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Jean and I waited outside of the perimeter of the forest for at least ten minutes until it was our time to go. We would have to maneuver around the large trees with our ODM gear all while finding the fake titans that were set up and "kill" them.

Shadis would be timing us at the start and finish line as we would make a giant loop around the forest. Thank god it was sunny today- maneuvering ODM gear in the rain was a pain in the ass.

"Five minutes and thirty-five seconds!" Shaids screaming broke me and Jean out of our last-minute strategizing. We watched as Eren and Mikasa crossed the finish line, their blades dull and limping from their hands. Mikasa didn't look like she cared while Eren smirked to himself when he heard their time.

His smirk widened once he caught my eye and headed over towards me.

"Ya hear that, Y/n? Five minutes and thirty-five seconds- that's twenty seconds shy of the top time," he says with arrogance in his voice. I see Jean roll his eyes by my side.

"Please Yeager, we all know Mikasa killed most of the titans in there." I laugh at Eren's mad expression.

"Whatever horse-face, I hope you fall on your ass in there." Eren gives me another glare before stalking off with the other cadets.

Shadis told Jean and me that we were the last ones to go once we stood by the starting line.

"Ah, saved the best for last huh, Shadis," I say while giving him a smirk and nudging Kirstein by my side. He shrugged me off while calling me a dork.

"Shut it, L/n," Shadis replied then gave us a ten-second warning.

I closed my eyes, envisioning what I would do in the forest: how I would fly through the large trees and cut through the fake titans' napes. I take a deep breath, calming my nerves. Don't hesitate Y/n. I said to myself, Roger's mantra wired into my mind.

"Go!" My eyes shot open and Jean and I launched into the wilderness, our OD gear spiking into trees and launching us further into the forest. I savored the feeling of the wind blowing in my face, making the flyways at my temple brush by the side of my temples.

"Kirstein, two-a-clock!" Jean saw the "titan" appear in front of us and he wastes no time to strike it down, cutting his swords deep into its nape.


"Got it!" I shot one of my grappling hooks at a nearby tree and spiraled myself to the ten-meter cut out of a titan a few paces in front of me. I successfully tear through thick material, refilling my blades right after.

This goes on for a few minutes; we didn't miss a single titan yet.

"Jean! How much time?" I yell at him. We decided from before we started that he'd keep track of time.

"'Bout four fifty!" I scowl to myself, but it fades slightly when I see the finish line about a hundred meters away. The last titan, standing at least fifteen meters high, stood in front of us. I look towards Jean.

He nods at me, sharing the same thought I was thinking. He launches one of his grappling hooks at a faraway tree and holds out his right hand for me to grasp. I clutch onto it with my left and I hear a harsh grunt come out of his lips as he swings me with all his power towards the wooden cutout. We only did this twice before so it better work out.

My body goes into a spiral motion as I fly to the titan and swing down with my blades once I'm close enough. But I must've had too much power in my cutting because it cuts through the skin like a surface and all the way down to the wood, making one of my blades get stuck.

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