Chapter 6: Nemesis Prime

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We then cut to Attinger's personal helicopter landing in front of the KSI building followed by Attinger and Savoy stepping out of the chopper to investigate the reports of Autobots storming and attacking the KSI tower. Joyce and Isaac Sumdac both greet them at the door, Joyce overjoyed to see Attinger informing him that Project: Chimaera is ready to go. Joyce and Sumdac take Attinger and Savoy down the elevator to the trashed underground lab, Joyce apologizing to the two Cemetery Wind agents for the lab being a bit of a mess right now, explaining that it just got trashed by a very ticked-off Optimus Prime and his merry band of robo-terrorists. Attinger tells Joyce that he wants to pilot a robot, with Savoy saying that he wants one too so that he can crush the Autobots and make them feel the pain when he lost Josie. a nervous Joyce shows Attinger and Savoy the selection of KSI production models, however Attinger isn't impressed saying that he doesn't just want any robot, he wants the two prototypes that he personally commissioned. Joyce tells Attinger no-can-do, saying that those two prototypes are untested, who knows what kind of dangerous side effects piloting them could have on their bodies. Attinger and Savoy point their guns at Joyce and Sumdac demanding the two to hand over the prototypes, followed by Isaac Sumdac telling Joyce "I think we should give them what they want". we then cut to Joyce and Sumdac both then show Attinger and Savoy into a secret room containing two untested KSI prototypes on display: one resembling a black Optimus Prime codenamed "Nemesis Prime", the other resembling a red Bumblebee codenamed "Stinger". Joyce shakes his head and tells Attinger "I have no idea why you wanted these prototypes to resemble the two most well-known Autobots, what were your plans for them exactly?" followed by Attinger telling Joyce that he wanted them to look like Optimus and Bumblebee as part of Cemetery Wind's smear campaign against the Autobots, saying that Prime and his crew are heading for the Pacific Northwest most likely to team up with the Autobot sympathizer group known as S.T.A.R.S. where they will no doubt attempt to clear the Autobot's names and sway the public opinion over to their side, something that can't happen or else Cemetery wind and KSI's whole operations would be done for. so the plan is to discredit the Autobots by having these two prototypes impersonate Optimus Prime and Bumblebee and frame them for acts of terror they didn't commit thus swaying the public opinion back into Cemetery Wind's favor. Attinger hops inside Nemesis Prime while Savoy hops inside Stinger before we cut to the severed Megatron head's eyes opening up while glowing a haunting bright red. robotic tentacles then sprout from the walls of Nemesis Prime and Stinger's cockpits to entangle Attinger and Savoy. the two Cemetery Wind agents scream in pain as their minds are forcefully being melded with their machines. Joyce orders KSI personnel to get them out of there, however Attinger tells Joyce "no, stop! I've got this... let me bend this lowly machine to my will!" Joyce then asks "don't be crazy Mr. Attinger, it's too dangerous you might not survive!" followed by Attinger telling Joyce "SILENCE!" scaring poor Joyce out of his mind. we then cut to the robotic tentacles sinking into Attinger and Savoy's flesh permanently fusing them to the cockpits of their respective robots. Savoy starts to panic and asks Attinger what's happening to them, followed by both of their eyes glowing red while hearing the voice of Megatron in their heads saying "you both belong to me now" causing Nemesis Prime and Stinger to get down on their knees and resist control. Attinger resists control, shouting "I bow to no one, you lowly machine! you bow to me!" before a surge of purple explodes from both Nemesis Prime and Stinger shattering the glass and knocking both Joshua Joyce and Isaac Sumdac off their feet. Attinger/Nemesis Prime checks himself out impressed with his new robot body, embracing the sheer power that comes with this new body as a hybrid of man and machine. while Savoy/Stinger is hesitant at first toward his new robot body, however Attinger convinces Savoy to embrace it telling him that as a human/transformer hybrid he finally has the power to crush the Autobots once and for all and finally avenge his sister. Savoy then agrees with Attinger followed by the two human/transformer hybrids walking off while Joyce watches in disbelief. we then cut to Nemesis Prime and Stinger both in their vehicle modes driving through the streets of