Ch 42: Three Days Time

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A/N: Hi. short chapters I know this story is full of them but uh hey my life is full of things beside wattpad. Its a big transitional period for me on top of that soooo do this author a solid and SHHHHHH be happy I try my best to update every day yea? not many (none that I have seen ) wattpad authors do that. Oh and fyi this chapters suuuuuppppeeeer short ;)


Kaden POV:

I stared at the papers in my hand

Dear Brother,

 Rumors have been spreading amongst society about you having obtained a new pet.

 Father and I were surprised to say the very least. We have yet to hear from you in years much less seen you and the last time I have personally been with you, you still had that nasty habit of doing the opposite of what you should. Father believes this is perhaps a sign that you are finally beginning to understand that tainted blood or not you should do your best to represent the bloodline as well as the vampiric race...

I glared at the page, knowing full well things would only get worse.

I have read the damn letter three times and still had no clue as to what should be done.

 I am glad to hear from most that you are doing well, and the annual ball went over spectacularly. Again many kind words to do with that pet of yours.

 A blonde I hear, a pretty little thing. A man I know well that had moved to America not to long ago commented on just how pretty she looked in her gown, how sweet and docile she was.

 I could barely believe my ears when he had told me of her gentile and obedient nature. to be honest I had always thought that if you were to ever get a pet she would be a wild little beast.

I took a long drink of my scotch. Damn bastard knew me better than I thought.

 Perhaps I should apologize for thinking such.

 Intrigued I had of course listened in about your new little pet...Calla I believe her name was? He had assured me she was a beautiful as her name. So much in fact his pet asked him a favor for the first time. His pet wanted the opportunity to possibly procreate with the girl.

 It was odd considering how quite the mans pet is...that is beside the point. Both father and I are happy to hear that you are doing well, he of course has a hard time believing it. I must admit I have had my doubts as well. But not a bad rumor to be heard about that darling little girl of yours. Everyone seems to be quite smitten with her.

Sweet and docile, welcoming and loving. A pet any man would be lucky to possess. I do believe even father was a bit envious hearing nothing but wonderful things about her.

About her unusually light hair, eyes blue as the sky, and rare blood...Just rumors I suppose though. You know how rumors can be, half-truths and exaggerations.

I rolled my eyes, all rumors were like that, none were more than half-true more than most were less than that.

Therefor in the light that we have not seen one another in so long and that you seem to have finally grown into a proper vampire. I thought It might be best for me to congratulate you in person.

and meet that little pet of yours of course. Make sure she really is what a proper lord should have.

father has agreed and I shall be there in three days time.


Your brother. Prince Aldric.

I stared at my brothers scrawl before snatching the envelop from the bedside once more. It was dated for two days ago.

I needed to figure out what do do and quickly, my brother was no fool and if he caught onto even the slightest hint of something other than perfection my father would know, and all would go to hell.

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