Chapter 31 | I Don't Think I Can Take Much More Of This

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**Trigger Warning: the events that occur in this chapter could be triggering to some readers. Please read with caution**

Emma's POV

After Brooke told me that she just left Bridgett and Mason at the diner, I drove there as quickly as I could. I can't control the rage that's in me, and I'm praying that rage is enough to finally fight back.

I pull up to the diner expecting to see Bridgett and Mason acting as though he's not a psycho, but what I see takes me completely off guard.

Bridgett looks terrified as she's leaned up against her car, Mason in front of her.

He looks like he's yelling at her and I see her cower down as he gets up in her face.

He raises a hand and slaps her. I watch her head fly to the side and that's all it takes before I'm out of my car and storming towards them.

"Mason!" I yell, causing him to turn around.

"Well if it isn't the bitch herself." He says, getting a sinister smirk on his face. "Tell me, how's your brother and best friend?"

I don't even think about it before reeling my hand back and punching him square in the face.

I'm beyond satisfied when his head whips to the side sharply and I see blood start to seep out of his nose.

"Bridgett, get out of here." I mutter to her. I don't want her to have to carry the weight of what Mason does when he's angry.

"No, stay out of this Emma." She says, trying and failing to act tough.

I see Mason wipe the blood from his nose and he looks at the smear it left on his hand and laughs.

"Fighting me right until the end. That's okay, I like threesomes." He says with a deadly smirk on his face as he walks towards us.

But I'd be damned if I let him rape me again.

So I kick him in the balls. He doubles over in pain and I try to get Bridgett to leave again, but in that time he recovers and before I can react he grabs my hair.

"You just won't fucking stop will you?" He grits out. I try to fight him off, but he backhands me hard, and I fall to the ground.

He kicks me, knocking the air right out of me and I hear Bridgett crying out for him to stop, but he keeps going.

Just when I think it's over, he's hovering over me.

"It's just like old times, Em." He says with a crazed look in his eyes.

I scream out and try fighting against him as starts to tear open my shirt, his hand traveling down to my shorts to unbutton them.

"Mason fucking stop it!" Bridgett yells, trying to pull him off of me.

He turns to punch her, and it gives me time to jump up and fight him off of her. However, he turns towards me and headbutts me, hard as hell.

I fly backwards as my head slams against Bridgett's car and then the ground. My ears start ringing and I feel my eyes become heavy.

I watch blurrily as Mason slams Bridgett to the ground before coming back to hover over me. All I want to do is scream and fight back, but the next thing I know I'm slipping into darkness as Mason's hands get what he wants for a second time.


I hear a loud and obnoxious beeping noise that just seems to be getting louder by the second, waking me up from my sleep.

"I think she's waking up." I hear a voice say, and I slowly begin to blink open my eyes, the light blinding me.

"Someone dim the lights." I hear another voice say quietly.

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