Chapter 3: The return of Optimus Prime

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we then cut back to the Yeager household where we see Cade working on the old Semi truck in the barn. he tries to get the engine started, but nothing happens. he then looks at the engine to find that it looks nothing like any engine he's ever seen, almost like it's not from this world. he then remembers the Autobot insignia on the steering wheel and realizes that this is no ordinary semi truck, but a Transformer. Cade then calls Tessa and Kicker into the barn to tell them about his findings. Cade tells them that he thinks he accidentally bought a transformer, followed by Tessa rolling her eyes telling him "what have you done now, dad. now the government is gonna be searching our place high and low now that you brought home an illegal alien!" followed by Cade telling his daughter not to panic, saying that they'll just call Cemetery Wind and hand it over to them and they can act like this never happened all the while Kicker says "I knew that color scheme looked familiar" under his breath and whips out his phone to contact a mysterious organization called S.T.A.R.S. texting their anonymous leader "we found him". the semi cab then transforms revealing it to be none other than a mortally-wounded Optimus Prime. the battered and bruised Autobot leader whips out his ion blaster and points it at Cade and Tessa, demanding them to tell him who they are and what they've done with his teammates. however Kicker stands in the way and tries to reason with Optimus, telling him that they're not dangerous and that they're friends. Optimus is shocked to see Kicker, saying that he hasn't seen him since the battle of Mission City, asking how long he's been in stasis. Kicker tells Optimus that the battle of Mission City was 10 years ago, which shocks Optimus who can't believe he's been in stasis lock for that long. Cade is confused, asking Kicker if he and Optimus know each other. Optimus explains to Cade that Kicker was one of their most trusted human allies who fought alongside the Autobots in many battles, he's a true soldier. Kicker asks Optimus what his last memory was, and Optimus recounts the day mankind betrayed the Autobots, just a year after the events of my Dark of the Moon rewrite: he and the rest of Team Prime agreed to go their separate ways and went into hiding for their own safety, as Cemetery Wind was hunting them relentlessly. Optimus scanned a new vehicle mode in order to prevent himself from being recognized by the populace (which of course was a vintage 1984 cab-over-engine semi) and put himself into stasis lock so that his Energon signature couldn't be tracked. after that, everything went black... until now. Kicker tells Optimus that he has Cade Yeager to thank for that, saying that he was the one who found him in a scrapyard and brought him here. Optimus looks down at Cade and tells him "you shouldn't have", saying that he didn't want to be found. Cade tells Optimus that he had no idea how he managed to bring him back online, saying that all he did was tinker with his engine and it must have been a mistake. Optimus tells him that it sure is a mistake, saying that they're all in grave danger now saying that Cemetery Wind can now detect his energon signature since he's come back online. a piece of the injured Optimus's armor falls off exposing the damaged circuitry underneath, and Cade picks up the piece before offering to fix up Optimus. Tessa asks her dad if he's crazy saying that he's a technologically-inferior human and he's a 30-foot-tall robot from space. Cade tells Tessa that he's fixed up robots before, Tessa rolling her eyes saying "yeah, tiny man-made robots, how do you expect to fix up a war-torn Autobot who fought in the battle of Mission City!" Cade is depressed upon hearing the mention of Mission City, remembering the day he lost his wife pulling out an old photo of himself with his wife Emma holding Tessa when she was five. Tessa notices her dad grieving and apologizes for reminding him of mom. Kicker tells Optimus that Cade lost his wife Emma Yeager during the Decepticon invasion of Mission City, Nevada ten years ago. Optimus gives Cade a sorrowful look, seeing a bit of himself in Cade as he is also grieving over the loss of ones he cared about. Cade then looks up to Optimus and tells the big bot that he's gonna try his best to fix him. even if he doesn't succeed he has to try, it's the least he can do for the leader of the Autobots. we cut to Lockdown in vehicle mode driving down the highway, contacting Attinger to inform him that he just detected Optimus's Energon signature. meanwhile at Cemetery Wind HQ Attinger is pleased, saying "After all these years he finally shows himself" before telling Savoy to ready his chopper saying that he wants to see the look on the filthy alien's face before he dies. after that, we cut back to the Yeager household where we see Cade working on Optimus Prime, patching up his injuries with his welding tools while the two get to know each other through banter. Optimus tells Cade that he's sorry for his loss, and Cade tells Optimus not to be since him and his Autobots had a hand in the death and destruction caused by the Decepticon invasion of Mission City, Nevada back in 2012 by bringing their war to Earth. if they never landed on this planet, then his wife Emma would still be with us. Optimus understands Cade's pain, telling him that he also lost those he cared about that day, mentioning how several of his Autobot brothers gave their lives protecting the planet. this draws parallels between our human and Autobot protagonists, causing them to make a connection with one another while Tessa and Kicker both watch in