Chapter 02

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Jessica packed the last of her things, double checking she had all the essentials that she needed or thought she would need in Romania. Mr Harper had been mostly quiet that morning not even giving Jessica a 'Good morning, sweetie,'. A knock at the door so early in the morning told her that he had come. The Ministry officer who was to make sure she reached Romania as ordered to.

"Jessica Lauren Harper, I am here to escort you to the Ministry of Romania, where a worker at the Sanctuary will be waiting to take you there," he explained

"Will she be able to write home to me?" her father spoke, for the first time this morning.

"I wouldn't know, sir," he said, her father nodded, grabbing Jessica holding her in a bear hug.

"Dad, I'm not going off to war," she said, pulling away "I promise if I can write to you I will,"

"I know you will," he father smiled at her, pressing his lips against her forehead.

"Miss Harper, are you ready?" Jessica nodded her head, they apparated off her property leaving her father all alone.

*** 7 Hours Later ***

Jessica was tired of travelling and being put through customs and security measures, for the fifth time now. She followed the officer, through the Romanian Ministry of Magic, approaching a short cheerful lady.

"Jessica Harper meet Mrs Winters, she'll be your guide to the Sanctuary," he introduced the two women.

"Nice to meet you," Jessica held her hand out to the woman, she shook her hand,

"And you, shall we get to the sanctuary before feeding time," Mrs Winters said, Jessica shuddered at the thought of feeding Dragons.

"Oh Miss Harper before you leave, I need to inform you that the Ministry has forbidden you to apparate anywhere and we ask that you only use your wand if required to. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir," Jessica said, the man left Jessica and Mrs Winters alone, Mrs Winters watched the officer leave,

"Well he isn't very cheery is he?" she said, "oh well, he didn't mention anything about Portkeys did he?" Mrs Winters asked,

"No, I don't think so," Jessica answered

"Good, because that's how we're getting to the Sanctuary," Mrs Winters held a portkey out,

Jessica took hold of the portkey, the world spinning around her, she felt her feet land back on the ground. Jessica looked around her, just open spaces. Nothing else around for miles. Mrs Winters walked towards a building Jessica followed closely behind her,

"Your room has already been set up, with your belongings," Mrs Winters said, opening the door for her "in here is the kitchen, the fridge and cupboards are stocked up," Mrs Winters told her leaving the kitchen "in here is the sitting, to relax after a long day, down the hall is the bathroom,"

Mrs Winters pointed towards the staircase, she showed Jessica upstairs, to her room, Jessica walked in sitting on her bed for the next few months.

"It isn't exactly a five-star room-

"No it's fine, it's better than I expected," Jessica smiled at her.

"Right, is there anything you'll be needing?"

"No, thank you," Jessica said, looking around her room.

"Okay, I'll let you get settled and when Mr Weasley comes back, I'll introduce you to him," Mrs Winters left Jessica to familiarise herself with her new room, though curiosity stole Jessica's mind,

Mr Weasley? She attended Hogwarts with a Weasley, maybe she knew him already, but then again, she would only know of him, not actually know him personally. Or Mr Weasley might not have been the Weasley she went to school with the Weasley's are large family, it could have easily been a relative.

Jessica had been sat in her room for little over an hour, a knock at her door, made her stand up, walking to her door, she opened it Mrs Winters stood there.

"Mr Weasley is back now, I shall introduce you to him." Jessica gulped, following Mrs Winters downstairs, whoever this Weasley might be, he was going to be her boss for the next few months, they walked into the sitting room. He was definitely a Weasley, red hair, freckles all over his face.

"Mr Weasley, this is Jessica Harper, Jessica this is-

"Your Charlie Weasley," he looked confused

"Do I know you?" he asked,

"We were at school together, I was in Gryffindor too,"

"Oh yeah, I think I remember you, I always kept to myself or tried to sometimes Tonks would drag me into trouble,"

"I'll leave you to discuss terms," Mrs Winters left them closing the door behind her.

"I need to know two things, number one," he held up one finger "What did you do, and number two," he held up another finger "did you mean it?" he asked

"What does it matter what I did?" she asked folding her arms across her chest.

"I need to know I can trust the people I work with, this job can get dangerous at times," he explained, Jessica sat down on the sofa.

"I'm so sick of explaining myself," she muttered, "Fine, I used the Confundus Charm on some muggles,"

"Why?" Charlie sat on the coffee table his elbows rested on his knees, Jessica sighed

"They grabbed me and I panicked there was four of them and one of me, I did it so I could run away," she explained, looking down at the floor hoping her wouldn't judge her.

"That's what you were charged for?" he said, sounding genuinely surprised

"Yes apparently defending yourself is a crime now," he laughed with her "I don't have any experience with Dragons just to let you know,"

"Okay, but you won't be working with Dragons," Charlie told her,

"Then what will I be doing? I thought this was a Dragon Sanctuary," she asked

"It is but there's more than just Dragons here, like Hippogriffs, Diricawls, Nifflers and more." he said, "The Dragon ae my personal favourite, but don't tell the others," Charlie explained, Jessica laughed at him not wanting her to tell the other animals of his favouritism

"I think you should get some sleep, we'll be up early in the morning," she nodded, following him upstairs, he was walking towards her room, he turned into the room just next door to hers, Jessica entered her room, sleep stealing her as soon as her head hit the pillow, she needed it for tomorrow was going to be a long day.

Fiery Dragon | 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘞𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘺Where stories live. Discover now