Ch 79: The Best Way to Kill a Mood.

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A/N: okay some of you seem to be confused about something. which is shocking because its been mentioned several times in the book: HALF VAMPIRES ARE IMPOSSIBLE THEREFOR KADEN IS NOT HALF. I have zero clue where some of you got that from but figured I should clear the air with that. Sorry you went 78 chapters thinking that without my knowing >< would have corrected it sooner had I known.

Oh and yesterday was crazy, had to mute some girl because she flipped out on a bunch of you and started spewing crap, those of you involved I am terribly sorry her bitchy ass disturbed your day. I was also accused of plagiarism by some moron who had only been on here for a day; claiming TVP was just like a story she read a few years ago. 

When asked to give the title of the other story she/he conveniently forgot because it was so long ago but somehow managed to magically 'remember' that it was exactly like my story.

Needless to say I muted her too. 

Fuck I love that mute button I can just be all like "YUP THIS PERSON SUCKS MUTE BUTTON ACTIVATE!"

I'm considering marrying it actually because I'm single as fuck and it understands me needs RELLY REALLY well. ;P

 I am just so not in the mood for bullshit because frankly having to deal with that on my last day with my best friend sucked gorilla balls.

anyways thanks the weekly morons for the later update. 


Calla POV:

"So..let me get this straight you want to lure in doctor whats his nuts by telling him that he can experiment on me and prove his work not crazy?"

Karen practically growled, "this is ridiculous."

Aldric rubbed his temples sort of, "The man is an ego maniac, if given the opportunity to prove himself better than everyone else he will. We are simply going tom make him believe we are giving him this chance. She may have to smile and keep her mouth shut but it should work."

I ignored the jab in my direction, "...and then you want to stage it as a mad mans escape and kidnapping of the first human he so happened to find, me apparently?"

"I'm telling you this is ridiculous."

It was a silent yet mutual agreement to ignore Kaden's opinion as of now.

The prince nodded, "yes."

"...and you think once I'm all vampire and accidentally found no one will kill me?"

Kaden gestured to his brother, "that is a valid point brother how in the bloody hell do you expect to keep everyone from chopping off her head anyways?!"

"A little acting on Callas part, the public eye, and the law."

Kaden and I spared a glance, "huh?"

Aldrics smile turned sly. "Well...before our society had worked out all its kinks, a law was made in order to protect humans who were forced into the changes, forbidding us to kill them as punishment so-"

"Calla is a pet in the eyes of the law not a person Aldric."

Glaring at his older brother Aldric nodded, "you have seen the  bloody woman naked, some artfully done ensemble and tears conveniently caught by the press should stir the pot at least a bit. You know how our kind loves pretty things. Anyways, after some convincing sobbing and a little bit of fear filled groveling on her faux traumatized part seen by the public we throw in some support from her kind kind master and an accidental mention of the law, vampires everywhere will be eager to put an end to something so tragic and desire the pretty little blonde to be spared of a judgment for a matter in which she had no choice."

The Vampire's PetNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