" I cackle out. Eren stiffened beneath me and my eyes widened at what I just said.

Shit, I just made this so awkward.

𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗥𝗜𝗦𝗘𝗦 𝗧𝗢 𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗦𝗘𝗧𝗦 | 𝙀. 𝙔𝙀𝘼𝙂𝙀𝙍Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα