Chapter Nine - Wrecker's gotta Wreck

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I answer my phone,
"Yo, Sparks." Wheeljack's voice crackled through. "You busy?"
"Maybe." I say, glancing around as I close my locker. "What'da need?" I can hear blasters going off in the background. "A wingman?"
"A what? Oh, right, you're at a human thing. Yeah, I'm just outside the north border of Wyoming. I could use some 'wing manning' with these cons."
"Remind me to tell you what a wingman does." I say. "I'll be there in an hour or so." I hang up and drop my phone into my backpack before I walk out of school and down the steps. I cross the street and get into my car, it's a black convertible camaro my parents had been kind enough to buy me despite me not needing it, but it's been nice not to consume energon, my bank account... not so much.
I drive to the outskirts of Jasper and pull over. My phone rings and I answer it on my arm.
"What now?"
"How long till you'll be here?"
"About an hour. Why are you dragging me there instead of just ground bridging to safety?"
"Because it's a mission I haven't achieved and can't call other backup for."
"What did you lose?"
"Sure." I say sarcastically as I throw a jet down, it slowly surrounding me as I walk into a run until it materialises enough to take off. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to track you down."
"Who are you talking to?" A familiar voice asked.
"Punch Starscream in the face for me."
"Done." I can practically hear the smirk on his face as I hang up and use his tracker to locate the con warship.

* * *

I land on the warship deck, the jet nothing but dust. I throw down a bike and climb on, the engine revving as I ride into the con ship.
"Where are you in the ship?" I ask as I swerve around some corpses. My com link on.
"Just follow the bodies!" He sounds too cheerful.
"Just tell me why I'm here." I snap, lifting my right arm to stare at the screen. I abandon the bike and touch the wall, a mouse hole large enough for me to slip through appears in blue and I run through, stopping short as I nearly run into a patrol of cons.
"Scream's got something kinda important."
"And what might that be?"
"Uh..." I can hear cannon's firing. I cross the hall and phase through to the next room. "You don't really need to know..." he muttered.
"It's a human isn't it?" I say, dropping through the floor and suspending myself by a rope as I create a blaster on my left hand. I blast the cons below me and drop onto their extinguished corpses.
"Which human? I swear if it's—" I cut myself off as I see a familiar face run around the corner. "MIKO?!"
She looks at me and smiles.
"Hi Chrissy!" She waved.

**Sorry for the short update! I didn't have much time to write this week's chapter so I promise next weeks will be longer!!!**

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