Chapter 28 | Shows How Much Attention You Give Us

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"The trouble is
you think you have time"

"Good morning." The lady behind the front desk at Dr. Moore's office says as I walk into the building, sending me a smile.

I smile back at her and walk towards Dr. Moore's office.

"You can head on back." She tells me and I nod, opening the door.

"Good morning Emma." He says from his desk as I enter the room.

"Morning." I reply with a smile.

"So how have you been doing since the last time we talked?" He asks me after we've sat down.  

"I've honestly been better." I say with a nervous laugh.

"Oh? Care to elaborate?" He says, raising an eyebrow.

"I went to a party for the first time since the incident last night." I start, trying to push down my emotions. 

"That's great progress Emma. Was it fun?"

"Mason was there..." I say, starting to fidget. I try to slow down my heartbeat by breathing slowly.

I can do this.

"Take your time Emma." He says reassuringly.

I take one more deep breath and continue.

"I was stupid and went to the bathroom alone, and he cornered me." I rush out.

I pause slightly before continuing.

"He...he started to touch me inappropriately." I say, the lump in my throat growing bigger.

"And h-he was saying stuff."

"What type of stuff?" He asks softly, and I take a deep breath to get myself under control.

I recount the event again to him, and when I'm done, there's a steady stream of tears flowing down my face.

Dr. Moore hands me a Kleenex box, and I gladly accept it from him.

"I'm very proud of you Emma. You've come a long way from the girl I met over a year ago."

"My friends said something similar. Although I have a hard time believing them sometimes." I say through my tears.

"Why? Do you not see the difference? Between the person you are now and the person from back then?" He asks.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion and he continues.

"The girl I met over a year ago had just attempted to take her life and was struggling to find meaning in her life after losing so much at such a young age. The girl now has found meaning, has found a way to smile, has found a way to fight back."

"By kicking him in the balls?" I ask with a grin.

The atmosphere instantly lightens as he lets out a laugh.

"Precisely that." He says with a smile. "My point is that you have come so far, and you should be proud of yourself."

I smile a little at that, seeing it a little bit.

"So, I want you to do some deep thinking between now and our next session. I want you to give me a list of maybe five things about yourself that you think have changed between then and now.  " He says, and I sigh.

"Oh no. Dr. Moore, I'm good really."

"I just want you to try it out Emma. It might help more than you think."

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