Chapter 3 | I Believe She Said She Was "Channelling Her Anger"

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"We cannot become what we
want by remaining what we are"

"That was awesome!" Sierra says to me and Kara after the pep rally. Tonight is the first football game of the season and everyone is pumped up for it.

"I know, it was fun." I say, giving her a smile as we walk to the locker room.

Apparently last year, the gang decided to go out to eat every time we have a home game because we always have a long time between the end of school and game time. This is my first time going with them because I didn't really participate in anything school related last year.

"Are you excited for the game tonight?" Kara asks me.

"You guys kinda have to're cheerleaders." Sierra says pointing out the obvious.

"Shut up." Kara says, laughing along with the rest of us.

"Meet outside in five minutes?" I ask as we get into the locker room to change out of our pep rally uniforms.

"Sounds good to me." Sierra says, turning to the section that the dance team has in the locker room.

Sierra is the dance team captain and she's honestly so talented. She's been dancing since she was able to practically walk and has won so many dance competitions. Add her personality into it and it makes for the perfect dance team captain. 

"¡Muy bien señoras! I want the same energy we had today, tonight!" Her team cheered and hollered back at her. I laugh at their contagious energy and shake my head, walking towards the cheerleader section of the locker room.

I quickly change into the sweats and cheer t-shirt that we have to wear on game days before grabbing my keys and finding Kara.

"You ready girl?" I ask her as she's taking apart her cheer bag.

"Uh...I can't find my wallet." She tells me, not looking at me.

"Girl, you would lose your head if it wasn't attached." I tell her, shaking my head.

"Shut up and just help me look for it." She tells me, causing me to laugh.

I check her backpack, literally finding it right on top.

"Kara?" I say, waving the wallet in the air.

"What the--where was it?!" She asks me, grabbing it from me.

"Inside your backpack." I say, laughing at her.

As soon as we walk outside to our cars, we hear a loud noise or should I say scream, and are met with an interesting scene.

"You cheated!" Austin yells. Travis has Austin in a headlock position near the ground. Chase, Dwight and Jake were talking as if nothing was happening.

"Are you three even gonna help a brother out?" Austin exclaims, and I laugh out loud when Dwight gives him a side glance before continuing on with his conversation.

"Travis release him." Kara says, slapping Travis's arm lightly.

"Anyways, who's riding with me?" Jake asks, completely ignoring Travis and Austin.

"I'm riding with Emma." Travis says, finally letting go of Austin's head.

"Wait! No I want to!" Austin says, sticking out his lip in a pout.

"Austin, my car has four seats." I grin, ruffling his hair like a little kid.

"Oh yeah!" Austin says, excitedly.

"Does anyone want to ride with me?" Jake asks again.

"I will." Kara says, smiling. I give a side look and she covers her blush with a cough as I subtly nudge her towards Jake's direction.

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