28- Damn

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Sophie POV

Matt is at the hospital before I even have a chance to text him. I know this when the nurse brings me in my backpack, filled with some clean clothes for me.

"He said he's waiting for you in the canteen downstairs, such a sweetheart, you're so lucky" the nurse gushes checking my ob's, I can't help but agree.

"Everything looks good here, so we're just waiting for the Doctor to sign your discharge papers and you can join that man of yours" she smiles, excusing herself.

I empty out the bag onto the bed immediately plugging my phone in upon finding a charger (thank God) he also packed a white flowery dress, my toothbrush, antiperspirant and some face and body wash. I'm still connected to the machine monitoring the drip so a shower isn't an option right now. But I clean myself up the best I can before I change.

My face burns as I pull on my panties at the thought that Matt went in my underware draw, hoping he didn't dig to deep and find the 'Easter rabbit present' Maddie sent me.

After a few attempts at changing I realise that until I'm unhooked from the machine it is going to be impossible.

It's a couple of hours before I finally get discharged. I'm glad Matt packed me a loose dress as all the IV fluid has my body looking like a sausage ready to burst it's skin. Seriously my feet look huge! I might actually be a Hobbit!

I scoop my hair into a ponytail and slip my arms into the light jacket, doing a double check before I leave the ward. I decide to go and find Matt in the canteen, there's no point Calling him up here just to go back down.

Matt's seat is turned away from the entrance so I have the chance to admire his profile for a moment, and, well…. Damn.

He's leaning back in his chair beside the window, the glow of the sunlight on his hair giving him an almost angelic quality. He has a book in his hand resting against the knee of the leg he has crossed over the other, the sleeves of his white shirt have been pushed up exposing his muscular forearms and he has left the top few buttons undone.

He looks like he just walked off the cover of a steamy book, and I am clearly not the only person to think so. A quick scan of the room and I can see people many are admiring him. Some with shy glances, others shamelessly gawking, a few that might need a mop for their drool.

Matt seems oblivious to the stir he is causing, the only emotion he shows is the slight furrow of his brow when he turns the page.

I slowly make my way across the room to join him, placing a hand on his shoulder to get his attention.

"Hey" I greet him quietly, I'm acutely aware of all the eyes on us.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" he asks, pulling me In front of him by the hand to stand me between his legs. I shuffle my feet awkwardly at the closeness. I can see the looks I'm getting from women in the canteen. The assessment that he is far out of my league, the unspoken question of 'why is he with you?'

"I'm ok, should we go?" I suggest eager to leave.

"Can I say hello to the baby first?" He asks, I nod gently consenting and Matt moves to rest his forehead against my bump "Hi cuore mio, sorry your Papa made you sick" he says softly, before placing a kiss on the curve of my stomach.

"What's a coowoh-reh mee-oh?" I ask him.

"Cuore mio, it means my heart" he explains, standing and taking my bag in one of his hands and my hand in the other. Making me very aware of my swollen sausage fingers as they lace between his.
"Apparently there is a botanical garden near here, I thought we could take a little walk? Get us outside for a while after you were stuck in the hospital all day"

"That sounds nice" I smile letting him lead the way out of the hospital, I could definitely do with some fresh air. We make a stop at my car to leave my bag, Matt has parked it in a pub car park across the road. I'm not happy he illegally drove my car but he pulls out his phone to prove that he paid to insure himself on it, putting my mind at ease.

The botanical gardens are only a short walk up the road, entering under the small, stone arch way we are disappointed to find that the greenhouse is closed so we take advantage of the rare English sunshine and take a look around the open spaces.

Matt insists on holding my hand throughout,
  "because the floor is uneven" I don't argue, secretly enjoying him holding me. I show Matt the hidden statue of the imprisoned bear and he indulges me by giving me pennies to throw in the fountain and make a wish. When it starts looking overcast and grows colder I suggest we should leave.

We aren't even halfway to the entrance of the gardens when the heavens open. Damn English weather! The small jacket does nothing to protect me and Matt has no jacket at all. I speed up staying wary of the uneven floor with Matt still holding my hand.

When we reach the stone archway Matt pulls me between himself and the wall shielding me from most of the rain. My eyes are level with his chest, his soaked shirt sticking to his body, seeming almost clear in places. I swallow hard, suddenly feeling much warmer.

The temptation to touch his body makes me squeeze my thighs together, I have to forcefully drag my gaze from his body to his face. It's only at this point I consider that I am also wearing thin white material. The heat from Matt's gaze is almost enough to dry out my clothes for me.

"Matt?" I whisper, part of me thinks he won't hear me over the rain, but his eyes snap to mine. His body moving closer, almost pressing against me now. He leans down planting a kiss on my head.

He's close, so close, I can see every bead of rain as it runs down his face dripping from the tip of his nose, I can feel the warmth of his minty breath across my skin.  I can't help it when I feel myself move away from the wall, pushing up on my toes to connect my lips to his.

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