12-Matt and Eddy

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Matt POV

"Shit" I curse as Sophie hangs up on me, I take a deep steadying breath. The wave of relief I felt when I heard Sophie's voice is already ebbing away.

"Mia" I shout, she quickly comes scurrying into my office. "Where is my mail and my messages from when I went to Manchester until today?" I demand.

"I already gave you all your messages when you got back, and you have had all your mail too" She replies, shuffling her feet. Clearly still nervous after her scolding earlier.

"Sophie said she called and wrote, why didn't I get those messages?" I press

"Sophie?" she asks "Oh the lawyer? I haven't heard from her for... I don't know how long. Could she have sent something to your apartment?" She suggests. I consider for a moment but I can't remember if Lili said it was sent specifically to the office. Does this mean Sophie lied about the call though? But it's common knowledge she hates lies. That would mean she hates me...

"Have you booked my flight?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Yes I managed to get you a seat on a flight that leaves this evening, I have sent the details across via email" She nods, as I dismiss her with a wave of the hand. I quickly call my apartment building who confirm I have had no mail. Where the fuck is that letter?! I end the call and redial Maddie hoping Sophie has calmed down.

"Allo, Matteo." Maddie's voice rings out.

"Maddie I need to speak to Sophie again." I explain,

"She can't come to the phone right now" She says apologetically.

"Maddie come on, It's honestly all a misunderstanding I just need to explain. I swear I didn't get any letters from her, I don't know what she told you..."

"She didn't tell me anything Matteo," She interrupts, "I helped her post the letter, and tracking says it arrived at your office yesterday so don't try talking like Sophie is a liar. She can't come to the phone because she has gone to the ladies room. Give it a few minutes then call back."

"Shit, Maddie when did she go to the ladies room? You're sure she didn't leave? I need you to keep her there until I can get there and see her. Shit Maddie, please. Go check, please" I can hear the tell tale sounds of movement at Maddie's end of the call, and the soft muttering of her in angry French.

"Sophie, Ma Cherie" I hear Maddie call, one heartbeat, two heartbeats. "Sophie?" I hear her footsteps, the sounds of doors being pushed. It's happening again. Exactly like it did before only it's Maddie pushing open the stall doors instead of me. I know she's going to say it before she does.

"She isn't here"

"Do you know where she's staying? Can you go there and stall her?" I shamelessly beg through the phone, ending the call once she agrees, and call Nico.

"Nico, Sophie is in Paris. Can you get her on a no fly list so I have time to get there?"

"On it." He says simply ending the call. The flight won't leave until six, that's far too long, I need to go now. I know what I need to do, even if I don't like it I think as I dial.

"I need to use the jet to get to Paris, it's an emergency"

"What emergency?" Marc asks.

"I will take a job on as soon as I am back" I offer, avoiding the question. I pause waiting for his reply.

"Deal, it's at Marco Polo, it can be ready in an hour."

I have never used Marc's jet for anything and I know whatever he asks me to do in return will be big, but desperate times and all that.

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