Chapter 33 | Who Wants To Go Get Some Ice Cream?

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A/N: Read with caution as this is the trial and there will be triggers involved. Also, there's some surprises in here for y'all ;)

"Emma, we're going to be late." My mom calls from downstairs, and I sigh before taking a look in the mirror one more time to check my outfit.

Today marks one month of this trial and it's honestly been a whirlwind of emotions. We're a pretty small town and small towns love drama, so the press has been following this story since we went to trial.

Mason has been placed on house arrest for the trial, so that's been different from the last time as well. I have still had to go to school on the days that I'm not in trial, and it's been rough. About half of the school believes me, and the other half are calling me a liar and an attention whore.

Giving my testimony was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I really underestimated how hard it would be to recount that story in front of a courtroom full of strangers, with the one who did it sitting a few feet away.

And today, I'm getting called to the stand by Mason's lawyers, and I'm terrified. What if I screw up our chances of getting justice?

Mason is supposed to be sentenced at the end of court today, and it's so scary to think that he might not be punished again. He's already gotten off once, surely he can get off again right?

I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders, startling me out of my thoughts.

"Try not to think too hard, sis." Jake says. He's wearing black khakis and a white button down shirt.

"That's probably the worst advice you've given me." I say with a weak grin, nudging his side playfully.

"Yeah, I know. I just don't know what to say to you. I know you're scared, and I can't promise that things are going to work out. But, we're all here for you and we all love you."

I just nod my head before clearing my throat and moving to grab my purse.

"We probably need to get going." I say quietly and he nods, following me out of my room.

I don't think I fully register the drive to the courthouse. I keep trying to rehearse my testimony in my head and every little detail that Sophie told us might be used to make me look bad today.

But as my family and I start to walk up the steps to the courthouse, I begin to feel sick to my stomach.

This is really happening.

"Hey mom, I'm going to the bathroom." I say, quickly walking away.

I stumble into the bathroom and stop in front of the mirrors. I throw some water on my face, and take a deep breath.

I try and do what Dr. Moore said I should when feeling overwhelmed and close my fists, releasing them with every deep breath I take.

When I feel a little bit of my tension release, I stare myself down in the mirror.

I can do this.

I am not alone.

Mustering up a smile for myself, I take another deep breath.

"Do this for you as well Emma. You owe it to yourself too."

With Dr. Moore's words in my head, I will myself to walk out of the bathroom doors, meeting up with my family.

My friends are here now, probably arriving when I was in the bathroom.

Austin is on crutches as he is still healing from the accident. Jake's arm is still healing, but it's now in a cast instead of a sling like it has been since he was released from the hospital.

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