Chapter 25

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'Jessica was laid in bed, stirred awake by the loud noise of creatures outside she looked to her side, Charlie wasn't laid with her. Jessica walked down the stairs, it was early, the sun was only just rising. She scanned the house, no sign of Charlie.

"Charlie?" she called

"I'm out here, Darlin," he said, Jessica walked towards the holding pens.

"They love the animals," Charlie said holding a small child while petting a dragon the small child giggled reaching for the dragon.

"Just like their dad," Jessica said pecking his cheek,

"Look mummy, I'm just like daddy"

Jessica shot awake, she looked around at her surrounding, Charlie laid next to her asleep with his arm draped across her, with his hand resting on her stomach. Jessica entwined her fingers with his waking him up, Charlie creased his brows she was heavily breathing and sweaty.

"Are you alright?" Charlie asked

"Yeah, it was just," she looked into his eyes, "just a dream," she mumbled,

"It wasn't real," Charlie kissed her neck, "you're safe," Charlie mumbled into her neck, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"Yeah, it wasn't real," Jessica said, nuzzling her face into Charlie's chest.

A week after that dream Jessica could think of nothing else but the image that her subconscious conjured up. Jessica tried to shake away the dream, hoping that it was just her brain playing tricks on her, after all, she did have a pregnancy scare, maybe that was why she dreamt of having family

Jessica accompanied Charlie to help him move the Jackalope's to a new enclosure, Jessica was too distracted and wasn't paying complete attention to what was happening around her. Jessica stumbled a bit, causing Charlie to look back at her, he called out to her but she didn't hear him.

"JESS!" Charlie grabbed her, pulling her away from a fenced enclosure,

"Ahh!" she screamed when a big cougar-like creature with six legs, pounced up at the fence.

"You're alright," Charlie said, holding her close, she covered her face with her hands

"Charlie, I don't know what wrong with me," Jessica whined, Charlie held her arm, examining her face.

"You look tired, why don't you go back and get some rest," Charlie told her,

Jessica nodded walking back to the house, she helped herself to some leftover pasta from last nights meal. Though tried to settle down, but the adding fright of that large cougar creature, she knew the name but it just wasn't coming to her.

Jessica saw two bags packed and sat in the hallway, she didn't think Mrs Winters was going home again. Jessica looked at the date 8 December Charlie's birthday was in four days, 'Was Charlie planning to go home?' Jessica hoped they were going to see the Weasley's.

Finally, Charlie's gift had arrived, just in time, Mr Harper managed to send it through the Owl Post to Jessica. So she would have it in time for his birthday, Jessica was so excited about his gift, she had to do a lot of research but it was worth it.

"Jess, you feeling alright now?" Charlie asked, she nodded "you've been quiet all day,"

"Honesty, I'm fine," Jessica told him, Charlie knew there was something bothering her but he couldn't work out what.

"Well, you best get a good night sleep, I decided to go home for my birthday for a change,"

"What made you change your mind?" Jessica asked, as she hadn't mentioned going to the Weasley's yet, she was planning on telling him tonight.


"Me?" Jessica questioned

"Yeah, I know you liked being around my family, I thought I would be a good idea to visit them," Charlie explained, Jessica smiled knowing that Molly would be thrilled to know Charlie was coming home.

"Yes, I'd love to see your family again," Jessica said, "when do we leave?"

"Around dinner, I just need to feed the dragon first he'll be fine then till we get back," Charlie explained

The next day, Jessica had overslept she woke up mere minutes before Charlie had come back from feeding the dragon. Jessica hadn't met any dragons, at least not in person, she had seen one from behind the safety of a fence. Charlie checked that they had everything they would need while at the Weasley's.

***4 hours later***

They had finally arrived at Charlie's family home, in Devon, England. The family home appeared to have had extra rooms that had been added, until it was several stories high and so crooked, though it was held up by magic. The home had four maybe five chimneys that sat on top of a red roof. Jessica saw a sign stuck in the ground near the entrance.

'The Burrow'

"The Burrow?" Jessica questioned

"It's what my parents called our home, come on I'll show you around," Charlie said,

He showed Jessica through the garden, into the house, the first room they came too was their kitchen, and a long table sat in the centre. The dishes were cleaning themselves, Charlie showed Jessica to the living room, where a grand clock stood, with nine hands, one for every member of the family.

The clock didn't have times though, it had locations, such as home, school, work, travelling even, lost and mortal peril. Jessica couldn't possibly imagine what it was like to live here, but from all the family photos, and friendly atmosphere of the home, she could tell it was a happy home, filled with love and laughter.

"It's not much, but it home," Charlie said, looking around the empty home

"I think it's great," Jessica said, Charlie sat on the sofa, making himself at home, though Jessica expected the home to be filled with Weasleys though it seemed that only Jessica and Charlie were home. 

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