Chapter 06

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Jessica had her day cut out for her after reading everything Charlie had written about the Abraxans. She felt confident enough to meet one of them. Spartan, he was called, or at least that's what Charlie referred to him as in his book.

Jessica paced around the building, through the corridors, up and down the stairs, she knew she could trust Charlie and therefore she could trust the animals, even if the size of them worried her most.

Jessica noted the time 7:30 am, Charlie would be up soon. Why her body decided to wake early confused her. Mrs Winters prepared breakfast for her and Charlie, but to Jessica's surprise, Charlie was already awake, leaned around the door frame.

"Good you're awake, when you've finished, I want to show you something before we see the Abraxans," Charlie told her, he left her to finish eating her breakfast.

What could he possibly have to show me first? Jessica thought, she quickly ate her breakfast curious to know what Charlie wanted to show her. Jessica saw Charlie sat in the living room, with a box, sat on the floor in front of him.

"Hi, what did you want to show me," Jessica asked eyeing the box closely,

"Right, I have an idea that will help you with your fear of animals," Charlie said, holding the box up to her, she jumped when the box moved.

"What's in there?"

"Nothing scary, just take the top off," Charlie told her, Jessica hesitantly took the top of the box off, her eyes widened.

"Don't pull a face it's a puppy," Charlie said, lifting the small animal out of the box, "She's yours,"

"What?" Jessica said, eyeing the puppy cautiously.

"You can keep her, care for her, feed her, train her before you know it she'll be your best friend," Charlie said, handing her the puppy, Jessica held the puppy with her arms outstretched

"Charlie, this is nice, but I don't know the first thing about caring for a dog-

"You'll learn, and I'll help," Charlie smiled at her, "You ready to go and see the Abraxans now?" he asked, Jessica nodded

"What about the puppy?" Jessica asked.

"Mrs Winters agreed to watch her, while we're out," Charlie informed her, Jessica set the puppy down on the floor, the puppy clumsily walked behind her,

"See she likes you already," Charlie commented as the puppy followed Jessica.

"No," Jessica said, the puppy didn't listen and still continued to follow her, Jessica hurried Charlie outside closing the door behind them, the small puppy began to cry and squeal behind the closed door.

"Right, Abraxan paddock we go," Charlie said, marching down the path towards the paddock, Jessica halted her steps, causing Charlie to walk back to her

"What's wrong?" he asked, with a concerned look in his eyes.

"We're not going in are we?"

"No," a sigh of relief left Jessica's mouth "I'm going to bring Spartan out here,"


"Don't worry he's harmless, I promise," Charlie said, reassuring her, Jessica nodded, while Charlie entered the paddock, a lot of Abraxans, trotted towards him, Charlie held a bridle and reins, placing it over one of the taller Abraxan face, he guided the Abraxan out of the paddock.

"Jessica meet Spartan," Jessica backed away "he won't hurt you," Charlie tied Spartan's rein to the fence, Charlie held Jessica's hand,

"I really don't want to touch him,"

"You're not going to touch his head, just his back," Charlie placed Jessica's hand on Spartan's back, she took a deep breath, and slowly petted the Abraxan's back,

"He'll let you ride him now," Charlie said,

"What, No," Charlie lifted Jessica up, "put me down,"

"Okay," Charlie said, putting her down on the Abraxan, he began laughing

"Har, har, very funny," she shifted, "I can't get down,"

"It's alright, I'm getting on too,"

Charlie mounted the Abraxan, sitting in front of Jessica, Charlie signalled Spartan to walk. Jessica wrapped her arms around Charlie, tightly holding him, he chuckled, Spartan started trotting, Jessica kept a tight grip on Charlie's waist. Spartan began to canter.

"Charlie he's getting faster," Jessica warned

"Faster?" Charlie asked


"Alright, come on Spartan," Charlie said, causing Spartan to gallop, he stretched his wings preparing to fly away, Spartan pushed off the ground, soring into the air.

"Charlie, I really don't like flying!" Jessica screamed, Charlie looked behind him, Jessica had her eyes tightly closed, he chuckled

"You can open your eyes,"

"Nope, my eyes will remain shut until I'm firmly back on the ground, where it's safe,"

"Just open them, you'll thank me later," Charlie said,

Jessica opened one eye, seeing across the entire sanctuary, lush fields, herds of Abraxans down below, the flock of Diricawls, some of which apparated near them in the air. Charlie had a smile spread wide across his face, Jessica had to admit as scared as she was. This was an experience she never believed she would ever get to do.

"Down Spartan," Charlie told him,

Spartan glided down low, near a lake, flying just inches above the water, grazing his hooves in the water. Jessica relaxed her grip on Charlie's waist, she smiled brightly at the sight before her.

"What do you think now," Charlie asked

"It's amazing, you were right, this is incredible," Jessica said, Charlie laughed

"See I told you," he said Spartan lowered down to the ground, landing in the Abraxan paddock, coming to a halt, Charlie jumped down, lifting Jessica off Spartan,

"That was the greatest thing I've ever done, thank you, thank you" she pressed her lips against his, in a moment of overwhelming excitement, she quickly pulled away when she realised what she had done.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to I" Charlie began to laugh at her awkward stance

"I take it you aren't scared of Abraxan's anymore," Charlie said, making her laugh with him.

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