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If you haven't read my first three rewrites, what are you even doing here at this point? oh well, might as well recap the previous trilogy anyway:

Long ago on the planet Cybertron a war broke out between the Autobots and Deceptions over control of the mystical relic that devastated the planet. Optimus Prime, heroic leader of the Autobots, launches the Allspark into space to keep it out of the hands of the Decepticons who intend to use it for evil before Optimus and his Autobots consisting of himself, Bumblebee, Jazz, Ratchet, and Ironhide flee their dying world. in the present day a military base located in the jungles of Vietnam is attacked by the Decepticon communications officer Soundwave who raids the base for data pertaining to the Allspark's location. Colonel Irving Witwicky and a squad of commandos led by Captain Lennox try to hunt down the alien robot but are then attacked by Soundwave's pet Cybertronian panther Ravage who kills several soldier including one of Lennox's men leading to Colonel Witwicky developing a prejudice against transformers. meanwhile Spike Witwicky the Colonel's teenage son gets a present for his 16th birthday by his mom: an old beat-up 1980s VW beetle which Spike tries to use to impress his high school crush Carly Spencer who is dating the school bully Chad "Kicker" Jones leading to Spike challenging Kicker to a race for Carly's affection which ends in Spike winning. however the three teens are attacked by the Decepticon Starscream followed by Spike's car transforming into a robot revealing it to be the Autobot Bumblebee who gets in a fight with Starscream that ends in Bumblebee losing his voicebox along with the ability to speak. Spike and Kicker are forced to put their rivalry aside and become reluctant friends along with Carly to help the injured bot. Spike becomes Bumblebee's partner along with developing a blossoming romance with Carly. Bumblebee eventually reunites with his fellow Autobots Jazz, Ironhide, Ratchet, and Optimus Prime on Earth who befriend the three human teenagers with Carly partnering up with Jazz and Kicker partnering up with Ironhide while Bumblebee scans a new Camaro alt mode. the Autobots are then hunted by the top-secret alien hunter organization Sector 7 who are working with Colonel Witwicky and Lennox's commandos who capture Bumblebee and take him and Spike to Sector 7 HQ which is located beneath hoover dam. The other Autobots plan a rescue mission with the help of Carly and Kicker who disguise themselves as Sector 7 Agents to sneak in and free Spike and Bumblebee. eventually they are caught and Spike ends up reasoning with his father causing Colonel Witwicky to see the error of his ways and have a change of heart and the soldiers then turn on Sector 7. it is then revealed that Sector 7 has both the Allspark and the frozen body of the Decepticon leader Megatron (who was discovered by Spike's great-grandfather Archibald Witwicky who turned out to be a founding member of Sector 7) in their custody and Bumblebee's voice is restored upon coming into contact with the Allspark thanks to its mystical properties. the Decepticons then free Megatron from his icy prison allowing the Decepticon leader to make his escape and re-unite with his minions which includes Starscream, Soundwave, Barricade, Demolishor, and Blackout. due to the dire circumstances Sector 7 agree to let Spike and Bumblebee go and the five Autobots are re-united just in time to put a stop to Megatron's plan which is to use the Allspark to rebuild Cybertron with himself as the planet's new leader. Optimus and Megatron confront each other atop Hoover dam while the other Autobots with the help of their new human allies transport the Allspark out of mission city to lure the Decepticons to a more secure location away from any civilians to prevent casualties which ends up being Death Valley. one by one the Autobots end up destroying Demolishor, Barricade, and Blackout however Jazz ends up getting killed by Megatron sacrificing his own life to protect Carly. Optimus and Megatron clash one last time before Bumblebee manages to get his hands on the Allspark and destroys the mystical artifact dooming Cybertron in the process but also saving Earth from sharing the same fate as Cybertron and Bumblebee chooses to stay on Earth and live with the Witwicky family while Megatron, Starscream, and Soundwave retreat escaping into space. After the battle is over, a funeral is held for Jazz along with the many soldiers and Sector 7 agents who died in the battle for the Allspark. Meanwhile Optimus Prime