Chapter One- In the rain.

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(I do not own the rights to images in this story. This story also has no bearing on the real lives of anyone pictured in this story. No character changes will be made.)

A/N- This is a redo from a locked-out account. If you've read the previous version, some characters may change due to not finding the same photo or not matching the character I originally had in mind. Names may also change based on how I need them to be. They will also change if I can no longer find who I had initially.

This story will have errors. It is a HUGE story chapter-wise. I have tried to check it thoroughly before and after sending it to the editor.


I have been asked a lot lately about my ideas for my stories. It's also been assumed that every story I write I have lived through. Let me clear come of this up.

I have never lived any parts of any of my stories. Ugly is the closest thing, and I was an outsider in that whole situation until I was asked to write it.

I do want to throw out there that I am very happily married and have been for thirteen years. BEFORE my husband, I was with my high school sweetheart for seven years. Just because I write DOES NOT mean I have lived it.


This story may be controversial. If you are easily offended, please stop reading now.

I initially created this story on a different account that I lost access to. I started again on a second account and lost access to that one as well. This is my favorite story that I have written, and I wanted to continue it and complete it. It may be slightly different than the original version as I have new information.

I now have permission to admit that this story is based on the real-life of someone I grew up with. This is based on the life of my friend Joe and his wife, Renee. Joe gave me permission to write it. I started writing but Joe wanted it kept as "fiction." MOST of this story is true. Locations have been changed to protect their identities. Meaning every state mentioned in this story is NOT where they are or where things happened.

If you have read the original version, please note some things have changed. Now that I am allowed to admit this is based on real-life events, I have changed some things to match their real life. 


(A/N- I did screenshot pictures from the original story throughout this version. This story means a lot to me. When I wrote it I chose these people based on the real people. I did not want to change them.)


~Holly's point of view~

My name is Holly Mitchell. I am sixteen years old; I ran away from my foster home five months ago. I've been living on the streets of busy downtown Nashville, Tennessee. I've been physically, mentally, and sexually abused by my foster family. It started at the age of twelve.

I spend my days in the library reading any and everything I can get my hands on. At night I sleep in a quiet alleyway. I don't panhandle or bother anyone. I stay to myself. I carry a duffel bag with my clothes and my safe in it. This bag goes everywhere with me.

The last clock I saw said 2:02 am. I've made myself comfortable, and I've fallen asleep. I don't know how long I've been sleeping. I do know it's been hours.

I feel someone touching me, shaking me. My eyes were barely open.

Reed: "Hey, wake up."

Holly: "Hmm......who are you?"

Reed: "I own and work in the building you're leaned up against."

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