41- rich douchebag

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Sophie POV

I stare at the keys in my hand.

"I don't get it? What is the gift?" I ask Matt puzzled. Surely it can't be what I think it is.

Matt holds his arms out twisting his body to gesture his surroundings.

"The house? This house?!" I gasp in shock. Matt beams back at me.

"Louise put me in touch with Asiyeneys when I first got here. We finalized the paperwork yesterday. It's all yours" He smiles.

"Matt! I work for a homeless charity! I can't live in a mansion!"

"Eddy said you'd say that" he says looking bitter. I immediately feel a pang of guilt at my ungrateful attitude. "That's why I donated the same amount I spent on the house to your work,"  he says, pulling an envelope out of his pocket.

My eyes scan the letter growing wide at the six zero's of his donation. 

"You spent this… twice! Matt this is far too much! This is insane! I can't take this"

"It's only money Sophie!" He says with a frown.

"That is such a rich douchebag answer, I only just bought a house!" The cost of the house is more than most people would hope to see in a lifetime and he just spent double that in one day!

"Great. So now I'm a douchebag" Matt huff's dragging a hand down his face in obvious frustration. The sight of this is like a punch to my solar plexus, I'm ruining things and now he hates me! My anxiety hisses inside my head.

Matt turns to leave the room and I spring forward wrapping my arms around him and clutching at his shirt.

"I'm sorry, don't leave" I mumble into his back. I can feel tears stinging at my eyes and fight them back, feeling pathetic. I'm not trying to guilt trip him.

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere!" He says softly, prying my fingers from his shirt. "I left my jacket in the hall and I can hear my cell," he explains. I release his shirt feeling foolish when he steps out of the room.

Moments later he's back, tucking his phone into his pocket.

"Come here you" he grunts wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "Wanna talk about it?" He whispers into my hair.

"I'm sorry, it's just all this, it's far too much! I grew up poor. So I don't really do well receiving gifts as it is. And then you just went overboard here! Couldn't you have just got me a new hoodie?"

"Maybe for Christmas" he chuckles.

"I don't mean to be ungrateful, really I don't" I promise.

"Sophie relax, I'm not mad, really. We're still learning about each other. You just learned that I go over the top with gifts. I just learned that gifts make you uncomfortable. I'm gonna have to warn you though… I think my family bought you a car"

"For fuck sake." I grumble.

"What's done is done" he shrugs. "Now onto more important things, I'm supposed to be making sure you have a very happy birthday" he says suggestively running a finger down my arm.

I bite my lip looking up at him through my lashes,
"What were you thinking Mr Canossa?"

"You can call me Colonel Mustard, 'cause I'm gonna do you in the library with my lead pipe" he winks. I let out an embarrassing snort of laughter.

"That's the worst seduction line I ever heard!"

"It made you smile so I'm counting it as a success" he grins "now, we have an enclosed pool over there and you still appear to have clothes on." In one fluid motion Matt's hands skim up my thighs leaving me in my underwear.

"Matt!" I gasp attempting to cover myself with my arms.

"Who are you hiding from? There's only us here" he reminds me, scooping me up by the thighs to wrap my legs around him and carrying me in the direction of the pool.

"Underwear off unless you want it to get wet… well wetter" he smirks brushing his knuckle over my panties. I wiggle them down my hips while Matt strips out of his clothing.

"Just sit here on the edge of the pool and I'll sort you" he promises, helping me to sit with my legs dangling in the cool water before he submerges himself in the pool.

He swims a length before circling back his head, breaking the surface between my legs.

"Ok, lay back" he orders.

"What?" I ask confused,

"I said I was gonna sort you" he smiles, pushing the water back from his face. I catch on to what he means and there's no way I'm going to even try resisting a naked wet Matt.

I lean back on my elbows, the cold tiles hard against my arms and back. Matt pulls my hips forward slightly, balancing me right on the edge of the pool and lowering his head.

His tongue is hot in contrast to the cool tiles against my skin as he begins kissing his way up my inner thighs, occasionally nipping at the skin before soothing it with his tongue. It's definitely going to leave his mark on me, where only he will get to see it.

He reaches the top of my thigh and drops back to trace the same pattern on the opposite thigh. The teasing has my body pulsing with need.

Matt finally reached the apex of my thighs placing a kiss against my clit before he starts to feast on my sex.

The shock of his tongue delving into my soaked folds has me arching my back against the floor.

Being surrounded by windows adds a bit more excitement to our actions. The danger of being caught but knowing we are safe, alone on private land.

My eyes flutter closed when Matt slides his finger into my heat. His tongue and teeth working in tandem to tease at the engorged bundle of nerves.

My legs wrap over his shoulders, crossing behind his back to pull him impossibly close and I feel the vibrations of his chuckle against my clit making my legs clench tighter.

My body clenching up just encourages Matt, who starts pumping his fingers into me faster. I'm a little embarrassed by the wet sounds of my pussy, but I'm too close to do anything about it. My hips jerk up against his face when the orgasm hits me.

It's like my body completely falls apart before tightly coming together again. I lie panting beside the pool.

"That's one" Matt says, catching my eye and licking my cum from his finger.


Asiyeneys making a casual cameo again

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