Chapter Six- Heartstrings.

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~Holly's point of view~

We've been here in the Virgin Islands for three days. The first day all I did was explore. This place is so big that there are still rooms I haven't seen. Reed does keep the place fully staffed. That's how I met Maria. I've been expecting someone to barge in the bathroom and wipe my ass for me. In the three days we've been here, I've seen a different side of Reed.

I can see the spoiled, arrogant rich kid. Here he's demanding and a bit controlling. Here he gives orders. I understand why it's just different for me to see. It hasn't changed the way I feel. I still love him more than ever. I just have to learn to love ALL of him. Good and Bad.

Reed: "Babe..."

Reed: "Babe..."

Reed: "Holly..."

Reed: "HOLLY!"

I jump. He scared the shit out of me.

Holly: "What?"

Reed: "Since the day I met you, you wander off to Holly land. I'm afraid one day you might not come back."

Holly: "I'm sorry. It's very peaceful and calm here."

I'm sitting on a blanket, looking out at the beach. Reed really does have his own island.

Yesterday I walked from one end to the other. Reed has given me my space here. He's not avoiding me; I've been avoiding him for several reasons.

Reed: "This right here is the reason I bought this place."

Holly: "Right now, I'm thankful you did."

Reed: "Can we talk, Holly?"

Holly: "Yes."

He sits on the blanket next to me.

Reed: "Are we ok?"

Holly: "What do you mean, Reed?"

Reed: "We've been here for three and a half days. The only time I see you is when we're in bed. You don't really seem interested in being anywhere close to me otherwise."

Holly: "I've been exploring and hanging out with Maria."

Maria is Roberto's seventeen-year-old daughter. His whole family is the staff here.

Reed: "She's a good kid."

Holly: "I like her."

We sit in very awkward and uncomfortable silence. It's the first time.

Reed: "I love you, Holly."

Holly: "I love you too."

Reed: "Care to share what's been on your mind?"

Holly: "Everything Reed. Everything has been on my mind."

Reed: "I can tell that just by the little I have seen you. I can see something is a bit off."

Holly: "In the four weeks I've known you, my whole life has changed drastically."

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