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Sophie POV

I'm woken by the obnoxious blaring of the standard ringtone of my new phone. Squinting against the light streaming through the window I blindly search the thick duvet for my phone.

"Hello?" I answer my voice thick with sleep.

"Sophie dear, Merry Christmas!" Comes the slightly slurred but cheerful voice of Mrs Howarth.

"Mrs Howarth! Merry Christmas! Have you been into the Sherry already?"

"Mrs Howarth was my mother in law's name, that old bat. How many times must I insist you call me Jane?" She chuckles

"I'm sorry, Jane, are you having a nice day? Did you get our gifts?" I ask.

"Of course I did my lovely, thank you so much. Me and Sally from down stairs have already finished half the Sherry and I'll need the lovely bath stuff for tomorrow when it comes back to haunt me" I hear the laughter of Sally in the background.

"I'm so glad you like them. Thank heavens for internet shopping! I hope there wasn't much delivered to my place to put you out?" I ask.

"Not at all dear, always happy to help you. Oh there was a man who came by to see you though. Been twice now actually, I didn't know him so I just said you were away..." My mouth suddenly feels dry, I take an unnecessary gulp, sitting up in bed.

"Did he give a name?" I ask trying to keep my voice steady.

"No, no name. I think he would be one of your lawyer friends. Very smart looking young man, nice suit. Tall, handsome, dark hair, American I think. Sally said she would climb him like a tree pffft as if she could, she can barely climb the stairs with her hip!" The two women on the phone start bickering playfully forgetting me, so after a moment I end the call.

"Drunk at this hour" I mutter looking at the time. Wait, it's after noon? I slept for over twelve hours! Did the bells ring at midnight? Honestly I have no idea, I slept through it if they did.

I need to find out where they get these beds. I've never slept so well. I peel myself from between the covers using the bathroom and switching on the shower to warm, I'd prefer to have a bath but unfortunately the room doesn't have one so I'll have to make do with what I have.

I put my music on shuffle stepping into the steaming water, enjoying the feeling of the heat massaging my muscles. I want to stay in here all day. That is until my shuffle sees fit to play Bon Jovi..

'An angel's smile is what you sell, You promise me heaven, then put me through hell'

Ouch not cool shuffle that's a bit close to the bone today. Mood ruined. I step out of my shower, moisturising my red skin, before I pull out my laptop to face time with Eddy, braiding my damp hair while I wait for it to load.

I beam at Eddy as his face fills my screen, his family crowding around to shout their greetings. I missed Eddy but after everything that has happened seeing him feels weird. It's not right if I have dragged him into something.

Eddy is already tipsy and doesn't notice my forced smile covering my internal struggle.

After a few calls to friends I make my way down to the restaurant for dinner. I'm excited to see what makes an Italian Christmas dinner. I have been assured it isn't fish. It doesn't disappoint.

My waiter shows me to a small table taking my drink order. Where most restaurants provide a bread basket I am presented with an antipasto spread of cured meats, cheeses, and olives. To accompany my white wine. I thought this was the starter but then the starter is brought out, a mouth watering beef filled manicotti with a rich tomato sauce.

The main course is Abbacchio Al Forno Con Patate, a roasted joint of garlic and rosemary seasoned lamb that melts on the tongue served with potatoes. I understand why they take their time serving now to give time to digest the meals between courses. I feel so full already, I am ready to go into a food coma.

I barely manage a few bites of the Pangiallo, a traditional dessert, yellow bread filled with nuts, dates, chocolate, and honey. Before I admit defeat. Definitely worth it even if I am going to need a forklift to get me into bed.

Looking around the room I am glad to see I am not the only person feeling this way. I am Surrounded by the sleepy content faces of people who have eaten their fill and drank merrily for the last few hours.

The meal is charged to my room but I leave a nice tip for my waiter. Tipping in Europe is not the same as in the states where I know tips make up a large portion of salaries for service staff. The waiters will be paid a fair wage, likely double salary for the day so a tip is just a polite gesture not a necessity.

I stagger my way back to my room falling into bed (without the help of a forklift) in a drunken haze. I have never spent Christmas alone before. No cards or presents to open. No family or friends to share the season of 'goodwill.' Still this is not the worst Christmas I have had I think as I snuggle into my duvet allowing sleep to take me.

I spend the next week exploring the sites in Rome. I may be here by chance but I don't want it to go to waste. My first stop is to buy a new coat.

I take a walking tour of Rome. My hotel is very central and I need to keep occupied, I visit the Vatican, the colosseum, the roman forum, the Trevi fountain and the pantheon over the course of the next two weeks. My legs have never worked so hard but the dull ache is a welcome distraction.

I spoke with Eddy again and he agreed with me about leaving my position at Emsworth and Just. I have more than enough in savings while I look for something else. Even if things were normal I would never be dependent on Eddy. I need to see him to process how I am feeling right now. It's been so long and with all this chaos I just feel so conflicted.

My flight to Manchester, England is booked for the early hours of the morning on the sixth so I guess Le Bafana won't be the only person in the air. I still don't feel ready to go back to my apartment near London, So I am going to Sheffield instead where My best friend from University lives.

During our studies I practically lived there with her every break, not having a family of my own, and fell in love with the 'steel city' that sits alongside the beautiful peak district.

The most appealing factor right now is that nobody would go looking for me there. As I always stay with Louise when I would visit there is no paper trail to link it to me, at least this way I will be familiar with my surroundings.

Honestly I am surprised I have been able to stay hidden for this long. I was sure he would find me almost immediately, He would pay someone at the airport, or hack some server to find me, send someone to deal with me.

At least that's how it happens in the films. Maybe I am assuming too much? But the Big Multi corporation owner who tracks and kills other big corporation owners... sounds like a mafia boss to me. Or maybe I am not wrong and it just isn't as simple as it is in the movies.

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