Chapter Twenty - Plagues don't die

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"How long have you been able to do that?" Raf asked.

"Longer than I've been able to read english."

"And... you've been reading english for how long...?"

I shrug, "I think five years? I don't really know, Megatron only bothered to teach me Cybertronian."

"Wow! You can read cybertronian?" Miko asked.

"I guess, I mean, I only lived with robots for ten or so years." I said, half sarcastic.

"That long?" Jack asked.

"Yeah... I've only had parents for two years."

"Then why are they so lenient with you?" Miko asked. "My parents would never let me do all the stuff you do."

"I just tell them I'm going to visit a friend."

"What about the month you were gone?" Miko questioned.

"There was a small group of people going to help with the aftermath of a tornado in Australia and I said I wanted to go with them."


"I traveled with them. Timing was perfect. Very convenient."

"How do they not know you're a cyborg?" Jack asked.

"Long sleeves, gloves, I never bleed in front of them, I'm anti-social, I prefer living in a cave, you know, general hiding things from parents stuff." I shrug.

"Bleed?" Raf asked.

"Yeah!" Miko said excitedly. "Her blood is this really pretty purple but it turns red and it's scary and awesome and horrifying all at once!"

"That's not true." Jack said.

"Actually it is." I counter.


"Energon." I grinned. The ground bridge opened and Ratchet walked through, pulling Optimus with him. Silence filled the room as Ratchet helped Optimus onto a slab. He collapsed with a pained groan and it looked as though rust was corroding his paint job.

"What happened?" Miko asked.

"I think it's the Cybonic Plague..." Ratchet sighed. I flinched and shuffled a few steps back.

"There's no cure for that..." I say, louder than I meant.

"That's almost true... the only person who knows the cure... is Megatron."

My eyes stopped seeing as Megatron's voice filled my mind. "You have talent... I intend to use that talent, for as long as you live. Because if you leave my side... I'll kill you before someone else can find you."

"Are you okay?" Jack asked.

I take a deep shaky breath. "Yeah... I'm fine..."

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