Chapter 07

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She'd kissed him, and hadn't slept since she had kissed Charlie Weasley. 'What have I done' Jessica thought, she threw her pillow over her head. She needed sleep but that wouldn't happen either since her new puppy cried all through the night.

Jessica rolled over, her eyes settling on the puppy that had finally given up crying, calming down enough to go to sleep. Jessica closed her eyes, just as she was drifting off to sleep, Mrs Winters knocked on the door, to wake Jessica for her breakfast.

Jessica groaned rolling out of bed, getting ready for the day. Though she wondered how she could function off no sleep, she'd have to push through the day. Then it hit her, what was Charlie going to act like now, she'd kissed him. Jessica walked downstairs.

"Morning, I figured I'd show you the Augureys today," Charlie said, Jessica nodded her head

"Yeah that seems like fun," She said, he smiled at her, she creased her brows, he didn't seem bothered or act any differently towards her.

"Have you chosen a name for the puppy yet?" Charlie asked, gathering the supplies for today's work.

"No, I've never had a pet before, all she did was cry all night long," Jessica said, helping him with some of the buckets.

"A name will come soon enough," Charlie said, "as for the crying, she'll settle down eventually, it's all new for her," He explained.

"I suppose," she said, "by the way I have no idea what an Augurey is," Jessica said, a small smile crept onto Charlie's face.

"You ever heard of the Irish Phoenix?" Charlie asked, gesturing for her to follow him to the Augurey habitat.

"Yeah, they foretell death with their cries, don't they?" She asked,

"That's a myth, they cry like that when it's going to rain," Charlie corrected her, Jessica nodded

'How is he acting so normal, does he not remember I kissed him?'

"Wait here a minute, they can be a little wary around strangers," Charlie told her,

He walked into their enclosure, he was soon flooded by thin, vulture-like birds, they were so thin that they looked unfed. Charlie looked around him counting the Augureys, he looked confused, counting them again.

"Jessica, how many Augurey can you see?" he asked, Jessica counted all of the Augureys she could see.

"14!" she shouted as the loud noise from the bird, made it hard to hear.

"There's one missing, bare with me," Charlie said,

He moved from the huddle, dropping the food for them to eat it while he looked around the enclosure for the Augurey, he had gone out of sight Jessica couldn't see him. She hoped he'd be alright in there by himself, she saw him rushing the gate, holding one of the bird.

"He's been hurt, come on we better take him back with us," Charlie said, practically running towards the building Jessica hurried behind, once they reached the building, Charlie took the Augurey into a spare room, laying the Augurey down on the spare bed.

"Jessica, could you go and get me the first aid kit," she nodded, leaving him to go and get the first aid kit. She heard a painful screech, which made her stop in her tracks.

"Jessica!" he shouted, snapping her back into reality, she handed him the first aid kit.

"Right, I need to you to hold him,"

"What! I can't do that-

"He's in pain, but I can't do anything if he's moving," Charlie said, Jessica looked down at the animal, closing her eyes taking a deep breath, nodding her head so slightly.

"What do I do?" she asked, Charlie took her hands placing them softly on the Augurey's neck

"Just keep petting him, try to keep him calm," Charlie told her, Jessica did as Charlie said, the Augurey seemed to relax a little, Charlie took a look at his wing

"He's clipped his wing, it's not major but it'll hurt," Charlie said, taking two splints on either side of the Augureys wing, he took some surgical string to tie the splints to his wing.

"There that should help it heal," Charlie said, he took his wand, pointing it at the injured wing, 'Ferula!' a bandaged wrapped around the injured wing of the Augurey. The spell also relieved some of the Augurey's pain as Jessica felt him calm under her hands.

"Will he be alright?" Jessica asked,

"Yeah, he'll need to stay here though so the other Augurey's don't pick on him," Charlie said, lifting the Augurey off the bed, he took him out the back door taking him to a holding pen just outside the building.

Jessica went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, more to calm her nerves. She honestly didn't know how she kept her cool while holding the Augurey. It had been half an hour, Jessica managed to calm herself down quicker than she thought.

She went to her room to let the puppy out, hoping that if she played with it for a bit it might tire her out enough, that maybe she could get a good nights sleep. Jessica took the puppy into to the living room, taking a tennis ball rolling it on the floor. Jessica thought about a name so she could call the puppy back to her.

"Bella!" she called, nothing

"Luna!" she called, the puppy didn't look at her

"Misty!" she called, still nothing, Jessica couldn't think of a name for the puppy.

"River!" she called, the puppy turned her head holding the ball in her mouth,

"River! Come here," Jessica called, the puppy ran towards her, dropping the ball before reaching her, the puppy jumped on Jessica licking her face, Jessica laughed.

"I see you're getting along fine," Charlie said standing in the doorway, Jessica stood up, with the puppy pawing at her ankle, Charlie walked into the living room, stopping right in front of Jessica.

"Listen, thank you for helping today, I know with your fear that must've been hard for you, so thank you," he leaned in kissing her cheek, he smiled at her as he left the living room. Jessica saw herself in the mirror, her cheeks red as roses.

"What is happening to me?"

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