uses his skills as a diplomat to form a treaty between Earth and Cybertron that grants the Autobots safe haven on Earth and live amongst the humans as part of society while Sector 7 is disbanded and a new organization called N.E.S.T. is formed in its place to assist the Autobots in protecting the Earth should the Decepticons ever return. meanwhile in space Megatron and the surviving Decepticons come across a crashed Decepticon spaceship known as the Nemesis on the surface of Saturn's moon Titan where they find and wake up a dormant Decepticon which turns out to be Megatron's old master the Fallen who was the one that sent Megatron to earth in search of the Allspark. Two years later, seven more Autobots have responded to Optimus's message he sent into space calling for any Autobots refugees scattered among the stars to seek asylum on earth: Arcee, Blurr, Wheeljack, Mirage, Cliffjumper, and the twins Sideswipe and Sunstreaker and have been helping N.E.S.T. hunt down remnants of the Decepticons who are looking for pieces of the shattered Allspark. during a mission in Shanghai to apprehend the Decepticon Soundwave, Cliffjumper is killed in an explosion leaving the now-expanded Team Prime one member short. Marissa Faireborn the director of N.E.S.T. puts pressure on the organization to find a replacement for the recently-deceased Autobot, and all eyes are on Bumblebee who has since left the team to live with the Witwicky family. Spike, Carly, and Kicker graduate high school and are all off to college, but Spike would rather join the military than spend his time at some crummy University and his parents won't have it not wanting their son to put himself in harm's way. Spike and Bumblebee go their separate ways, with Bumblebee re-joining team prime and getting himself acquainted with the new recruits pretty well while Spike gets enrolled at Princeton University where he meets new roommates Chip Chase and Elise Presser along with Chip's man-made robotic companion Wheelie. meanwhile the Decepticons under the command of Megatron and The Fallen have been expanding their numbers, recruiting the Decepticon jets Skywarp, Thundercracker, Ramjet, and Slipstream who serve under Starscream and the seven Constructicons Dirt Boss, Scrapper, Mixmaster, Long Haul, Bonecrusher, Scavenger, and Hook along with the Decepticon archaeologist and Starscream's former friend Jetfire, who's knowledge of ancient technology ends up helping the Decepticons uncover the Star harvester, a powerful device capable of destroying suns. however Jetfire's pacifism and newfound love of Earth and its lifeforms makes him start to question his allegiance. however Spike has become a target for the Decepticons due to his pendant being made from a shard of the Allspark and he is captured by Megatron leading to Carly and Kicker joining forces with Chip and Elise to rescue him. however when the Autobots arrive on the scene to rescue the five human teenagers, Optimus is mortally wounded during a fight with Megatron and the Constructicons putting the Autobot leader into a coma. Prime is put on life support, but that won't keep him alive forever and the Autobots split up to embark on a world tour in search of the five remaining shards of the Allspark located in New York, Greece, Japan, Peru, and Egypt bringing with them the five humans teenagers whom Bumblebee smuggled into N.E.S.T. HQ to keep them safe from the Decepticons. during this world tour the Autobots befriend Jetfire who chooses to defect from the Decepticons after learning that he's been fighting on the wrong side of an unjust war. meanwhile Optimus's spirit ends up in the Astral Plane where he is visited by the ghost of Alpha Trion, one of the 13 primes who shows Optimus the history of the primes, revealing The Fallen's backstory as a brooding tragic warrior who fell from grace after being manipulated into betraying the other members of the 13 by the black-hearted prime known as Liege Maximo (who ended up being killed by The Fallen after learning of his treachery) leading to him being exiled and stripped of his rank. we also get to learn Optimus and Megatron's origins as former brothers-in-arms under the tutelage of Sentinel Prime before becoming enemies after Megatron was seduced to the dark side by The Fallen leading to the formation of the Decepticons. once the Autobots have gathered all the fragments, they re-assemble the Allspark and use it to revive Optimus. once their leader is revived, team prime head out to Egypt to stop the Decepticons from activating the Star Harvester. thanks to Wheeljack's invention of Powerlink technology, Optimus