Chapter Ten- Family drama.

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~Holly's point of view~

I wake up before anyone else the next morning. I got up, showered, and got dressed. I went to the kitchen. I do what I always do; I prepare to feed everyone. I'm in the kitchen going through cabinets when Tyler comes out of his room.

Tyler: "Morning, Lil Bit."

Holly: "Good morning. How'd you sleep?"

Tyler: "Not bad, actually. It wasn't that bad."

Holly: "Liar."

Tyler: "Ok. It was shit. I have to get a new bed today."

Holly: "That's better. Lies don't work well around here, Jolly."

Tyler: "Jolly?"

Holly: "As in green giant."

Tyler: "Haha, someone has jokes."

Holly: "Reed is at least a foot taller than me. You're taller than him. If you get to call me Lil Bit, you're getting called Jolly."

Tyler: "That's fine. I'll never call you your name. If I do pay attention, it's serious."

Holly: "Yes, master."

Tyler: "I'm being serious, Lil Bit. I did my research last night on your foster parents. I'm here for a reason."

I can tell by the look on his face that he knows how truly evil they are. I'm glad he's here; being married to someone famous means our pictures will be taken at some point.

Holly: "I know."

Tyler: "You grew up in Martinsburg?"

Holly: "I did."

Tyler: "I was left at a firehouse in Winchester. My adopted Dad has video of the women leaving me."

Holly: "Really?"

Tyler: "Yes."

Holly: "Have you ever tried to find her?"

Tyler: "She died. She and my biological Dad both overdosed in Martinsburg."

Holly: "I'm so sorry. My parents died the same way."

Tyler: "I've read that town is riddled with that shit."

Holly: "It is."

Tyler: "Crazy how I'm the one that was sent for you, and we are from the same place essentially."

Holly: "Do you know if you have siblings?"

Tyler: "I know for sure I have one. I don't know if it's a boy or girl. The records I found say that there was an unidentified minor living in the home."

Holly: "Do you know if it would be a full or half-sibling?"

Tyler: "It would be a full sibling. My bio parents were together from a very young age. They got pregnant with me super young. I'd say my sibling would probably be about your age."

Holly: "We should look into it together. I'd love to know if I had siblings. I get the feeling that I'm not the only one."

Tyler: "I can certainly find out. I would suggest waiting until your situation is under control. Your last name may change, but all those court documents are in your maiden name."

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