Chapter 8: The rescue misson

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We then cut to Optimus still imprisoned aboard the Death's Head where he starts to lose consciousness all the while Lockdown tells the ship's computer "activate dark matter drives, set a course for Cybertron" before we cut to the Autobots and commandos (plus Cade) being transported to the Death's Head followed by Cade, Lennox, Epps, and Santos hopping out of the autobots vehicle modes to stare out the windows of the ship, shocked to see that they're hovering above Antarctica. Bumblebee, Crosshairs, Drift, and Bulkhead all transform into their robot modes to stare out the window with their human partners, Cade pointing out the top of a crashed Cybertronian spacecraft sticking out of a crater in the ice. Santos tells Cade that this place used to be the location of Cemetery Wind HQ, but it appears Lockdown blasted it to smithereens, Santos staring at the snow-covered charred corpses of Cemetery Wind agents buried under the scattered wreckage of their former HQ. Cade asks Santos how he knows this, and Lennox explains to Cade that Santos used to be a Cemetery Wind agent before he had a change of heart and defected to S.T.A.R.S. followed by Santos saying that it's a past he's best left forgotten. Drift tells Santos that he understands, saying that he too knows what it's like fighting for the wrong team. Bumblebee then gives the order for the team to split up, telling Drift and Crosshairs to go with Cade and the commandos to rescue Tessa while he and Bulkhead go look for Optimus. Crosshairs scowls at Drift before the team splits up to look for Tessa. the ship then starts shaking followed by Wheeljack contacting the team over Intercom telling them that they don't have much time to rescue Tessa and Optimus, in a few seconds Lockdown's ship will be leaving Earth's orbit. Perceptor chimes in and suggests they find a way override the ship's dark matter drives to prevent it from leaving Earth's atmosphere if they are to buy them some more time along with telling our heroes to be careful, saying that Lockdown's ship is filled with boobytraps. Bumblebee tells the team that they need to hurry followed by the team splitting up. we then cut back to the captive to Optimus Prime close his optic followed by having visions of the crashed spacecraft in the Antarctic along with five robotic dinosaurs, a sword, and the ghost of the 13th prime who starts calling to Optimus. after that, we cut to Crosshairs and Drift along with the humans walking through lockdown's trophy room, Epps telling Lennox that this place is starting to give him the creeps followed by Santos that he's been itching to kill something with Crosshairs telling Santos "you and me both, fleshie". Lennox tells Epps and Santos that they aren't leaving without Prime or Cade's daughter. Cade then hears a voice calling "DADDY!" followed by Cade turning his head to see Tessa inside one of the cages. Cade then blasts Tessa's cage open and frees her followed by a happy father-daughter reunion, Tessa hugging her dad before Lennox tells Cade and Tessa that the sappy stuff can wait saying that they still need to find Optimus. Crosshairs notices one of the alien prisoners looking at him funny and points his gun at the beast saying "what are you looking at you disgusting space slug?" followed by the creature's tentacle extending from the bars to latch onto crosshairs, the green Autobot marksman ensnared in slimy tentacles. Drift notices Crosshairs in trouble and acts swiftly slicing the beast's tentacles off with his katanas sparing Crosshair's life in the process. Crosshairs wipes the alien slime off his chassis before asking Drift "you saved me... but why? I don't even like you" followed by Drift telling Crosshairs "I don't like you either, but if we are to make it out of this place alive we must all work together, besides Optimus would never approve of leaving a fellow Autobot to die, it's not a very honorable thing to do". Drift then extends his hand to Crosshairs, followed by Crosshairs clasping Drift's hand as a sign of the two Autobots finally putting aside their disdain for one another and accepting each other as teammates and friends. after that we cut to Bumblebee and Bulkhead finding the captive Optimus followed by Bumblebee using his stingers to break Optimus free from his restraints. Bumblebee helps Optimus back up on his feet carrying the injured prime on his shoulders before radioing Wheeljack to inform him that they've got Prime, and Wheeljack tells Bumblebee that he and the team need to hurry back, saying that Lockdown's ship is getting close to leaving Earth orbit. Optimus tells Bumblebee "you shouldn't have come back for me". Bumblebee tells Optimus "don't say that, the team needs you Optimus. besides, you would've done the same for me" the Autobots regroup and run through the vast corridors of the Death's Head followed by Bumblebee telling the others that they've got to find a way to stop this ship from leaving orbit, followed by Crosshairs saying "well there's a little jujube right here" upon finding a switch before