Chapter 7 | Things Just Got A Thousand Times More Complicated

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"Years of love have been forgot
in the hatred of a minute"

"Hey guys, I forgot my book in my locker. I'll just meet you there." I tell Jake and Dwight, grabbing my bag.

It's been two weeks since my breakdown with Dwight. After our talk, Dwight came back home with me, trying to persuade me to talk to Jake about my thoughts. He didn't do so in a way where I felt like I had to, but rather so that I can get Jake's help too. So, I ended up pouring my heart out for the second time that day.

Jake was heartbroken when I told him I was feeling the way I was again. But, instead of freaking out on me like he usually does, he just hugged me tight and promised that he would be here for me no matter what. 

But, now I continue to have two bodyguards watching my every move, which was exactly what I was trying to avoid.

"Are you sure? Do you want one of us to come with you?" Jake asks me.

"I'm going to my locker, not into war. I'm sure I'll be fine." I say, giving a small smile to convince them. 

Leaving the cafeteria, I head to my locker to quickly grab my notebook. As I turn around, I slam into a body, my book crashing to the ground.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" A deep voice says, his muscular arms wrapped around my waist to steady me. I look up and I'm met with the bluest eyes.

"It was my fault." I mumble, quickly backing away, the touch of his hands still lingering on my waist.

This guy, whoever he is, has black hair and noticeably blue eyes. He towers over me, which just intimidates me more.

I watch on confused, as he picks up my book. "Nah I wasn't watching where I was going." He says, giving me a sheepish look.

I take my book and nod.

Is he new? I've never seen him before.

"I'm Alexander Thompson, but you can call me Alex." He tells me, giving me a smile.

"Emma." I respond.

"Nice, I'm new." He says, giving me his hand to shake.

I just kind of stare at it for a second before taking it and shaking it loosely. We haven't had someone new in Bear Creek High School for a long time.

"It's nice to meet you Alex, but I'm running late to class." I  say, moving to turn away, and I'm so close to getting away before he calls out my name.

"Hey! I'm actually a little lost, could you show me the way?"

The warning bell rings and I hesitantly nod, looking at his outstretched schedule.

Interesting...he has the same English class as me. Jake and Dwight are going to love this.

"Yeah this way." I tell him and he gives me a big smile before walking alongside me.

"So Emma, how long have you been in Bear Creek?" He asks me, most likely trying to make small talk.

He seems harmless.

"Uh, my whole life. My parents were high school sweethearts from this school." I tell him.

"Really? That's so cool." He tells me, and I nod. I don't really know what else to say in this situation. It's weird to talk to an outsider; someone who doesn't know anything about what's happened in this town.

"I guess. So what brings you here?" I ask him, trying to direct the conversation to him.

"My dad got a new job." He tells me. "I'm originally from North Carolina."

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