Chapter 15 | Just Kill Him Now

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"Some people make your laugh a little louder. Your smile a little brighter. And your life a little better."

"Jacob Grant Richardson! Put me down right now!" Kara screeches the next day.

I laugh as Jake takes a running leap off the dock with Kara slung over his shoulder.

All you hear is a loud shriek before a loud splash.

"She's actually gonna kill him." Alex acknowledges and I laugh.

"Lets pray for the fallen." Austin says, looking down at the ground.

Alex laughs next to me, tightening his arm around me.

"Although that does look fun..." Austin starts. I don't have enough time to react before Austin scoops me up into his arms. My heart almost lurches out of my heart as he starts running towards the lake.

"Austin I swear if yo-" I didn't get a chance to finish the threat before he threw me into the lake as well.

The warm Texas water submerges my body for a few moments before I come back up sputtering.

"Austin Levi Miller! I am going to kill you!" I yell, swimming towards the dock. All he does is laugh and I look over at Alex to see him laughing too.

I'm going to kill both of them.

I hoist myself up on the dock before taking off running in Austin's direction, causing him to take off running as well. Compared to the football players around me, I'm not considered as fast, but I definitely can tackle someone.

As soon as I catch up to Austin, I jump and we both go down, Austin letting out an 'oomph' sound.

"Damn Em, you should've been drafted for the team..." He pouts, rubbing his shoulder.

I dust myself off, proud of my achievement, and walk back to Alex. I think he expects me to walk back into his arms, since he has his arms widespread, but instead I hit him on his shoulder.

"Ow! Damn girl!" He says, rubbing his shoulder as well.

"That was for not doing anything about that whole situation." I say sassily, walking straight past him to Sierra and Chase. They were lounging around on the picnic table that was outside right next to Travis who was sunbathing.

"Hey chica, is Austin dead yet?" She asks, nodding behind me at Austin still on the ground.

"Not yet." I say smiling.

"Pity." She says, rolling her eyes playfully.

I plop down next to them, letting out a content sigh. This break has been just what I needed, minus yesterday's events. I was half expecting Alex to sneak into my room last night, but much to my disappointment he didn't.

He's probably just trying to be a gentleman after all that was revealed and all that happened yesterday. I wouldn't have minded cuddling with him though.

What a shame.

"Hey girly." Kara says, sitting next to me, bumping my shoulder.

"Hey." I respond, smiling. The smile falters a little bit as I realize she and Jake sort of disappeared during that whole situation. "Where did you go?"

Her smile gives it away and I realize her hair looks a little messed up, more so than just getting thrown in the lake.

"Ew! Gross." I say, trying to get the image of my best friend and my brother having sex out of my head.

"Espera un minuto...he threw you into the lake and you rewarded him with sex?" Sierra says incredulously.

"Sierra would've annihilated me." Chase mutters.

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