Chapter 48

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Another two weeks had passed by, Jessica was growing more anxious as there were only a few hours until Charlie was home, she had already begun showing, her bump was small. She could easily hide the bump with an oversized shirt or jumper.

She made a plan to surprise Charlie with her pregnancy, she hoped that Charlie, knew what his mother's pregnancy papers looked like. As she had more than one surprise to show him, her father had noticed Jessica's early morning sickness, while she tried to be quiet, he still heard her.

She placed a small box on the table, with the surprise inside, she held Archie on her hip, cheeking her watch. 'Charlie will be home any minute now,' she thought. Charlie walked through the door, settling his back on the floor, Jessica sat Archie on the floor, he stood up and walked towards Charlie.

"Ah, my big boy's walking now," he said, lifting Archie up, kissing his cheek, "Jess, I've missed you so much," he kissed her cheek.

"I have a little surprise for you," she said, excitedly walking to the kitchen. Charlie creased his brows following her into the kitchen.

"You didn't have to get me anything," he said, shuffling Archie upon his hip, so he could open the box.

"Wait," he said looking at the pregnancy test, "You're pregnant,"

"Keep looking," she said, excitedly smiling at him,

"Oh no, we're having a Fred and George," she laughed

"Yes, it's twins," he smiled at her, pressing his lips against hers, "let's just hope they're more behaved than Fred and George," she said,

"Definitely, although we have to thank them don't we, or we would have never got stuck in that pyramid," Charlie said, she nodded, remembering how their first time was in the most unique place that anyone could possibly imagine.


As Halloween was just around the corner, Jessica had been gifted the perfect outfit from Katherine for Archie to were. A pumpkin costume, though Charlie thought is wouldn't fit him until he was a little bigger, Jessica still tried it on, she took many pictures of him.

Charlie wanted to introduce Archie to some of the animals, which Jessica was fine with, depending on the animal. His first suggestion was the Diricawls, Jessica insisted on coming with them to see for herself how Archie interacted with the animals.

"Do you want to feed them?" Charlie asked, Jessica nodded taking the bucket of food, she threw the food in the air, all the Diricawls apparated up into the air, all except one adult Diricawl, Jessica dropped some food on the floor for him.

"I saw that," Charlie said, holding Archie in his arms.

"He needs food, he's a grown Diricawl and he still can't apparate, you should cut him some slack," he laughed at her.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, it's just these were the first animals I showed up and you couldn't stand still you were shaking so much," Charlie said, remembering her first time here, scared of every little animal she came across.

"It's crazy just how much things can change," she said, Charlie chuckled, he sat on the floor with Archie, tossing a little bit of food in front of them.

The Diricawl who was unable to apparate like the others waddled over to them, Jessica watched. She held her breath hoping that Charlie knew what he was doing, Archie reached his hand forward. Charlie snatched his hand away from touching the animal.

"No, we don't grab him," he said, he held Archie's hand, gentle petting the Diricawl, Archie giggled clapping his hands as he touched the Diricawl.

"He likes him," Jessica said, as Archie's smiling face made her smile so brightly.

"Yeah, he does," Charlie said, Archie stood up walking after the Diricawl. Charlie walked behind him in case he toppled over.

Archie followed the Diricawl around in circles, he almost fell forward, though the Diricawl, caught him, Charlie smiled as the Diricawl followed Archie everywhere. Once it was time to leave the Diricawl followed them to the gate, poking its head through the bars, to watch Archie go with his parents.

"Charlie look," Jessica pointed behind them,

"He's really taken to Archie hasn't he," he commented watching the Diricawl staring at them

"We'll have to let him see Archie more," Jessica said,

"You'd let him?" Charlie questioned, never expecting Jessica to allow Archie such close contact with the animals at a young age.

"Yes, he stopped Archie from falling, he's clearly looking out for him," she commented


Jessica laid flat on the sofa looking down at her bump, she grazed her fingers across her stomach, she could hear Archie putting up a fight for bath time. Even when Archie was kicking and screaming Charlie handled him like he was one of his animals, with a calm tone in his voice, rather than losing his temper.

Jessica's father had bought her a pregnancy book on twins, she found it to be very informative. She realised that the size of her bump was normal for a twin pregnancy, as she weren't this big when she was pregnant with Archie. At least not at 16 weeks.

"Right, he's finally down for the night," Charlie said, lifting Jessica's leg, resting them on his knee,

"I realised we can find out what we're having if you want?"

"Yeah, I'd love to know, I also had a little fun idea," Charlie said with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Oh really, let's hear it,"

"Your dad knows that it's twins, my family doesn't know yet," he smiled, "let's not tell them,"

"What do you mean, they'll find out when they're born?" she questioned


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