Washington DC, Nemesis Prime taking the form of a black International Lonestar tanker truck while Stinger takes the form of a red Pagani Huayra. the two drive towards the IRC (Interplanetary relations council) building driving by angry protesters on one side holding up signs saying things like "NO ALIENS", "ET GO HOME", "YOU BROUGHT YOUR WAR TO US", "WE WILL NEVER FORGET MISSION CITY", "I STAND WITH CEMETERY WIND", etc. while the ones on the other side hold up signs saying things like "SAVE THE TRANSFORMERS", "ABOLISH CEMETERY WIND", "THIS IS THEIR HOME NOW", "THEY ARE ROBOTS WITH A SOUL", "OPTIMUS PRIME SAID FREEDOM IS THE RIGHT OF ALL SENTIENT BENGS", etc. a heated debate is going on inside the IRC building regarding the morality of Cemetery Wind's mass-culling of Autobot refugees, with none other than former N.E.S.T. director Marissa Faireborn there as a representative on behalf of the Autobots to speak in their defense still believing that the Autobots are innocent and what Cemetery Wind is doing to them is immoral and borderline genocide. meanwhile outside the building Nemesis Prime and Stinger both transform into their robot modes with Stinger whipping out his, er... stingers to scare off the protestors by aiming his weapons and telling them to stand back or he'll shoot while Nemesis fires a barrage of missiles from his shoulders at the IRC building causing a massive explosion killing several senators inside (tho Director Faireborne is one of the few lucky to have survived the explosion, however she is badly injured forcing paramedics to drive her and the other survivors to a hospital) followed by a news van arriving on the scene with none other than Shawn Berger stepping out of the vehicle with a camera crew following behind him to record the commotion. Nemesis Prime then delivers a speech: "People of Earth, after a decade of being forced into hiding and having my kind being hunted to near-extinction by Cemetery Wind, I Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, have decided on the behalf of my slain brothers to declare war on the human race. consider what just happened a warning to those who defy us". Shawn Berger speaks into the camera about how dangerous alien fugitives Optimus Prime and Bumblebee have finally shown their faces after a decade of hiding to declare war on the human race proving once and for all that they are all monsters and that they're gonna kill us all before Nemesis prime whips out his own ion blaster to kill Shawn Berger in order to shut him up. Chip and Elise watch the news coverage of the attack from the TV inside the KSI building before turning their heads to Joyce to tell him that they quit. Joyce is infuriated, telling the two that they can't quit on him saying that they're both too valuable to the company due to their scientific contributions. however Chip and Elise have already made up their minds and leave the building. we then cut to Cade and Tessa watching the footage of the attack from the screens of Optimus and Bumblebee's vehicle modes, shocked and in horror of what they just saw. Bumblebee starts ranting about how obvious it is that those two robots aren't the real deal, shouting "they didn't even get our colors right!" followed by Cade suggesting to Optimus that this must be a plot by Cemetery Wind to discredit the Autobots. Optimus tells Cade that things have just gone from bad to worse, thanks to those impostors the Autobots have now been branded as terrorists by the people of earth. the Autobots are suddenly flanked by a platoon of Cemetery Wind armored trucks who tell the Autobots over the radio to surrender and that they are in HUGE trouble for what went down in DC and both Cade and Tessa Yeager are under arrest. missile launchers then pop out from the tops and sides of the armored trucks and open fire on the Autobots who swerve out of the way, however Optimus and Bumblebee are both separated from the rest of the team amongst the commotion followed by Nemesis Prime and Stinger arriving on the scene in their vehicle modes crashing through traffic to pursue Optimus and Bumblebee. Cade and Tessa both hop out of Optimus and Bumblebee who both transform into their robot modes and tell the Yeagers to get to safety. the two hide behind an upturned car as Nemesis Prime and Stinger both transform into their robot forms to confront Optimus and Bumblebee who both ready their weapons before charging at each other. Crosshairs, Drift, Bulkhead, Wheeljack, and Perceptor manage to outrun the cemetery wind vehicles amongst the highway traffic and transform into their robot forms to watch the stand-off from atop an overpass while commentating from