Chapter 43

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Charlie was watching Archie while Jessica packed away some clothes for her and Archie. Charlie laid on his stomach with Archie in front of him, then he spotted River who was stood in position to vomit. He quickly stood up letting her out of the front door, so she didn't throw up in the house.

"Archie?" Charlie said, looking around for him,

"Archie, well you can't answer, Archie?"

"now would be a great time for your first word," he said, he heard clapping and giggles, he found Archie sat up nearly two metres away from Charlie.

"You sneaky, little boy," Charlie said as he walked over to pick him up, Archie crawled away from him.

"You're crawling, Jess!" he shouted, hearing her come tumbling down the stairs

"What? What happened, is Archie okay?"

"He's fine, just stand there," Charlie stood with Archie, "who's that, is it mama?" Archie laughed crawling towards his mother.

"Oh my god, come on Archie," Jessica cheered, kneeling down to him, holding her hands out to him, Archie crawled faster towards Jessica.

"Yay, you're such a big boy now," She said, lifting him into the air.

"He's growing up so fast," Charlie said,

"Yes he is, I want him to stay like this for as long as possible,"

"That's why my parents had more children," Charlie laughed

"I wouldn't want Archie to grow up alone," she said, with a smirk on her face

"A little brother for Archie," she shrugged her shoulders

"Or a little sister, obviously not right now, there's too much going on," Jessica stated, Charlie nodded in agreement.

"Are you almost packed?" Charlie asked, Jessica nodded

"Just a few last-minute things to pack, are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"

"I'm sure, go spend time with your father, I'm sure he'll want to see Archie," he smiled at her, "I don't think you'd like what I'm looking for, Perytons so I'll be in the sky the majority of the time,"

"You have to show them to me when you get back," Jessica smiled at him.

Charlie took Jessica and Archie to the airport, River calmly settled in a travel crate. Charlie walked as far as he could with Jessica and Archie, he embraced Jessica, he lightly kissed Archie's forehead, as he had fallen asleep in his pushchair.

"Let me know you arrived safely," Charlie said, Jessica smiled wrapping her arms around him,

"I'll miss you so much," she pressed her lips against his, "will you write to me about your trip?"

"Of course, I'll even send you pictures," Charlie said,

"Flight 417 to London, now ready to board,"

"I guess that's me," Jessica said,

"I hope you have fun with your dad,"

"Yeah, I might even stop by the burrow, sometimes," Jessica said,

"Mum will love that," Charlie pressed his lips against hers.

"The last call for flight 417 to London,"

Jessica smiled at Charlie, she turned to push Archie's pushchair through the airport towards the gate for flight 417. Jessica had a small smile when she saw the horrors on the faces of the other passengers as she boarded with a 7-month-old baby


After 4 hours, Jessica arrived back at home, she walked along her old street with Archie looking around everywhere. River's leash tied on the handle of the pushchair, as she strolled to her childhood home, she knocked on the door. To her surprise, her uncle Jack Parker opened the door.

"Jessica, I thought you were in Romania?"

"I decided to come home for a bit, where's my dad?" she asked

"He's in the kitchen," Jessica hurried through.


"Jess, what are you doing here?"

"Charlie had some work to do away from the sanctuary, I thought I'd come and stay that's alright isn't it?"

"Of course, you're always welcome home," he held her close to him

"Hey Jessie," her cousin Louisa Parker waited her turn, as Jessica opened her arms to hug her, she held her finger up,

"First, I want to hold, the little man," she said, Jessica chuckled, handing Archie to her, she bounced him around a little.

"How's it been playing for Holyhead Harpies?" Jessica asked

"It's incredible, I love it, we played against Puddlemere United, between you and me, I think Oliver still underestimates me," she said,

"Well, I remember your rivalry going back a few years," Jessica pointed out,

"Yeah, we've grown up a lot since then,"

"I guess you have, you were crushing on him so hard at Hogwarts,"

"Was not, he was crushing on me, obviously egotistical Gryffindor-

"Hey," Jessica warned her "I was a Gryffindor too,"

"Sorry for the cheap shot, I always played Quidditch fairly, he had to make it competitive,"

"No one would ever think you actually get along with the way you two argue," Louisa laughed.

Jessica father asked if she and Louisa could go to the store for them, they knew that their father probably wanted to talk privately. Both girls were concerned neither of the father kept things from them however, they respected their wishes and left them to talk.

Jessica suggested taking a shortcut through the park, she smiled, if it weren't for the incident with them few muggle boys, just under 2 years ago. She would have never been taken to Romania. Never finding love for Charlie, or having their son.

"Jess, why do you think, Dad and Uncle Sam, are being so secretive?"

"I have no idea, but I've realised I've been away from here too long,"

"Do you know how long Charlie will be gone?"

"No, hopefully not too long," she said

"Would you come back to England if you could?"

"There's nothing really stopping me, but I want Archie to be surrounded by the animals then maybe he won't be frightened of them, Charlie and I are a family now, as much as I would love to come and live here again with my dad, Charlie and Archie are my priority now," 

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