Ch 50: Fix This Fuck up.

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A/N: I'm surprised that a lot of you are you know not super pissed at Kaden. For you know frenching Angelica. lots of you have ideas as to whats gonna happen (all of you were wrong btw) and you know I told you I was gonna make you guys miserable...heh that started last chapter. Let get a bit angry, sad, crazy.

What do you think Calla's going to do? oh and a very special one time only POV in this chapter!


Calla POV:

I felt a sob rip from my throat as I darted down the hall, shoving past a very shocked Prince ad straight to one of the guest bedroom doors.

I price opened his mouth to speak as I started banging on the door, "Uh Calla."

I glared at him through my tears, "Go away leach prince!"

He looked like he wanted to protest but just nodded, "...she's a slag and he is a git. nothing to cry about lily child." He walked away with one last glance.

I didn't even bother to think about his words, I just hit the door again.

Gwen opened it this time, in a robe and dripping hair, "Calla?..oh my god come in, what happened?"

She steered me to a chair and I collapsed into it a total wreck, "he...H-he that fu-fuckface!"

She blinked, "fuckface? who's a fuckface Calla?"

I didn't listen to her either, "and that..that overused pussy, herpes caring harpy!"

Biting her lip she stroked my back, "okay so some fuckface and Angelica? what happened?"

I struggled to wipe my tears away and Gwen handed me a tissue, hugging me a bit. "I-I thought he cared...t-that maybe..." I trailed off in a sob as realization dawned on her face.

Slowly her face turned from worried to stoney and then flashed with rage, "That fuckface! Stay here for a few minutes, have some chocolate from my snack stash. and try to relax I'll be right back okay?"

I nodded and watched through blurry vision as she stormed from the room.

as the door slammed behind her and her footsteps faded I could faintly here and enraged scream, "KADEN FRIGGIN DAWSON WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!"

I stared wide eyed at the door.


Gwen POV:

That Idiot!

What the hell was he thinking?! I mean has he seen Calla? she's pretty she's funny she smart and she's sweet. She's like the coolest human ever and way more fun than the vampires we hang out wish.

I stormed into Kadens room where he was pacing.

A look of complete distress plastered on his face.

Good. next it should turn to pain.

"Kaden!" I didnt even let him blink.

I punched him in the jaw the moment he looked my direction.

Practically growling I threw my hands in the air, "What the hell do you think your doing you idiot?!"

Relief washed over his face, "Is she still here?"

Part of my felt my heart tug at his clear worry over Calla.

But the rest of me still wanted to punch him.

A lot.

"Yes she's still here! a fucking mess thanks to you, you fuckface! I mean really how could you make her cry like that?!"

He looked completely ashamed of himself, "I didn't...I didn't want to..."

I glared, "well you did and she, bless her little human heart, was too upset to properly say anything!"

"Angelica proposed that we marry."


He looked away, "long story short she got on my lap and ended up kissing me and e-"

"you should have thrown her out the window."

"Gwen, Angelica and I are childhood friends."

I shot him an Icy glare, "continue."

"and I ended up kissing her back...Calla walked in."

I slapped him.

He nodded a bit, "I deserved that."

I hissed at him lowly, "you are so lucky I don know where those sex toys I know you have been planing on using on her are because if I did, I would tear you a new asshole with them."

 His eyes were wide, "I wasn't-"

"bitch please Kaden you are a deeply disturbed son of jackass. and I know you. Vanilla sex and you? no. this s beside the point, I don't care about how kinky you get as long as its with Calla! explain yourself!"

"Well..I was drinking my favorite scotch before that so I was a bit hazy. Me and Calla were not on the best terms...due to some other reasons and when Angelica started kissing me after her whole lets get married speech I started thinking about what it would be like if she were Calla..."

I pursed my lips, "Callas too good to be a bitch like that...But so you got carried away in fantasy land? thinking about having little baby Kadens and Calla's?"

He was silent for a long moment.

Holy crap he was thinking about little baby kadens and Callas. "Kaden she's never going to believe that, no woman would after walking in on their man kissing another woman."

He sank into a chair, hands running through his hair, "I know....I don't what I'm going to do. How I'm going to make her forgive me."

I licked my lips, growing sad seeing my lifelong friend so broken up about this. I mean how could I stay angry when the strongest man I know, who's just like another brother to me is sitting before me looking so utterly broken, like he's going to cry. "Kad-"

"I almost bit her neck...the first time were were...together."

Holy shit. Oh my god. oh my god. He didn't. Holy shit.

"I did a bit, left a bruise but stopped myself before I broke skin...I promised her I would never bite her again...after we had some issues. Besides I knew what would happen if I did bite her there."

I sank into the chair next to him, stunned.

He wanted to bite her neck.

Wanted to claim her as his. forever. even if they only had a few years together, "oh god Kaden I'm-"

He offered me a weak smile, "Its been getting easier to control the desire to do so though. Just hard sometimes when she does something I find particularly endearing." He gave a sort of humorous laugh, "So practically all the time I would suppose then."

I wanted to cry for him. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to feel that way and unable to do anything, "...has it really gotten better?"

He nodded, "just hard not to when we are," He glanced at me, "...together. And sometimes when she's curled up with me...I can keep it in check though its okay."

This was so not okay. Callas in tears over Kadens stupidity and Kadens practically killing himself because he's not fully able to express just how much he loves her in the only way our race knows how.

They are so fucked up.

I nodded a bit, "okay..I may punch you again later but first I'm going to help you fix this fuck up."

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