Chapter Sixteen - The Choice of a Lifetime

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I could hear as Wheeljack pulled up behind me. I was still shaking as he transformed and walked over.

"Whadya do to her, Arcee?" He asked jokingly, only receiving a glare in return. She transformed and drove off while Wheeljack crouched beside me. "What's goin' on inside that head of yours?"

"Why am I here..." I whisper with a shaking voice.

"I think to get your car."

"No... why... why do I exist...?"

"I'm not followin you Sparks."

"Why am I half con? Why do I have to draw everything I see? Why do I have to live a fake life? Why do I have to pretend to be something I'm not?"

"You're not pretending to be anything."

"When I'm with humans, I have to be a human. When I'm with cons, I have to be a con. I can never just be Quickspark. And I can never just be Chrissy. I'm a hybrid that should have never lived." Tears ran down my face.

"What about when you're with autobots?"

"I hide until I can escape."

"And why's that?"

"How can a con experiment that shouldn't exist be in their presence without being scared of what will happen when they find out...?"

"What about when you're with me?"

I don't answer for a minute. "I don't have to be afraid... and I don't have to hide my humanness or my conness..."

"Stop calling yourself a con." Wheeljack sighed. "If you keep doing that, one day you're gonna believe it."

"But... I'm not an autobot, and I never will be."

"What makes you think that?"

"I'm five and a half feet tall and I have no shell." There's a deadness in my tone. "They've already had to save me once."

"Maybe... but they've also saved me once."

"But you're not a weak hybrid."

"Who called you a weak hybrid?"

"Over half of the decepticons... Starscream..."

"Starscream doesn't know what he's talking about." Wheeljack sighed. "Hey, Sparks."


"Don't get into too much trouble... I won't be here to bail you out..."

"What? Why not? Not that I actually need you to, but why not?"

"I don't stay in one place for long... Optimus asked me to do a few things... but now that I've done them... It's time for me to move on."

"Will you ever come back?"

"Probably, gotta make sure Bulkhead doesn't get himself killed without me."

"Right." I force a smile.

"Take care of yourself, alright?" I nod.

"Don't have too much fun without me." I say and he laughs.

"I'll let you know if I drop by again."


We talked for a little bit longer before he went back to the base. But it got me thinking as I drove home. Was there even a reason for me to stay in Jasper? I'd be less likely to run into the autobots... and if Wheeljack is leaving, and Cliff isn't around anymore... then why not leave? There's not much here.

"No!" Miko shouted.

"What do you mean 'no'?" I ask as I finish packing.

"You can't leave!"

"I most certainly can."

"What about rule four?"

"I still have a phone Miko."


"And you have access to a groundbridge."

"So you'll tell me where you're going?"

"No." I zip the duffel.


"Bye Miko." I say as I walk over to my window.


"See you around." I hop out the window and climb down the trellis. I get in my car I parked around the corner with my bags in the passenger seat and start it. I pull out and drive towards one last place before leaving. The cave.

Of course, as I'm fixing the damage my arm couldn't repair itself, I hear the stomp of a robot. I whip around, hand pointed towards the con... only to find Arcee standing there with her hands in the air.

"What." I growl.

"I wanted to ask you something."

"So ask." Either act like a con or be terrified... even though it doesn't help much...

"I think you'd make a good autobot. If you would consider meeting Optimus, I'm sure he would agree."


"So, do you want to join the autobots?"

I don't answer. This couldn't possibly be real.

"You don't have to answer now... take a month, think it over. Just... drop by if you're up for it."

"And if I'm not..."

"Guess you just don't drop by." She gave a small smile, then walked out and drove off. I shake my head and go back to replacing a few wires in my arm, but I can't get her words out of my head.

How can I be an autobot... when I was made to destroy you... I take a deep breath. Why do you do this to me, Megatron?

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