Ch 2: New Home

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        I watched as my new pet took in the entryway with wide, curious, eyes. The diamonds attached to her navel glittering in the light.

        I would have to acquire more accessories for that particular feature. I would have already done such had it been mentioned in the file.

        Watching her move about the entryway was mildly amusing in itself, she seemed entranced by the smallest things. Entranced enough that she had forgotten her sate of dress and  leash, letting it drag on the floor as she stepped quietly around the room. I smirked, "do you like it pet?"

        She jumped in her heel's, spinning around and eyeing me like a suspicious animal for a moment before her previous wide gaze narrowed into blue slits, "no."

        I smirked at her blatant lie, "Don't be shy now my little flower, this is your new home. You are free to explore as you like as long as you come when I call for you."

        She crossed her arms over her bared stomach and glared harder at me, "and if I don't"

        Slowly, I walked towards her, wrapping one hand around her small neck while I unclasped her leash with the other, "Then there will be...consequences." I gave her frail neck a soft squeeze, "do we have an understanding pet?"

        Her eyes grew impossible wide again and she nodded slowly.

        "Good. Now, Ill have a maid show you to your room. Get changed and she will bring you back to me." I eyed her with slight distaste, "I don't like you in things I did not specifically pick for you."

        She looked confused for a second, and angry, before reluctantly nodding again.

        I nudged her toward a maid who had been diligently waiting, watching as she walked off  before having one of the servants call and set up an appointment with a jeweler I know. If I get to decorate my pet a bit extra, I'd might as well do it right.


Calla POV:

        You have got to be kidding me.

        This weird silent maid leads me to a huge room that is apparently mine before locking me in here. I could still see her shadow underneath the door as she quietly told me to get showered and redressed for 'the master.'

        I took some time to look around at the deep blue walls and silver and blue detailing of the room. I had to reluctantly admit that it was beautiful. huffing to myself I yanked off the high heels I was forced to wear and continued to undress on my way to the bathroom.

        Taking a quick, angry, shower in the obnoxiously huge silver and white bathroom did not make me any happier.

        But what really took the cake was when I opened the door to the walk in closet and was met with the skimpiest collection of clothes in history. 

        I practically screamed, what wasn't literal lingerie was short and tight and full of holes, it was all overpriced underwear at best and he expected me to wear it everyday.

        I would say I would rather walk around naked but somehow I think that would make him happy, so I spent a good twenty minutes tearing through the closet -which was completely organized in everything  that went with a particular outfit.- picking the most covering thing I possibly could and throwing it on.

        I almost left out the garters and thigh highs but something told me this dude was such a control freak he would kill me for it. 

        I stared at myself in the mirror, the long white high-low shirt was 'fixed' so I couldn't button it up all the way; some of the little button holes were sewn up exposing a good am mount of cleavage and my collar. I'm pretty sure if I moved the wrong way the silk bra would be visible too.

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