Ch 12: Got it.

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Calla POV: 

        "I can do it myself!"

        " need to let the maids help."

        "I'm not letting some random vampire bitches cover me with suds and scrub my lady bits!"

        Kaden looked at me for a moment before sighing, "Your body is still weak from the drugs, you need them to help you."

        I snorted, "I can bathe myself!"

        "At least one of them needs to be in here to make sure you don't fall getting out of the tub and drown."

        Glaring at him, I shook my head, "I'll be fine!"

        "You don't know that."

        "Yeah I do!"

        He dismissed the maids with another sigh, waiting until they had gone to speak again, "Calla. You're still weak."

        I looked him over, "Kaden. I've never been weak."

        He smirked at me, shaking his head a bit, "Calla, like it or not your such a tiny little thing." Kaden stepped forward and ran his fingers over the column of my neck, "Tiny and fragile like a little porcelain  doll. I'm beginning to worry that you really have no idea just how easy it would be to shatter you."

        I lurched back from him, "Like you really care anyways, how long do I even really have? a few months? A year? two? before you decide I'm boring and you drain me for every drop of blood?"

        An emotion akin to rage flashed through his eyes, "Do you not understand yet? I'm not going to kill you ever."

        I looked at him shocked, "wha-"

        "Even when your skin loses its youth, and your hair turns grey, your still going to be living here. When I bought you I took on the responsibility of you, and to me that means making sure your comfortable for the rest of your days."

        I blinked at him unable to process what he was saying, "My job here is to sit around and look pretty. and unless your into women of literally all ages I wont be looking so pretty one day."

        He sighed and tugged on a strand of my hair, "I can change my own rules little flower and I am not the kind of man to throw something away just because its lost its physical shine. I do not think I would mind debating with you, even when you are old."

        I looked at him for a moment before looking down at the floor, "oh.."

        "Do you understand more now?"

        I nodded. I did.

        In most vampire homes I would have two years average before they got bored and either sold me or killed me, Kaden....Kaden was planning on keeping me for as long as I lived naturally.

        It was a little hard to believe but I didn't think he was lying, "If uh one of those maids has to be here to make sure I don't fall...its fine she just has to i don't know wear a blindfold."

        He nodded, "sounds fair."

        I was quite as he left the room, trying to process all the new information I had been given, unsure how I felt about it.

        If Kaden wasn't an evil, blood sucking, human shaped, parasite then what was he?


        I snood in front of Kaden's office door, trying to work up the courage to walk in. 

        I wanted to apologize for thinking all those bad things about him but just didn't know how, but I was thinking 'I'm sorry' was a good way to start.

        Taking a deep breath opened the door and felt my jaw drop.

        On his chair was Kaden and on Kaden was Angelica with her tounge shoved down his throat, I couldn't stop my words, "EWWWWWWW OH MY GOD MY EYES! MY BEAUTIFUL EYES YOU PAID SO MUCH MONEY FOR ARE BURNING OUT OF MY SKULL!"

        Kaden looked up to me a look of humor dancing across his face, he was about to speak when Angelica ripped away from him and snarled, "HAVEN'T YOU EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING?!"

        I mimicked her shrill tone childishly, "HAVEN'T YOU EVER HEARD OF CLASS?!"

        The room fell into dead silence as both Kaden and I watched angelica's pale skin turn several shades of angry red-purple before she screamed, "KADEN BABY YOUR PET IS A DISASTER! WHY WONT YOU GET RID OF HER?!"

        Kaden sighed, "calm down Angelica. we have been through this before, I'm not getting rid of Calla and you have no right to tell me what to do with my pet."

        Angelica pouted, "but-"

        Kadens sharp, angry, look cut her short, "you are not my girlfriend Angelica its best you remember your place. I picked Calla as my companion and you have no right to tell me what to do with her much less to rid myself of her."

        Looking baffled and flustered Angelica left the room. I looked over at Kaden, "'re into harpies.."

        A slow smirk made its way across his face as a low chuckle rumbled through his chest, "come here pet."

        I hesitated before doing as I was told, letting out a small squeak as He pulled me down into his lap, "Kaden!"

        "Harpies not so much, they have a tendency to attack me."

        I felt a giggle bubble up my throat and escape past my lips, "and you let them?"

        "its easier to let them, they get annoyingly whiny when rejected."

        I frowned a bit, humor gone, "but you're worth more than that. no one should just let someone their not interested in touch them, what if you find someone you really like and want to be with and she saw that?"

        He stared at me a gentile look in his eyes for an uncomfortably long time, "I don't know."

        I straightened in his lap and waved a finger in his face, "exactly! and if i'm with you for the rest of my life I want a good lady in the case of you getting a lady friend, got it mister?"

        The humor was back in his eyes as he smiled gently at me, "got it."

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