Chapter 27 | Why Am I Related To That?

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"There's a past version of you 

that's so proud of how far 

you've come" 


Trigger Warning: some parts of this chapter may be triggering for some readers. We have marked the part with **** at the beginning and end. Please read at your own risk. 

"Emma get your lazy ass up!" Jake yells, bursting into my room.

I hug my pillow closer to flip him off with the other hand.

"Go away." I mumble, trying to fall back into sleep.

"You only have thirty minutes to get ready and get to school." Jake says as he leaves my room, and I sigh. I lay in the same position for another five minutes before groaning and flipping the covers off me to get up.

Why do we have to go to school? Do we honestly even need the stuff we're learning? Like when am I going to need algebra in the real world? 

Shielding my eyes from the light in the bathroom, I start my routine of washing my face and brushing my teeth.  

Since I'm running late, I don't really have time to do anything fancy with my hair, so I just throw it up into a messy bun and add a little bit of makeup so that it doesn't look like I just dragged myself out of bed.

After I'm finished, I head back into my room where I throw on a pair of leggings, a black tank top, and a gray cardigan, completing the outfit with a pair of sandals. 

"Girl what are you doing? We have like ten minutes until school starts. Let's go!" Kara yells, as she bursts in.

"Why are you still here then?" I ask grumpily. 

I'm not really a morning person, if you couldn't tell.

"Not important, let's go!" She says, dragging me out of my room. 

Even though she tries to drag me further from the kitchen, I yank my arm out and walk in to get my sweet tea. 

"Seriously?" Kara asks me. 

"What? I need this for my sanity, and besides we're already late. Taking two extra minutes won't do anything." I say, rolling my eyes. 

"What are you even doing here still?" I ask her, raising an eyebrow. 

"I was on the phone with my "dad"" She says, using air quotes and rolling her eyes. 

"Yikes, what did he want?" I ask her, grabbing my glass as we walk to my car. 

"Just wanted to let me know he's leaving again." She says, sighing. 

I feel so bad for Kara and what she has to go through with her parents. They should be there for her, loving her, but instead they leave every chance they get. 

"I'm sorry." I say, placing a hand on her shoulder. 

"It's fine, now hurry up before we're even later than we already are." She says, playfully shoving my shoulder. 

"I swear you and my brother love annoying me in the mornings." I mutter, trying to hold back my yawn as I get in my car. 

"You secretly love it, don't lie to yourself." She says with a sly grin. I roll my eyes at her but smile anyways, backing out of my driveway. 

It doesn't take too long until we're at school. I quickly park and we hop out, basically having to run to our lockers.

"Shit! That's the warning bell, I'll see you later Em." Kara says quickly, giving me a hug. I return it and start to rush to English.

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