Ch 51: Hypothetically

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A/N: I did some statistics and did you know I get at least 12 complaints as to my update lengths every chapter? wether it be PM or a comment you bitches complain. what the actual fuck? I'll make you a deal. I'll switch to longer chapters but you only get one update a week because as i have said A MILLION FREAKING TIMES! I. AM. A. BUSY. PERSON. I HAVE A LIFE AND IM DOING A LOT OF SHIT RIGHT NOW I BARLEY HAVE TIME FOR THE UPDATES I DO FOR YOU GUYS AS OF NOW! so since I'm getting sick of it let me know which you want yeah and after the voting is done STFU.




Calla POV:

as I lie on Gwens bed, surround by chocolate wrappers, I tried to stop the tears staining my cheeks.

I managed to stop the dying whale sobs but not the tears.

Seeing him there with that stupid bitch on his lap hurt, realizing her lips were firmly planted on his angered me, but when I realized he was kissing her back I died inside.

I knew they had slept together before.

I had an inkling that she was his first.

But...I thought I was his future.

How stupid could I have been? I'm some poor human street rat and he's a lord. The kings son, even if illegitimate. A vampiric lord, a handsome one who could have whatever hot vampiric woman he wanted.

I'm just a pet.

He's my master.

There was no way he could really have wanted me. all of those sweet nothings and stolen kisses...probably meant nothing to him.

The thought made me feel as if I was drowning from the inside.

I know I'm just some undocumented little human, and I'm a bit crude, and a little rude but what did I do wrong?

Was I not pretty enough?

Did I not give him enough attention?

Was I bad in bed?

Did he just get bored of me?

Was it too much all of the sneaking around and he wanted someone who he didn't have to sneak around with.

Someone who wouldn't grow old and lose the gem like beauty of youth.

Someone he could marry.

Someone he could bring to all those fancy parties without the need of a collar.

Someone who could have his child and start a family with.

Hatred burned deep within me. I hated Angelica more than I have ever hated anyone or anything in that moment.

I hated her because she was such a horrible person and she could have everything. I hated her because she could give him all the things I knew he wanted, all the things I couldn't even dream of giving him.

I despised her because she could give him anything and everything while I could only give him my heart.

My small, human, heart.

I wished I'd never met her. I wished she would have just left after the ball leaving me and Kaden by ourselves.

I wish she didn't have that stupid vampiric grace while I practically tumbled from bed every morning. I wish she had a heartbeat so she could feel the same ache I feel right now.

And so I could stop it.

I wish she had a beating heart so I could shove a knife through it and make her realize how I felt.

I felt dead.

A feeling she wouldn't understand because she had never been alive.

I was brought from my depressed wonderings by a knock at the door, sighing I mumbled, "come in."

I had expected Gwen but instead to the curly haired woman I was shocked to see a very curious prince. "It is time for dinner Calla."

I gestured to the chocolate around me, trying to gain my composure, "already ate."

He held a plate up, "I didn't expect you to want to come down. Most people tend to dislike facing the person who broke their heart."

My head snapped to him in shock before his words from much earlier sunk into my mind;

"...she's a slag and he is a git. nothing to cry about lily child."

He placed the plate on the nightstand and answered the question written across my face, "you two hide it well. but I am very observant and believe it or not, I know my brother well."

I looked away, "I don't know what your talking about."

He hummed a bit, "You do, but for your sanity I'll pretend this is all hypothetical lily child. Hypothetically, You became my elder brothers pet and somehow ended up his highly illegal lover. And more than that you started to fall in love with him and if the way he acts hypothetically he has loved you for a while. And one day something happened that distracted the bastard into getting intoxicated and a little slag took it as an opportunity. Then somewhere in his daft mind he thought kissing her back was a good idea, you walk in and that leads us to here." he gave a pause, "Hypothetically of course."

I sniffled, unsure what to do.

And I didn't have Kaden to help me.

"And...hypothetically what would the prince who hypothetically figured all that out do?"

It was silent for a very long moment, so long it nearly killed me, "He would look the other direction and bring the hypothetical girl some food because even he knows only arseholes make things worse for crying girls."

"...and after the hypothetical girl stopped crying."

Another long silence, "Hypothetically the prince knows she won't. She's heartbroken and destroyed."

I let out a small sob from the seriousness in his words, "I-I don't know what to do." I hiccuped, "Hypothetically."

He sat on the bed next to me, "I would suggest either trying to talk it out or going away for a little while."

I tugged at my collar in disgust, I couldn't leave even if I wanted to.

He seemed to understand, "Hypothetically the prince could try to get the idiot to find a good pet sitter for a while."

I looked at him wide eyed.

He shrugged, "As you have said I have the same strange ailment as my brother; a love for the strange and the brave. You're a nice girl lily child, I still think your a bit of a tart, but a nice girl."

I nodded a bit, "thank you."

He nodded, "besides a tart is much more pleasant than a slag."

I didn't quite understand what he said but I think it was in my favor so I offered a week smile.

He told me to eat and left the room again.

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