Chapter 2 | Quit Pulling My Hair, That's Cheating

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"You have to fight through some bad days
to earn the best days of your life"

"What is this?" Travis asks, holding up a piece of mystery meat from the cafeteria. It's currently Thursday and I can't wait for this week to be over. I'm just about as done as Travis is with his meat.

"Your guess is as good as the next chico." Sierra said, pushing away the tray from her in disgust.

"Y'all are being dramatic, it's not that bad." Austin says shoveling the slop into his mouth.

"You sound like Joey in that Friends episode when Rachel made that disgusting dessert and they were all suffering through it, but Joey was like, in love with it." Kara points out, making everyone laugh.

I zone out of the conversation, thinking about how tiring this week was. I forgot how much work it was to get up and go to school everyday. Added to that, seeing Bridgett twice a day wasn't making matters any better.

Not only is she flaunting to the entire student body that she's dating the Mason Jones but she won't let up at practice. Constantly going against what I'm saying acting like she is still the cheer captain.

It's so hard to see them together, everywhere around the school, but especially when I'm alone in Government. I let out a sigh. It hasn't even been a week.

"-mma. Earth to Emma!" Jake says, pulling me out of my thoughts by snapping his fingers in front of my face.

I look up and I'm met with his concerning gaze.

Uh oh, here we go.

"Hey what're you thinking about? You okay?" He asks worriedly.

"Jake, I'm fine, relax." I say in a firm voice.

We have a stare down, something we do when we're irritated with each other.

"Hey no twin telepathy conversations over there without us." Dwight calls out to us, getting our attention. 

"Jealous much?" Jake says, forcing a smile on his face.

"Can y'all shut up and focus on how bad our food is? What are we gonna eat?" Chase sighs, staring longingly at the food that's piled in the middle of the table.

"Guess we're gonna starve today." I say, eyeing my food sadly.

"Speak for yourself. Chase, take me to Chick-Fil-A after school?" Sierra asks him.

"Are you asking me or telling me?" Chase says, smiling at her.

"Whichever one will get me Chick-Fil-A." She shrugs. Chase shakes his head and gives Sierra a kiss on her forehead.

"Y'all are gross." I say, poking at my meat. Sierra sticks her tongue out at me, making us all laugh.

The bell rings and Austin suddenly jumps out of his seat in a hurry. I raise an eyebrow at his eagerness.

"Where are you going in such a rush? It's literally Biology." I ask him, confused.

"I'm trying to get a seat beside Hailey." He says as he quickly walks away from our table.

"You mean Bailey!" Travis yells after him. Austin just flips him off rushing through the cafeteria doors.

I shake my head at their antics and go to follow Travis, just as Jake taps my shoulder. I turn around to see what he wants, and I'm met with the look.

'We'll talk later.' he mouths.

'Whatever' I mouth back before turning around and leaving to go to Biology.

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