and Jetfire unlock the ability to combine into Jet Optimus to take on both Megatron and The Fallen. Megatron then turns on The Fallen, helping Optimus slay his master. however their alliance is short-lived, as Megatron uses the Star Harvester nearly destroying the Earth. however the other Autobots decide to pitch in and help Jet Optimus take down Megatron. once The Fallen's scepter is destroyed, the Star Harvester starts to crumble forcing the Autobots to fall back to avoid getting crushed by the falling debris. our heroes lost many friends Autobot and Human alike during the final battle, including Spike's father General Irving Witwicky who gave his life to help take down Devastator and Jetfire who sacrificed himself in a kamikaze-style attempt to take down Megatron once and for all. after the battle is over, Director Faireborn makes Spike, Carly, Kicker, Chip, and Elise junior N.E.S.T. agents as a reward for their bravery. meanwhile the Decepticons hold a coronation ceremony for Starscream who has been promoted to Decepticon emperor of destruction after the losses of both Megatron and The Fallen. however Megatron turns out to have survived the exploding Star Harvester and scans a Chinook Helicopter in order to hide on Earth from the Autobots and N.E.S.T. meaning he is still at large. Three years later, the Decepticons with their armies and resources depleted after the battle of Egypt have gone into hiding, now under the leadership of Lord Starscream. meanwhile the Autobots have embraced their status as celebrities and super-heroes by helping combat more earthly threats such as human criminals and terrorists with Spike, Carly, Kicker, Chip, and Elise having now been promoted to full-fledged N.E.S.T. agents, all the while Spike is struggling to finally tie the knot with Carly due to his commitment to the Autobots and N.E.S.T. constantly getting in the way. however the Decepticons make their return after an attempt to steal a Cybertronian relic known as the Omega Key from a Russian N.E.S.T. base killing the Autobot Warpath before they are thwarted by Optimus Prime who battled against Starscream's seekers and the one-eyed Decepticon scientist Shockwave as well as four new Decepticons that they freed from incarceration during the attack on the Siberian base: Astrotrain, Junkheap, and the battlechargers Runamuck and Runabout. the Omega key as it turns out is the key to activating a crashed Autobot ship known as the Ark which crashed on Earth's moon eons ago and was captained by Optimus's mentor and predecessor Sentinel Prime. as it turns out, the Decepticons learned this information from a spy who has infiltrated the Autobot ranks. Optimus and Ratchet embark on a mission to the moon to investigate the crash site of the Ark, all the while Bumblebee and the other Autobots stay behind to figure out the identity of the traitor. Optimus and Ratchet find a comatose Sentinel Prime amongst the wreckage of The Ark and bring him back to Earth, reviving him with the Allspark. as it turns out, Sentinel launched himself into space to keep his pillar technology out of the hands of the Decepticons, technology capable of opening a spacebridge large enough to transport entire armies from planet to planet. meanwhile Spike and Chip learn from an ex-NASA scientist named Dr. Henry Arkeville about how many years ago during the space race between the US and the soviets Astronauts uncovered a hidden Decepticon fleet buried underneath the surface of Earth's moon, an army large enough to conquer Earth in a matter of days that the Decepticons plan on using to invade the planet and use the humans as a slave labor force to rebuild Cybertron. meanwhile Soundwave finds a wounded and sickly Megatron in the deserts of Namibia and brings him back to the Nemesis, leading to Megatron de-throning Starscream and reinstating his position as overlord of the Decepticons. Optimus gets Sentinel acquainted with the rest of Team Prime, however Sentinel is showing doubt in his pupil expressing disappointment in Optimus for condemning Cybertron to a slow death by launching the Allspark into space leading to severe tension between master and student all the while Bumblebee discovers the identity of the spy which turns out to be Mirage who sided with the Decepticons due to Shockwave promising him that if they won the war they would restore peace to Cybertron. however the Autobots are too late as the Nemesis rises out from the surface of Titan and arrives on Earth bringing with it Megatron leading his army of Decepticons in a large-scale siege of the Metroplex. luckily our heroes manage to evacuate