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In my brief state of comatose, I was forced to submit to visions upon visions of the Fall of Shiganshina. Every time I relived it I noticed things that I hadn't noticed before: the loud piercing screams that threatened to break my mind, the way my neighbor's corpses were littered on the ground, the broken glass skittered everywhere- mocking me of my broken heart.

I thought that after all this time I'd grow numb to the reoccurring memories, but no, every time I watched as my (brother/sister) was ripped apart by the titans a wave of nausea and sorrow overwhelmed me, even in unconsciousness.

And those screams; a pair apart from my sister stood out- they held sorrow and anger and gut-retching fear. It sent chills down my spine every time I remembered them.

I was re-experiencing the memories once more again until I was pulled out of it and into the land of the living. Tragic, I wanted to sleep more- even if I was dreaming morbid things.

A shocked gasp escaped me as I shot up and out of a cot I was in. Pain immediately flared in my left arm and the back of my head. I looked around to see I was in the infirmary; a window on the right blew in a soft breeze and gave me a view of the rising sun.

Just noticing that there was another presence in the room. I looked down to see Eren sleeping peacefully, a few inches away from where my face had been. My nose scrunched; he probably smelled my bad morning breath.

I took a few moments to watch him sleep, taking mental images of his peaceful face. His usually harsh expressions were replaced with a calm look. I couldn't help myself from smiling as I brushed his hair from his face as he snored softly. After a few minutes of thinking it over, I decided I'd let him sleep in. I got up as quietly as I could and went down to the mess hall, ready to ease my growing hunger.

My hand fumbled with my pendant as I waited for my friends, contemplating who'd be my headrest for the day. My temples were still throbbing in pain, and even though I was probably asleep for at least more than twelve hours, I was still tired as hell.

"Oi, Y/n!" My head shot up to see Connie, Armin, Mikasa, and Sasha heading my way.

"Baldy!" I greet back with a grin. His face immediately deadpans into a sour expression.

"Don't make me give you another concussion L/n."

"Connie! Don't say such things," I slap his shoulder and loop my arm with Sasha as we all went to pick up our food from the cooks. Connie sulked behind us, absentmindedly running his hand over his shortcut hair and mumbling to himself.

After finding a place to sit and scarfing down my food- faster than Sasha for once- I leaned my head on Connie's shoulder and began to snooze. He didn't shrug me off, already used to my constant power naps.

I was just beginning to daydream about eating a meat sandwich when the doors to the room slammed open, a pissed-off, and slightly worried, Eren in the doorway. I groaned in annoyance, not wanting to deal with his anger issues right now.

"Guys, hide me!" I whispered-yelled to my friends and was pushed under the table in a flash by Sasha. I saw Eren stomping towards our table through the cracks between everyone's feet.

"Where's Y/n?"

"Under the-'' Armin and I hit Mikasa's leg from under the table, successfully shutting her up.

"Shouldn't she still be in the infirmary," Connie said casually, covering up Mikasa's betrayal.

"No, I just came from there and she wasn't there! I know you know where she is Springer."

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