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We then cut to the Autobots in their vehicle modes returning to Underbase along with Cade, Tessa, and Lennox's team hopping out of their Autobot partners with Wheeljack and Perceptor along with Chip and Elise (plus wheelie) happy to see them all return alive and well. the Dinobots then enter through the groundbridge to join the Autobots, Grimlock growling at a terrified Wheeljack and Perceptor only for the Dinobots to suddenly nuzzle up against the Autobot inventor, Wheeljack saying "hey Perceptor, I think they like me!" while Tessa asks her dad how they're gonna go home, saying that they don't really have a home to go back to. Lennox intervenes and tells Cade "don't worry about your house Yeager, the Autobots and S.T.A.R.S. can take care of that for you. but in the meantime, consider this place your home" before we cut to the Autobots transforming into their robot modes to stand in front of Snake river just outside the Underbase and watch the sunset, Bumblebee asking "so Optimus... what now?" Optimus tells Bumblebee "while we may have won the battle, there is still more left to be done. Megatron is back and Lockdown is still out there in the far reaches of space along with his employer, whoever they are, there still remains a price on my head. there's gotta be a reason why the bounty hunter was ordered to deliver me to Cybertron alive, and it must have something to do with this" Prime opening up his chest to show the Matrix of Leadership inside. Bumblebee then says "Optimus, you can't be serious..." followed by Optimus telling Bumblebee "Indeed I am, and that is why I must learn more about the history of the 13th prime and the knights of Cybertron, for it could be the key to stopping whatever new threat is coming". the Dinobots then arrive on the scene and transform into their robot modes, Grimlock placing his hand on Optimus's shoulder to tell him "Me Grimlock was wrong about Prime, me Grimlock now see that Prime great leader who cares a lot about well being of others, including those not of Cybertron" followed by Optimus telling him "Grimlock, you and your dinobots fought honorably to help us protect this planet, we are forever in your debt. congratulations... you are free now" followed by Grimlock and the other dinobots transforming back into their dino modes and running off into the forests of the Pacific Northwest while the Autobots wave goodbye, Crosshairs shouting "goodbye Snarl! can't wait to ride you into battle again!" while Drift says "so long Slug, it was an honor fighting by your side!" and Bulkhead says "see ya later, Sludge! take care big guy!" while Bumblebee tells the other three Autobots that they will meet again. we then cut to the newly-rebuilt Interplanetary Relations Council building where we see a now fully recovered Director Fairborne having a meeting with the IRC where she clears the name of Optimus Prime, proving to them that the Optimus that attacked the IRC building was an impostor, none other than Cemetery Wind director Harold Attinger, now deceased, piloting a robotic body built by KSI to frame Optimus Prime in order to sway the public opinion in their favor and perpetuate the myth that the Autobots are a threat to humanity which is completely false, presenting them with the evidence in the form of what remains of the destroyed Nemesis Prime body carried into the building by S.T.A.R.S. personnel. after seeing the evidence the IRC have agreed to abolish Cemetery Wind and give the Autobots legal protection by the IRC which causes Fairborne to breathe a sigh of relief. Fairborne also informs the IRC of what she learned of the KSI corporation's shady deals with Cemetery Wind they made behind closed doors that gave them access to transformer corpses for them to use in their sick "experiments" followed by Sparkplug projecting footage of KSI scientists taking apart the bodies of dead transformers and melting them down to build their own man-made robots. the IRC council members are horrified by what they saw and agree to shut down KSI's operations for good. we then cut to Mission City, Nevada where we see Joyce being arrested, Joyce shouting "you'll regret this!" as he is put in the back of the police car and driven off to prison while Isaac Sumdac, Chip Chase, Elise Presser, and Wheelie watch along with Wheeljack and Perceptor who covertly watch from the background in their vehicle modes with Elise saying "good riddance". Chip shakes hands with Isaac Sumdac, congratulating him on becoming the new CEO of KSI. Sumdac promises to Chip and Elise that he'll change KSI's image for the better by bulding inventions that'll help both the Autobots AND humanity instead of the inhumane practice mutilating transformer corpses in the name of science. we then see a limousine pull up to the KSI building with the driver saying "Mr. Sumdac, somebody wants to see you" followed by an 8-year-old girl of Indian descent with a yellow jacket and a bumblebee keychain on her backpack hopping out of the van to hug her father shouting "DADDY!" while Isaac says "Sari... I've missed you" while Chip and Elise both smile at this father-daughter reunion while Wheele zips around beeping and booping with excitement. we then cut to Texas where we see Cade, Lennox, Epps, and Santos attending Tessa's high school graduation while Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Crosshairs, Drift, and Bulkhead covertly attend the ceremony in their vehicle modes followed by Tessa running up to her father to hug him, Cade telling his daughter how proud he is of her. after that, we cut to Bumblebee, Crosshairs, and Drift helping rebuild the Yeager household while Lennox and Epps pay their respects to Kicker. Cade then has a heart-to-heart with Optimus telling him "thank you so much for saving my family, and your planet, along with helping me find a part of myself I thought I lost forever when my wife died: hope" followed by Optimus telling Cade "The pleasure is all mine, Cade. but I couldn't have done it without you, for in exchange for restoring your faith in humanity, you restored mine. for the past 10 years I spent on this planet, I had completely given up hope... until you came along. thank you Cade". Cade then asks Optimus "so will we ever see you again?" followed by Optimus telling Cade "I don't know myself. but wherever I go, remember this: whenever you look up to the stars, think of one of them as my soul". once the Autobots are done putting the finishing touches on the Yeager household, Optimus shouts "Autobots, Transform and roll out!" followed by Optimus, Bumblebee, Crosshairs, Drift, and Bulkhead transforming into their vehicle modes and driving off into the countryside while Cade and Tessa both watch and wave goodbye to their robot friends... for now. roll credits.

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