Chapter Twelve- Good & Evil.

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~Reed's point of view~

It's been three weeks since dinner with my family. That dinner turned into an every Friday thing. Deena has pretty much moved in, and my parents love her just as much as they do, Holly. I don't mind it. Tyler loves her, and so does Holly. I'm in my office working on Boondock's when Holly comes in. She didn't knock, and that was odd. She stopped throwing up after that weekend. Now she's either super horny or super tired. She about to miss her second period, but she refuses to see a doctor.

Reed: "Hey Babe."

Holly: "Hey."

Reed: "Are you ok?"

Her skin is naturally pale. She's paler than usual.

Holly: "Yeah, I'm fine. Are you busy?"

Reed: "I'm never too busy for you. What's up?"

Holly: "I think we need to see a doctor."

Finally, I know that she's pregnant. She needed time to adjust. She was never allowed to get this far before.

Reed: "Ok. Thea works at my doctor's office down the street. Do you want me to call her?"

Holly: "Please."

Reed: "Babe, you know what's happening, right?"

Holly: "Yes."

Reed: "Are you ok with that?"

Holly: "I am now. I needed time to process it."

Reed: "I know that you did."

Holly: "It's probably still too early to go to the doctor."

Reed: "It's been six weeks Babe."

Holly: "I just don't remember the others feeling like this. This is different."

Reed: "Each one is different. You may have never been this far before."

Holly: "Maybe so. I'm glad the nausea is gone. I struggle with being so tired."

Reed: "It's a good thing that you have Dee and me. We can help you. Chey will be home soon too."

Holly: "I know."

I call Thea at the office.

~Phone Call~

Thea: "Thank you for calling KDT Medical Center. This is Thea. How can I help you today?"

Reed: "Hey Thea, it's Reed. Do you say that every time you answer the phone?"

She laughs.

Thea: "Of course, I do. Are you sick?"

Reed: "No. Holly is."

Thea: "Is she ok? I knew she didn't look good when I saw her Sunday."

Reed: "We're pretty sure she's pregnant. It's been difficult for her."

Thea: "Awwww, I thought so, though. I could tell. I was concerned about her riding. Can you guys come in at two?"

Reed: "We will be there."

~End conversation~

I look at Holly. She looks terrible; I feel really bad for her.

Holly: "Reed, if I still feel like this, I probably shouldn't go with you to the Governor's daughter's wedding."

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