Chapter 33

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A few weeks later, Jessica and Charlie were tired but they had finally got the hang of being new parents Molly help them to get Archie into a schedule. Jessica had never loved Molly Weasley more than she already did, she seemed to have the magic touch when it came to children.

The family were going to the Quidditch World Cup, and Arthur had been trying to convince Jessica and Charlie to go with them. It would give them time to themselves, which they craved at the moment, they hadn't had any time to even talk for long, when they did, they were too tired.

Molly insisted that they went to the Quidditch game and she would watch Archie for them, not that a newborn baby would be too much trouble. According to Molly newborn was the easy stage, it's the terrible toddler stage that's the hardest, she'd remember it most difficult when Fred and George were toddlers.

Jessica and Charlie were both big Quidditch fans, they were waiting for Ron's friend Hermione, and Fred and George's friend Rhea to show up. Jessica looked outside where two girls appeared both had wavy hair, one blonde and one brunette, the blonde hugged the brunette before leaving for a house further away from the Burrow.

"Morning Weasleys," the Brunette said, she hugged Molly and Arthur, "you must be Charlie, Fred and George has told me about you," she held her hand out to Charlie

"Good things I hope, this is my girlfriend Jessica," Charlie said, shaking her hand

"Hi, I'm Rhea Black," she said, shaking Jessica hand to

"Nice to meet you, Rhea," she said smiling at her.

The family waited for Hermione to get here, she was using a portkey that she had recently bought before the summer began. She hoped that it would be a better form of travel for her since travelling the muggle way was often difficult, when muggle repelling spells were cast on many wizarding homes, including the Weasleys.

Once Hermione had arrived safely, the Weasleys along with Jessica, Hermione and Rhea, walked towards another house where they were meeting another wizarding family. The Diggory's, Jessica didn't know much about the Diggory family only that they had lived near Ottery St. Catchpole, close to the Weasleys and other wizards families.

The blonde girl that came with Rhea was with the Diggory's most likely she was invited by the younger Diggory. Both the families walked to a Portkey that would take them to the Quidditch world cup ground. Everyone grabbed a hold of the portkey, everyone span around in the air.

Which had given Jessica a bad case of motion sickness, everyone let go, landing on the ground surrounded by other wizards and witches. Arthur and Amos Diggory went their separate ways. Arthur guided his family to stands where they would be stood for the Quidditch game.

"Ron, wait up," a boy with messy black hair and glasses said,

"Watch yourself, Harry," a woman with long red hair said, as Harry nearly ran into someone,

"I'm fine mum," he said waving back to her. She walked away with her husband and daughter.

"Blimey, dad how far up are we?" Ron asked,

"Well, put it this way, if it rains you'll be the first to know," a man Jessica recognised as Lucius Malfoy.

"Father and I are in the Minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself,"

"Don't boast Draco, there's no need with these people," Lucius stopped him,

Jessica eyed the blonde girl stood next to Draco, she couldn't stop staring at her and Charlie noticed. Jessica disappointed in the girl. Like she had done something wrong, though Charlie didn't recognise her Jessica certainly did.

Charlie and Jessica sat the furthest on the end to keep the younger ones, like Ginny, Ron, Hermione and Harry closer to Arthur. Charlie had never seen so much enthusiasm from Jessica as she displayed watching the Quidditch game, she even had face paints in the Irish colours for the Irish Quidditch team.

After the game had come to an end, Charlie and Jessica took a walk around the tents, while the others celebrated. Jessica couldn't stop thinking about the girl she had seen and hoped that she had gone crazy or something drastic had happened in her life for her to hang around with people like the Malfoy's

Jessica's eyes widened when two dogs came running towards her, one white and one black they hurried past Jessica and Charlie. Jessica practically jumped into Charlie's arms, Charlie looked back at them surely they wouldn't be allowed to run around like this.

"I didn't think you could take your dogs to Quidditch games," she asked

"You can't," Charlie said, "I don't know why they're here,"

"Are you alright?" he asked

"Yeah, they were big dogs," she said

"No, I mean that girl you knew her didn't you?" Jessica nodded her head

"She's my cousin, Aurora Fawley," Jessica said, "you know there's only me, my cousins Lou, Kat, and Rory,"

"Small family, unlike mine," he smiled at her

"Four cousins each in a different house, I'm was Gryffindor, Louisa is Hufflepuff, Katherine is Ravenclaw and Aurora is in Slytherin," Jessica said

"Are you the oldest?" he asked

"Yeah, Louisa has only just left school, Kat and Rory are the same year as Ron," she told him,

Charlie was about to ask her another question when they heard a loud bang, they turned around to see many wizards run and fear. Jinxes and Curses were being fired left, right and centre, Charlie grabbed Jessica's hand leading her back to the tent.

As they scrambled through the crowd, Charlie kept a tight grip on Jessica's hand pulling her through the crowd. Panicked wizard hurried scared and frightened not knowing which way was safe they were heading in all directions. Charlie felt Jessica's hand slip, he stopped her turned around to look for her she had been lost in the crowd. 

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