Ch 59: Nothing

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A/N: 15 DAYS UNTIL JAPAN! Hahah soo excited! On my birthday im going to an alice in wonderland themed cafe!!! Its soooo cool all the waitresses dress like alice and the whole place is decked out!

p.s. Thinking about changing my wattpad name...can i even do that? Should i?

P.P.s: to there was this little girl who told me to fuck off when I told her to get off my story. in very bad grammar with horrible spelling might I add. so thanks to all of you who handled that well even if I was a little short with some of you, It was a really very bad day outside of the virtual world and a lot of shit has just been unloaded on me since we are going to have to put my grandfather into a home..Sorry if I was a little hard on some of you or accidentally offend you!

This goes to all my younger readers, many of you who I have talked to have very beautiful souls and just remember to keep them that way and not let anyone bring you down as you grow older. all women are beautiful and wonderful no matter how they look, what color hair they have, or their weight as long as they are beautiful on the inside. It radiates from within and that is what will draw the best people to you. it doesn't matter how pretty the face or how perfect the body if your mean to people. and if they are mean to you then please just let them go kay? when I was really young I made the mistake of not doing so with an ex and I ended up hurt in more ways than one. Kay? I worry about the younger generation girls seem to have less and less love for themselves and more anger or sadness. its all unnecessary to be so jaded, someone somewhere someday will love you like Kaden loves Calla, and other will love you like you love your family it all starts with being yourself and being beautiful on the inside.

Love u guys (even the ones who piss me off like a bad boyfriend!



Calla POV:

"What about this one?"

Kaden looked me over his eyes lingering on my legs for a moment, "beautiful as always."

I looked over the tiny outfit...I looked great but Kaden was taking me out with him, his brother, and Gwen tonight. Wanted to look classier. "Kaden..."

He shook his head at me, "Calla there is no need to worry over this."

I could feel myself pouting a bit, "but I want to look good for you. I want to be so pretty all those other vampires are envious of the fact that they cant have me as a pet...I want you to be proud enough of me to take me places more often."

He stared at me for a long moment. "I am more than proud Calla we just do not go out often because I fear someone will notice how much I love you, how i truly feel and everything will go toppling down. And they are a vivid green with envy every time they see you without your effort baby."

I smiled a bit, "...still what would you like to see me in?"

His eyes roved my body gently, it was almost as if his gaze was a soft caress, "sometimes I have the unreasonable desire to dress you in the finest gowns and wrap you in velvet cloaks laced with gold. But as for today I believe the black number in the back of your closet will do."

My brows furrowed as I walked into the closet, my fingers skimming fine fabrics as I went.

My breath Caught a bit as I spotted the outfit Kaden must have had put in here earlier.

I slipped on the slinky black fabric and sleek heels a smile spread across my face, "Kaaadeen!"

He looked up as I exited the closet, his eyes goring wide, "Gorgeous look stunning."

I giggled, making my way into the bathroom to finish my makeup as my lovers eyes followed every step.


"Calla you look sooo hot!"

I laughed a bit, fingering my shiny black collar, as Gwen faked swooned. It was easily the simplest collar I had with a minimal amount of jewels embedded into it, "thank you."

A maid handed Kaden a thing black leash and I watched his jaw clench slightly as he took it.

He didn't want to put it on me but he had to.

Leash laws were strict and non negotiable.

I smiled at him softly as he clipped it on an brushed my hair back after dismissing the maid, "Shall we?"

I nodded.

Kaden walked beside me, his fingers loose on my leash, Gwen and Aldric before us. I wondered for a moment how long this would last, how long I would be standing her Kadens loving smile directed at me.

I was silent as the car pulled from the drive. Aldric's eyes bore into the side of my head, "your quiet for once."

My reply was more reflex than anything, "your an ass are always."

Gwen gave a soft laugh, Kaden took my hand gently and Aldric looked at me as if he knew something I didn't.

I made a point to avoid looking his direction instead opting to listen to Gwen ramble on about something pointless to Kaden.

She was talking about some vampire I didn't know who had been having trouble with his children.

The story made Kaden smile which in turn made me smile although I didn't quite understand what the fang phases, biting phases, or day phases were for vampire babies. But Kaden clearly did and he seemed to find something almost charming about it, he really did love children.

I glanced down at my stomach, a painful sadness slowly burning inside of me as I wondered what his smile would look like if I was carrying his child. It wasn't the first time I had thought about it but I tried not to. The reality is I couldn't have his child because we were biological incompatible.

Kadens hand rested on my knee and I jumped slightly, "is everything okay my little flower?"

I mustered up a smile and nodded, "Just nervous."

"no need Calla, you'll love it."

I nodded again before glancing away. My eyes met Aldrics as he looked between Kaden and I, a strange look on his face. "brother...Have you and Calla Had that talk yet?"

I looked at a now tense Kaden in confusion, "talk?"

He cleared his throat, "it is nothing to fret over."

"..Is it why you have been working later and later? You didn't come back until nearly dawn yesterday."

He said nothing and the small space fell into an awkward silence.


He glanced at me, "it can wait Calla."

Aldric snorted, "I beg to differ brother."

The two brothers glared at one another as Gwen and I sat is strained silence. "This isn't your place to speak Aldric."

"Isn't it? I have been the one helping you with this."

With what?

"Aldric enough."

The younger brother ignored the elder, "Calla did you know there has been a pet locked in Kadens basement? the one who tried to poison you?"

I gaped and Kaden practically snarled, "Aldric!"

I glared at Kaden, "Kaden! You promised you would let me talk to him when he arrived!"

"and I will. I just needed some information first love."

My eyes narrowed, "did you hurt him?"

"No Calla, can we wait until after dinner to finish this talk?"

I was about to let it go when Aldric cut in, "you were supposed to have already told her."

I looked to gwen who seemed just as lost as me, "tell me what?"

Kaden insisted it was nothing at the exact same time Aldric spoke, "Our father payed them to send their pet to kill you."

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