the fight. Crosshairs readies his sniper rifle ready to take out both impostors, but drift blocks him with his sword telling Crosshairs to stand down, telling him that this is Prime and Bumblebee's fight and that it'd be best they not interfere with their conflict to avoid further escalation. Crosshairs puts his weapon down and tells Drift "I hate you" while Bulkhead asks where the heck those two lookalikes came from. Perceptor observes the fight with his shoulder-mounted microscope lens and explains to the other Autobots that Nemesis Prime and Stinger are both man-made prototypes built by KSI designed to resemble Optimus Prime and Bumblebee as requested by Cemetery Wind followed by Wheeljack saying the funny line "we... kinda helped make 'em. sorry about that" followed by Perceptor elbowing Wheeljack before switching his microscope lens to X-ray mode before telling the other Autobots that the human pilots inside these two particular robots appear to have fused with their machines which is a rather unforseen side effect. we then cut to Nemesis Prime firing a barrage of missiles from his shoulders forcing both Prime and Bumblebee to dodge out of the way, with Nemesis Prime telling Optimus that him and his band of alien terrorists will pay for all the lives lost in Mission City. Optimus then calls out on Nemesis's hypocrisy while dodging the missiles telling him that he's got just as much blood on his hands with all the people who were killed in DC because of him and that Nemesis and Stinger are the REAL terrorists before running up to Nemesis and roundhouse kicking the impostor prime causing him to stumble. meanwhile Bumblebee and Stinger both whip out their stingers and blast electricity at each other leading to an epic Dragonball Z-style beam struggle between Bumblebee and Stinger (Bumblebee's electricity is blue while Stinger's is green) resulting in an explosion that knocks both of them off their feet. Tessa tries to run to Bumblebee's aid while Cade tries to warn her not to go, screaming "Tessa no!" as the rushes towards the injured Bumblebee to see if her yellow Autobot friend is okay. Bumblebee asks Tessa what she's doing out here, saying that she should listen to her father it's too dangerous out here for a fragile human. Tessa grabs onto Bumblebee's finger, telling him that she's not leaving her friends behind. Stinger then gets back up and points his plasma blaster at Tessa shouting "die you filthy alien sympathizer" before Bumblebee gets back up and grabs Stinger by the arm causing him to miss. Stinger then grabs onto Bumblebee and puts the poor yellow bot in a headlock while Bumblebee tells Tessa to run. Tessa then runs for her life while Stinger tells Bumblebee "I'm gonna make you and all your alien friends pay for taking my beloved sister Josie away from me" which makes Bumblebee's eyes widen upon realizing why Stinger's voiced sounded familiar uttering the words "Savoy?" under his breath. Stinger's chest then opens up revealing Savoy in the pilot's seat, Bumblebee shocked to see his body fused to Stinger's cockpit with wires and cables. Savoy then tells Bumblebee "I wanna look at you face-to-face before you die" followed by Bumblebee electrocuting him with his stingers setting himself free from the headlock while Savoy/Stinger collapses to the ground unconscious. we then cut back to the Optimus/Nemesis fight where we see Optimus stab Nemesis in the side with one of his energon swords, telling him "you have no soul" followed by Nemesis grabbing Optimus's arm to pull the blade out of his chest saying "that is why I have no fear!" followed by Optimus having flashes of Megatron in his head. Nemesis then crushes Optimus's arm with his bare hand causing him to retract his sword and scream in pain. meanwhile the other Autobots watch in horror as Optimus is beaten to a pulp by Nemesis prime until he collapses to the ground from his injuries followed by Crosshairs asking Wheeljack and Perceptor "exactly who's corpse did KSI melt down to make those monstrosities? they're almost as strong as the real deal!" followed by Perceptor explaining to the other Autobots that both Nemesis Prime and Stinger were made using the remains of Megatron. Drift exclaims "I knew I sensed a familiar presence coming from those two" while Wheeljack explains that there may also be a chance that traces of the deceased tyrant may still exist within their programming. Bulkhead clenches his fist remembering all of his wrecker brothers who were killed by Cemetery Wind before telling the Autobots "I can't stand by and watch our head honcho get beaten by those science fair abominations. come on Autobots, let's wreck