Ch 53: I Would Wait Forever

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A/N: Hi guys! you like Aldric now? heh. How do you think Kaden will react to finding out his little brother is gay? How do you feel about it? so many questions~ heh so little time...FUN FACT: France was still executing people by guillotine when Star Wars: A New Hope hit theatres.

Weird right? I mean I guess it saves money france way to love tradition.


Calla POV:

I looked between the two brothers, Kaden was still holding my hand in both of his but was no longer on his knees.

...I figured he knew that his brother way gay.


"...Kaden, you didn't know?"

Aldirc looked a sickly white, " one knows! how the bloody hell did you...when did you..."

I bit my lip, "Well you just seem even did my nails...really really well might I add."

They two brothers gazed at my perfect glitter french tips.

Kaden stared a little longer, "...they're..sparkly."

Aldric looked absolutely humiliated. "That doesn't mean I'm gay!"

" gave me baking tips and agreed with me when I pointed out some actor was hot."

The room was dead silent.

Aldric's brows furrowed, "...I did?"

"you did."

Surprisingly he looked over to Kaden, a worried look in his eyes, "Brother..."

Kaden looked at my hands for a moment longer, playing with my fingers, "It seems to be father is going to left without any other gentlemen of proper blood."

I snorted a bit before bursting into laughter, "oh my god! that fuckface Mr. 'all must be perfect.' has one illegitimate son who plays hanky panky with his pet while the other is gay! Karma is a mother fucking bitch!" I continued to laugh, clutching onto Kaden so I wouldn't collapse, "...can you imagine his face if he found out?! you know the one before he tried murdering you both?!"

Through blurry eyes I watched both brothers lips quirk into a smile, Kaden giving off a light chuckle.

Calming down I smiled at the prince, "so you know if you breath a word of my affair I'm shoving you out of the closet right?"

His eyes widened, "I am fully aware."

I gave a thumbs up and pulled away from Kaden...I still needed to decide what I wanted to do.

He had promised me he would do anything and I know he didn't sleep with her but...I still felt betrayed.

His face dropped the moment I pulled away.

Aldric looked away awkwardly sensing the change in mood.

Kaden glanced at him before looking at me, "Calla.."

I bit my lip and refused to meet his eyes.

"Please baby look at me."

I felt tears spring up at the word baby, heard the door clicking shut softly as Aldric decided to give us some privacy .

Kaden cupped my face in his hands the moment I glanced at him, "I'll tell her to pack her bags that she's laving in the morning. You can even come with if you need to do so. Please Calla I need you like you need air."

I smiled a bit at that.

"I hate myself for what I did, You deserve better but god I selfishly hope your stupid enough to think you can't do better. I want to be with you and only you, I want to make you smile that crazy grin of yours and listen to your laughter every day. I want to wake up to the feeling of your skin pressed against mine and your hair across my chest."

My heart swelled at all the things he's said today, at the desperate, pained, yet loving look in his eyes, at the sincerity in his voice.

...But I just wasn't sure.

I didn't trust myself enough to just forgive him. I couldn't trust that I wouldn't become insecure every time his lips touched mine.

I knew I would ask myself if he ever compared me to her.

I knew I would compare myself to her.

It was painful being envious of that slut but I couldn't help it. Whore or not Angelica was beautiful. even I could admit that.

"...Why did you kiss her? or kiss her back or whatever."

He looked away, guilt splashed over his face.

My heart dropped, he said he didn't want her but..."Kaden?"

He looked up at me sadly, "You wouldn't believe me."

"tell me anyways."

His voice was quite and filled with pain, "I was thinking of you...Thinking about what it would be like if it was you I could marry..have children you off to the world not as my pet but as my wife...I got caught up in my own selfish fantasy and..."

He was right. It was incredibly hard to believe. And I wouldn't have if I didn't see the tears in his eyes or the self loathing so clearly written across his face.

I felt tears fall from my lashes, "I'm sorry Kaden."

He looked at me wide eyed and confused, "I'm sorry I can't give you all of that. I want to. I-I don't really know what love is but I think I love you and I want to give you everything but I can't...I can't give you anything but my stupid heart no matter how badly I want to I'm sorry.." I broke off into hiccuping sobs.

Kaden pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around me, "don't be sorry love. you have no reason to be sorry, your heart and your love are not stupid. They are the most valuable thing you could ever give anyone. I should never have even begun to think for more, It was selfish."

I sniffled, "why can't things be easier?"

He stroked my hair gently and kissed the top of my head, "We will figure it out Calla...if you will still have me."

My whole hear ached to say yes but somewhere in my mind I thought it was best if we separated, I didn't know what to do.

Kaden must have sensed this because his knuckles brushed across my cheek, "you do not need to decide now."

I nodded, "give me a few days."

offering a smile that was mixed with both sadness and joy he kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear, "I would wait forever for you my beautiful little Calla Lily."

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