Chapter 34 | Life's Funny Isn't It?

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"A lot can happen in a year"

Two Months Later

"You can't make me!"

"Austin you're causing a huge fucking scene! It's our last final!"

I'm standing beside Dwight in the school's parking lot and sigh, watching Travis as he tries to drag Austin out of his truck.

"He's such a child." Dwight says, a small smile coming onto his face.

"Child is an understatement." I say with amusement as I watch the scene unfold before me.

It's been two months since the trial, and since Mason went to jail. I wish that I could say people at school stopped treating me like crap, but the sad reality is that most people still believe Mason.

However, I literally don't give a shit anymore.

I know the truth and so did the people in the jury. He's locked up, that's all that matters.

The rest of the school year seemed to fly by as we are now about to walk into the high school for the last time, to take our last final.

Austin wasn't this ridiculous the whole week, but I think he's just burnt out now. He's one of the smartest guys I know, so it's not that. He just doesn't want to take another final.

Not that I blame him.

"Fine, but I want it to go on record that I resisted." Austin says as Travis finally pulls him out of the truck.

"Whatever the fuck lets you sleep at night." Travis mutters, rolling his eyes and slamming Austin's truck door shut.

"Easy! Be gentle." Austin says, but quickly shuts up when Travis throws him a glare.

"Come on Austin let's go." I say looping my arm around his with a smile.

"Did you finally get the pequeña mierda?" Sierra says and Chase chokes out a laugh beside her.

"Yeah, he was dramatic as usual." Travis mutters under his breath.

"I heard that!" Austin says, shooting a glare at him.

"You ready for the history final?" I ask Chase, changing the subject.

"Not even close. Someone wouldn't let me study last night." Chase says, smirking at Sierra who just rolls her eyes causing us to laugh.

Chase and I's friendship was a little rocky after the trial. He still felt incredibly guilty and would avoid me. That was right up until Sierra had enough and knocked some sense into him. We ended up talking and Chase finally forgave himself. It didn't take long for us to go back to normal.

"Don't make it seem like something great. I was nervous about my mom's sperm donor being here." She says, hitting his shoulder.

"Ew. Why is Nicohoe here?" I ask in disgust.

Sierra chuckles at my dig at her dad and shrugs. "He wanted to see me graduate or some bullshit like that. He's probably only here for Mateo as usual."

Chase wraps an arm around her and pulls her close, kissing the side of her head.

"Just say the word and I'll kick his ass." He tells her and she laughs.

"I know." She says, smiling gratefully.

The bell rings, signaling that school is about to begin.

"Okay, ready?" Kara asks from beside Jake.

We all walk into school together for the last time, and I couldn't be happier.


"Let's fucking leave this place bitches!" Sierra yells, throwing her papers in the air behind her as she comes towards me and Jake at our lockers.

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