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There wasn't the slightest moment of hesitation running through my body as I swung down with my ODM gear and shoved Levi out of the way of a titan's outreaching hand. I heard, rather and saw him hit the ground with an oof as the titan's huge hand gripped my body like a doll. It squeezed my ribs to the point of almost breaking them. I tried to get out of the grip but it was no use.

My hands gave up on punching the titan's hollow flesh and went to my ears, struggling to block out the screams. The screams were chilling; they made goosebumps appear all over my exposed flesh. As the titan brought me closer to its mouth they just kept getting louder and louder and louder. I thought my brain was going to rip apart.

My eyes opened for just a moment; unclenching my eyes shut, I saw Levi on the ground. His face holding mortification clear as day on his face. His eyes were wide and I knew he was getting flashbacks of his old friends. Seeing him snapped me out of my pain. I couldn't end up like his friends; I couldn't leave my friends- not yet.

I unclasped my hands from the protective hold they had on my ears and thrashed around more in the titan's hold. It was just opening its mouth and I started to scream at it.

"No! Let me go you ugly piece of shit! Let me go!" And it did.

I stared at its grinning face as I flew down to the ground, my body hitting the grass with a large thud. My ribs screamed in pain and I suddenly felt so weak. I couldn't even sit up fully.

My eyes met Levi's and his eyes were watering uncontrollably. Oh, Levi.

His expression was more confused than terrified as he glanced from me to the titan and back to me again.

"Y/n, tell it to go away."

"What! No, just kill it are you stupid?!" It was remarkable how I managed to get annoyed at Levi given the current situation.

"Just humor me, kid!"


"Just fucking do it!" My eyes widened. What the fuck was he thinking.

I noticed that the titan hasn't even movies yet, it sat on its haunches and stared at you expectantly. If I die I'm so haunting his ass.

"Um, walk away?" It walked away. The fucking titan just walked away as I told it to. Wait.

After taking a few steps away from Levi and me it turned around and lunged at us. Levi was quicker and came in front of me in a protective stance, to push me away or carry us to safety, I don't know- the titan ate him before he would even connect his eyes fully with mine.

The titan bit his head off and a smooth arc of blood splattered on me. Levi's head rolled to the side, his dead eyes staring up at me- just like my father.

I screamed. And screamed. And screamed. And screamed.

I distantly wondered if my vocal cords were going to rip at this rate. I tried to go and touch Levi's decapitated head but I just threw up right next to it, waves upon waves of nausea rolled through my body.

"Y/n, we have to go! Now!" Oluo was grabbing my body and hoisting me into his arms. He launched us into the air and onto an awaiting branch. My squad members stared at Levi's head in horror. "Guys! We have to leave, let's go! Y/n, can u maneuver your gear by yourself?" I nodded- I'd just have to push through the pain and fatigue right now.

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