disbelief. Optimus asks Cade why he is doing this, a mere human offering to fix an autonomous robotic organism far more advanced than he is. Cade tells Optimus that he was there 10 years ago, during the battle of mission city during his last moments with Emma, he saw the Autobot bravely fight off hordes of Decepticon soldiers to protect the human race and he wanted to return the favor for saving the planet, bringing up how his daughter Tessa was a huge fan of theirs when she was little saying that he can be trusted and he's not like those Cemetery Wind guys. Optimus turns his attention to Kicker and asks him where the others are. Kicker tells Optimus that Chip and Elise now work for the robotics division of the KSI corporation, and Spike and Carly are now pro-transformer activists travelling the world to speak on the behalf of Autobot refugees currently living in hiding from Cemetery Wind. Kicker then suddenly gets a text from the anonymous leader of S.T.A.R.S. who informs him that Cemetery Wind agents have been spotted heading to his location and to get himself, Optimus, and the Yeagers out of there as soon as possible. we then cut to a bunch of armed military helicopters flying towards the Yeager household. Optimus looks out the window and spots the Cemetery wind logo painted on the choppers, Optimus yelling at the humans to take cover. Optimus then shields Cade, Tessa, and Kicker with his body just as the choppers fire a barrage of missiles at the Yeager household causing the old farmhouse to collapse on our heroes. Optimus then emerges from the rubble and whips out his ion blaster, shooting down the choppers one by one to protect our human protagonists. Optimus tells Kicker to get the Yeagers to safety, however our heroes are suddenly surrounded by armored trucks bearing the Cemetery wind logo stopping our heroes into their tracks. Savoy and a squadron of Cemetery wind agents hop out of the vehicles, pointing their guns at Optimus Prime with Savoy telling Optimus that he's got nowhere to run now that they've finally found them. Attinger's personal chopper then lands in front of Optimus before Harold Attinger himself steps out of the vehicle to stare up at Optimus, saying "well well well, after all these years the famous Autobot leader finally comes out of hiding" followed by Optimus pointing his gun at Attinger telling the Cemetery wind leader "ten years ago I swore to never harm humans, don't make me regret that decision" only for Attinger to tell Optimus "you won't get the chance" as Cemetery Wind agents fire electrical cables at Optimus to restrain the Autobot leader. Kicker tells Attinger to stop, telling him that Optimus and the Autobots are innocent and Cemetery Wind are the real monsters only for he and the Yeagers to get cuffed by Cemetery Wind agents with Savoy putting his hand on Kicker's mouth telling him to shut it, telling him that his sister Josie was killed by those metal freaks when they attacked Mission City 10 years ago so to him, they're all monsters. Cade tells Savoy "my condolences sir, I also lost someone that fateful day, my wife Emma" followed by Savoy telling Cade "then you must know how dangerous these things really are". Attinger tells Savoy that these three humans appear to be Autobot sympathizers before looking at Cade Yeager in the eyes to tell him along with Tessa and Kicker that they are in BIG trouble for harboring a dangerous alien fugitive. Tessa tells her dad that they should have just handed him over as the three are arrested and are about to be taken away in the back of one of Cemetery Wind's armored trucks, however they are stopped by a black-and-yellow 1970s Camaro which drives off a hill and hits one Cemetery Wind agent in the face with its tire in slow motion allowing Kicker and the Yeagers to escape. the captured Optimus lifts his head to see the familiar color scheme of the vehicle, followed by the Camaro transforming revealing it to be bumblebee who uses his wrist-blade to free Optimus from his restraints, Attinger shouting "now there are TWO of them!" at Savoy while Optimus goes ballistic and opens fire on the Cemetery Wind agents forcing them to fall back before Bumblebee rushes in to stop Optimus in his tracks to remind him that it's against Autobot code to harm humans all the while Savoy escorts Attinger to safety amongst the commotion, Attinger giving our heroes an ominous warning telling them that they'll regret this ordering the other Cemetery Wind agents to kill them all before taking off in his chopper, Attinger contacting Lockdown to inform the Bounty hunter that Optimus Prime has been found alongside his little yellow friend and a couple human Autobot sympathizers, Lockdown telling Attinger that he's on his way to their location and that he promises to make short work of them, both the Autobots and the organics. meanwhile Bumblebee and Optimus have a heartfelt reunion, Bumblebee telling Optimus that as soon as he saw prime's Energon signature come back online he came as fast as he could. Optimus calms down and thanks Bumblebee for coming to his rescue telling the yellow Autobot how glad he is to see him alive and well. Tessa is in awe of the sight of Bumblebee, remembering how big of a transformers fan she was as a little girl and how Bumblebee used to be her favorite. Bumblebee has a happy reunion with Kicker who's glad to see the yellow Autobot again before Optimus introduces Bumblebee to his new human friends, Cade and Tessa Yeager. Cade tells Bumblebee "pleasure to meet 'ya, my daughter here was a big fan of yours when she was little". however the introduction is cut short when more Cemetery Wind agents show up to point their guns at our heroes, Bumblebee telling Optimus that they've gotta get the