flipping it causing the ship's anchors to fire tethering the massive spacecraft to a nearby mountain. however doing this alerts the ship's security systems followed by the ship's computer alerting Lockdown that there are intruders on the ship. Lockdown clenches his fist, saying "must be a loose prisoner" before ordering his three pet Turbofoxes to snuff out the intruders. we then cut back to the Autobots and their human allies where Tessa tells her dad that they've got company, pointing to the three turbofoxes coming straight at them. Bulkhead whips out his minigun and takes out one turbofox before crushing the second one's head with his mace. the last remaining turbofox leaps onto drift and is inches away from biting his head off with Drift blocking the beast's jaws with his sword. however Drift is suddenly saved by Crosshairs who shoots the cybertronian beast in the head with his sniper rifle. Drift is shocked to see that Crosshairs saved his life, and Crosshairs tells Drift "well since you saved my life and all, I thought it would be fair to return the favor". Lockdown then arrives on the scene to see his three pet turbofoxes lying dead on the floor before turning his head to see our heroes trying to escape with Optimus. Lockdown corners our heroes, whipping out his hook-hand telling the Autobots "now what do we have here? well if it isn't Prime's little band of misfits thinking they could sneak into MY ship and break their leader out of prison. well tough luck, 'cause I've been spending the past 10 years scouring this wretched planet for him so I can collect the bounty on his head and I'm not letting you get away with taking what's rightfully mine, so I'm gonna ask you just this once: hand over prime and I'll let you all live".  Drift unsheaths his katanas to protect his fellow Autobots, telling Lockdown "If you want Optimus Prime, you're gonna have to go through me first". Lockdown recognizes Drift, telling him "hey I know you! you're Deadlock, the famous Decepticon deserter. we fought together in Megatron's elite battalion back on the planet Dabola, remember?" Drift then tells Lockdown "my name is Drift, and I serve the Autobots now". Lockdown tells Drift "I see, it seems that we're not so different after all, we're both defects". Drift tells Lockdown "wrong. you left the Decepticons to pursue the career of a petty criminal-for-hire, I chose to defect because it was the honorable thing to do". Lockdown then swings his hook hand at Drift who blocks it with his swords followed by Drift telling Bumblebee and the others to get Optimus to safety. Bumblebee asks Optimus if he can still walk, and Optimus says "I'll try" followed by Optimus letting go of Bumblebee stumbling to the ground before getting back up. Bumblebee then open the ship's bottom hatch and looks down at the anchors before telling the humans to each hop on the Autobot, saying that they're gonna ride those anchors down to the Earth's surface. Cade hops on Optimus, Tessa hops on Bumblebee, Lennox and Epps hop on Bulkhead, and Santos hops on Crosshairs. the four Autobots then zipline on the ship's anchors down to the snowy landscape below. we then cut back to Drift's one-on-one melee fight with Lockdown where we see Drift roundhouse kick Lockdown into the wall before leaping out of the Death's Head and ziplines down to join his Autobot brothers. Lockdown looks out the open door of the ship and shakes his fist at the Autobots, telling them "you'll pay for this!" followed by Drift saying "I don't think so" before slicing the anchors one by one with his katanas. Lockdown then realizes what's going on and shouts "NOOOO!!!" followed by the ship launching itself into space. Optimus watches the ship disappear into the stratosphere and says "good riddance" followed by Bumblebee saying "I'd say" while Crosshairs tells Drift "I gotta say, you're not so bad after all" followed by the two fist-bumping with Bulkhead congratulating the two for finally learning to get along. Tessa shivers, saying that she should've packed some winter clothes. the groundbridge portal then opens up followed by Cade saying "guess this is our ticket outta here". the Autobots transform into their vehicle modes with the exception of Optimus who is too busy staring at the top of the crashed Autobot spacecraft sticking out of the ice then  for their humans to hop into: Cade and Tessa hop inside Bumblebee, Lennox hops inside Bulkhead, Epps hops inside Drift, and Santos hops inside Crosshairs. Bumblebee asks Optimus if he's coming, and Optimus tells the team to go without him, saying that he's got something to take care of. the Autobots then drive through the groundbridge and return to the Underbase followed by Wheeljack and Perceptor asking Bumblebee where Optimus is, and Bumblebee tells them that he said he had something to take care of back in Antartica which makes the two Autobot scientists look at each other in confusion. Cade then sends out Sparkplug, telling the little drone to keep an eye on Optimus followed by Sparkplug zipping through the groundbridge before it closes.

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