in time and get to safety, but not before the Nemesis transforms into the gargantuan godzilla-like transformer known as Trypticon who reduces the Metroplex to rubble. our heroes relocate to an abandoned WWII-era military base located in the remote forests of the Pacific Northwest where they spend their time recuperating after barely escaping with their lives. Optimus learns from Sentinel that the Omega key is meant to unlock the Ark's transformation into the titanic Autobot known as Omega Supreme, last of the Omega sentinels and the only one capable of taking down Trypticon. however the Autobots time to recover is short-lived as the Decepticons begin wreaking havoc in downtown Washington, DC with the intention of luring out the Autobots and getting them to hand over the pillars. the Autobots and Decepticons wage an all-out battle in DC where Bumblebee and Arcee have another run-in with Mirage while Ironhide and the twins dispose of Junkheap and the battlechargers. however things take a turn for the worst when Sentinel betrays the Autobots and forms an alliance with Megatron out of desperation to restore Cybertron to its former glory and fix Optimus's "mistake" leading to Sentinel killing Ironhide and the twins to prove his worth to Megatron leaving poor Kicker distraught over his Autobot partner's death. with Sentinel by his side giving him access to the pillar technology, Megatron opens the spacebridge and summons the hidden Decepticon fleet to Earth to commence the invasion. if that's bad enough, Megatron holds the planet hostage and blackmails Earth's leaders into forcing the Autobots to be exiled from Earth in exchange for sparing their planet. the Autobots are left no choice but to agree to his terms and board the Xanthium to leave Earth, leading to an emotional goodbye between Spike and Bumblebee who have been nearly inseparable up to this point. however Megatron lied and doesn't keep his end of the bargain, with the seekers blowing up the Xanthium while Megatron unleashes hordes of Decepticon soldiers onto major cities all over the world. with the Autobots no longer here to protect them, Lennox rallies the troops and leads the forces of N.E.S.T. in a final stand against the Decepticons, however the puny humans are no match for the Decepticons leading to the deaths of Donnelly, Burke, and Graham along with Chip getting crippled. meanwhile the Autobots escape the exploding Xanthium and crash-land on the moon where Optimus uses the Omega key to re-activate the Ark and return to Earth to stop the Decepticon invasion once and for all. the Autobots return to Earth to re-unite with their human allies leading to a massive final battle in Spike's hometown of Mission City bringing the series full-circle along with the Ark transforming into Omega Supreme to fight Trypticon one-on-one while Bumblebee, Arcee, and their human partners dispose of Starscream and the seekers. however Bumblebee and Arcee are then taken prisoner by Mirage and Soundwave, however Mirage has a change of heart and sacrifices himself to help them escape followed by Bumblebee killing Soundwave to avenge Mirage's death. Sentinel also has a change of heart, realizing the error of his ways and re-joining the Autobots to help Optimus take out Shockwave and Astrotrain. meanwhile the humans manage to sneak around and steal the control pillar from under Megatron's nose while Omega Supreme self-destructs to destroy Trypticon once and for all. Optimus and Sentinel team up to take down Megatron, destroying the control pillar which closes the spacebridge and sucks the Decepticon fleet back into space. Megatron refusing to surrender kills Sentinel in a fit of rage leading to Optimus slaying the Decepticon leader once and for all finally ending the war once and for all. with Earth saved and the Decepticons gone for good, our heroes Celebrate their victory along with Spike finally proposing to Carly. now that the war is over, our heroes return to their normal lives: Team Prime has agreed to help humanity rebuild society after thwarting the invasion, Optimus has chosen to uphold Sentinel's dying wish and launches the Allspark back into space to restore Cybertron, Director Faireborn has agreed to dissolve N.E.S.T., Simmons becomes a best-selling author publishing several novels based on the Autobots adventures, Chip and Elise are officially now a couple and now work at for the KSI corporation, Kicker joins Lennox's new team of commandos and has made peace with Ironhide's death, and Spike and Carly finally get married. THE END.

Now moving on...

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