humans out of here fast before he and Optimus both transform into their vehicle modes. Cade, Tessa, and Kicker hop inside Bumblebee before the two Autobots drive off while dodging the gunfire. the agents hop back into their vehicles to pursue the two fleeing Autobots, leading to an intense car chase scene with Lockdown in vehicle mode suddenly joining in the action. Cade sees the black-and-green Lamborghini Veneno and is confused, saying that it doesn't look like a Cemetery Wind vehicle before asking Bumblebee if it's one of "his people". Bumblebee recognizes the color scheme of the car and tells them no. Optimus notices the Veneno has no driver and orders Bumblebee to split up in order to lose them. Bumblebee goes left while Optimus goes right, the Cemetery wind vehicles pursuing Bumblebee while Lockdown pursues Optimus. Bumblebee tells the humans to hold onto their seatbelts before driving circles around the Cemetery wind vehicles causing them to crash into each other knocking the agents out cold. we then cut to Lockdown pursuing Optimus on an Overpass, Lockdown telling Optimus "I've got you now" followed by Optimus stopping in the middle of the road to transform into robot mode. Lockdown then transforms into his robot mode followed by Optimus uttering "lockdown..." under his breath. Lockdown then whips out his shotgun ready to take aim, but before he can Optimus leaps in tackles Lockdown off the overpass. meanwhile Bumblebee tells the humans that the coast is clear before opening his door. Cade, Tessa, and Kicker hop out of Bumblebee's Camaro mode allowing him to transform into robot mode followed by Optimus and Lockdown falling off the overpass and landing in front of Bumblebee who tells Kicker to run and get the Yeagers to safety while Lockdown and Optimus both get back up and whip out their melee weapons, Optimus whipping out his energon swords while Lockdown whips out his hook leading to a stand-off between the two before they charge at each other, Optimus locking his swords with Lockdown's hook. Bumblebee then rushes in to help Optimus and leaps onto Lockdown, however the bounty hunter uses his hook-hand to grab Bumblebee by the leg and toss him into a nearby building knocking the yellow Autobot out cold before Lockdown makes his escape using his hook to scale another nearby building while Kicker and the Yeagers run through a nearby alleyway. Optimus then climbs to the top of the building to pursue lockdown leading to a rooftop fight between the two while Attinger's chopper circles the building allowing both Attinger and Savoy to watch the fight. Optimus opens fire on Lockdown with his Ion blaster while Lockdown fires back with his shotgun managing to land a direct hit on Optimus's shoulder causing him to fall over followed by Lockdown pinning Optimus under his foot while Attinger orders Lockdown to finish him off. Lockdown looks at Optimus in the optics and tells the Autobot leader "your head would make a great addition to my trophy collection". Cade then stops to look up at Optimus's fight with Lockdown, Cade shouting "OPTIMUS!" which catches Lockdown's attention. Lockdown tosses a grenade at the humans followed by Kicker pushing Cade and Tessa out of the way resulting in Kicker getting caught in the blast of the explosion. Optimus witnesses this and is horrified shouting "NO!" before prying Lockdown's foot off his chest and pushing him off the building. Lockdown catches himself by whipping out a grappling hook to grab onto Attinger's helicopter while Bumblebee gets back up to see Kicker lying on the ground motionless. Cade and Tessa along with Bumblebee rush to Kicker's aid to see him barely alive and with part of his body horrifically scarred by the explosion. Kicker then hands his blood-stained ID card to Cade before revealing to the Yeagers that he was secretly an agent of the organization known as S.T.A.R.S. short for Secret Transformer Autobot Rescue Squad, telling Cade that the address on the ID is the location of their secret base in the Pacific Northwest and that they need to go there if they are to put a stop to Cemetery Wind once and for all. Kicker closes his eyes and dies in Cade's arms followed by Bumblebee grieving over his fallen human friend. Lockdown leaps off Attinger's helicopter lands in front of our heroes and cocks his shotgun just as Attinger radios Lockdown and orders the bounty hunter to execute them all. Lockdown walks towards our heroes as Bumblebee readies his stingers before telling Lockdown not to lay a finger on the humans. Lockdown then aims his shotgun at the Yeagers followed by bee electrocuting Lockdown with his stingers causing him to drop his weapon. Lockdown then gets angry and whips out a chainsaw weapon that he swings at Bumblebee who uses his small size and agility to dodge his attacks before hitting him with a roundhouse kick as Attinger sees that the Autobots are gaining the upper hand from aboard the helicopter and orders Savoy to return to base. Optimus whips out his Ion blaster and takes aim at the fleeing chopper however he remembers what Bumblebee said about it being against Autobot code to harm humans causing him to drop his weapon allowing Attinger and Savoy to escape. Lockdown then fires a barrage of missiles from his shoulders at both Optimus and Bumblebee knocking the two Autobots off their feet allowing before Attinger orders Lockdown to fall back. Lockdown transforms into his vehicle mode and drives off to his ship the Death's head which was parked at a nearby construction site hidden by a cloaking device allowing our villains to escape, Optimus staring intensely at the sky as the ship takes off while Tessa comforts her grieving father.

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