and rule!" followed by Bulkhead whipping out his wrecking ball while Crosshairs whips out his pistols and Drift unsheaths his katanas. Bulkhead, Crosshairs, and Drift all leap off the overpass to go help optimus in spite of Perceptor warning them not to due to how they're no match for Nemesis Prime. meanwhile aboard the still-cloaked Death's head Lockdown watches as the other Autobots charge at Nemesis Prime who has the downed Optimus pinned down beneath his foot while stroking his pet Turbofox, saying "Impossible... there are two of them now? I guess that means double the payment for me" before getting off his chair and loading up his shotgun. we then cut to the other Autobots charging at Nemesis prime with Crosshairs opening fire on him with his twin pistols. Nemesis then fires a barrage of missiles from his shoulder knocking them off their feat before turning his attention back to Optimus, picking the injured Autobot leader up by the neck, telling him "I'll take pleasure in your death". Optimus then whips out his Ion blaster and points it at Nemesis Prime's head, telling him "I'll kill you before you get the chance". Nemesis Prime chuckles before opening up his chest compartment to reveal Attinger in the pilot's seat, Optimus shouting "no... it can't be" while Cade Yeager looks up just as shocked to see Attinger sitting inside the cockpit of Nemesis Prime with all the wires and stuff connecting his body to the robot. Attinger taunts Optimus, telling him "what's wrong Optimus, are you willing to betray your own moral code by killing a weak, squishy defenseless human? you have all the reason to, after my organization slaughtered your fellow Autobots without mercy along with framing you for acts of terrorism back in Washington, DC. so go ahead, make up your mind. will you cross that line or not?" all the while Optimus hesitates to pull the trigger. Optimus drops his weapon, saying "I... can't". a frustrated Nemesis then drops Optimus before kicking the downed Prime causing him to roll over revealing a tracking device attached to his back. Nemesis removes the tracker from Optimus's back and examines it before a missile comes out of nowhere and hits Nemesis in the back causing him to collapse followed by none other than Lockdown arriving on the scene shotgun in hand. we then cut to Bumblebee arriving on the scene to help the injured Crosshairs, Drift, and Bulkhead back up on their feet with Bulkhead telling Bumblebee "thanks for the help, little buddy" followed by Bumblebee asking if any of them have seen Tessa. the four Autobots then hear Tessa scream and turn their heads to see her running between Lockdown's feet trying her best not to get stomped on by the towering bounty hunter. Nemesis gets back up and asks Lockdown what he's doing here, followed by Lockdown stopping to laugh at the sight of Attinger fused to the body of a Transformer, telling him "Mr. Attinger, Is that really you? Ironic, your hatred for the Cybertronian race has driven you to becoming the very thing you claimed to have despised. now move out of my way, I'm here to collect my bounty". Nemesis then closes up his chest and tells Lockdown "Prime's mine now, so stand down" all the while Tessa rushes to the aid of the injured Optimus begging for him to get back up and fight. Lockdown then turns on Attinger/Nemesis, telling him "sorry but I don't work for you anymore. my employer's getting Impatient and If I don't deliver Optimus to him I don't get my reward" followed by the Death's Head dropping an electric net over Optimus which ends up catching Tessa as well. Cade tries to rush towards the net to save his daughter, however it is too late as the ship takes off with both Prime and Tessa in tow. meanwhile Savoy/Stinger wakes up and closes up his chest before getting back up to tell Nemesis Prime that it'd be best they retreat. Nemesis then leaves the Autobots with a warning saying that they're not finished yet before the two robots transform back into their vehicle modes and drive off. meanwhile Cade slams his fist into the ground over his daughter being kidnapped, shouting "I'm sorry Emily, I promised I would keep our daughter safe... but I failed. I failed both you and our daughter. If I had been there for her like every good father should instead of being cooped up in some old barn wasting my life on alcohol and robots none of this would have ever happened" while bursting into tears before Bumblebee comes up to Cade and kneels down to comfort him, promising that he and the Autobots will rescue her while the Autobots all watch as the Nemesis takes off. cut to black.

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