27- The worst person

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Matt POV

Honestly I thought Sophie over reacted to the chicken thing. So it wasn't cooked before it was added, is that really a big deal? People eat sushi and rare steak happily enough, they aren't 'thoroughly cooked.'

Our disagreement over this quickly ended our romantic evening, with Sophie slamming her bedroom door much harder than necessary.

It felt like she was just looking for an issue, which annoyed me after I had made an effort. Besides we both ate the same food and we were both fine….

Well we were, until around six the next morning when I woke to the sounds of what I'm pretty sure was a demon possession in the bathroom. The said demons appeared to be Sophie's body purging itself into the toilet.

It doesn't mean she was right though, she's pregnant she gets sick all the time. This is probably not because of the chicken. The angry glare from Sophie's red watery eyes when she notices me, tells me that she wholeheartedly disagrees with this unspoken theory, before I even get up the nerve to suggest it.

I'm just gonna have to admit defeat here, I go and get a glass of water for her ready for when she stops being sick then sit on the cool bathroom floor beside her.

Sophie leans into me and I adjust how I'm sitting, positioning my legs either side of her and allowing her head to rest against my chest. My heart aches seeing her so vulnerable.

"I'm so sorry Soph" I whisper. Her head moves slightly gently shaking as if to decline my apology.

"It's my fault too, I know you can't cook. I should have asked… It was really nice that you tried though" her voice is quiet and hoarse. I feel a flicker of pride that she was happy with my efforts, but it is short-lived when she quickly lunges forward to vomit again.

Around eight my stomach contents decide to join Sophie's, confirming that I am in fact the worst person ever and gave food poisoning to an already sick pregnant lady, and then accused her of over reacting.

It’s a friend of Sophie’s who comes to take her to the hospital for help and fluids because I can barely move myself. This only makes me feel worse, I put her in this state and I can’t even take care of her. I'm useless! How am I supposed to be a Papa if I can't even cook a meal, or look after Sophie?

I wake up on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor. It’s dark outside so I must have slept for a couple of hours. Thankfully I seem to have stopped being sick. But I feel like I have been punched in the gut and ate a dirty diaper.

Giving my teeth a quick brush I go to check on Sophie but she’s not here. I thought she would be in her bed by now, finding my cell I have missed three calls from her and there's a text.

Sophie: Keeping me in. Will see you tomorrow, Hope you feel better.

Sophie POV

Honestly G1 is amazing. They stopped my sickness and hooked me up to fluids, which is great. But you aren't allowed guests because they want you to rest and I didn't think to bring a book or my charger so I am so bored!

The lack of entertainment means my mind hasn't had any distractions and has decided to fixate on last night.

The flowers, the candles, the bubble bath…

What did that mean? Was Matt just expecting something?

More importantly did I want something?

I gaze absentmindedly out the window, from the hospitals place on the hill I can just make out my house on the hill opposite. The city center laying in the valley between.

I wonder if Matt is still sick? I'm not even mad about the food poisoning. I just think he's really stupid, who doesn't know to cook chicken? How on earth has he survived this long?

I want to check on him, but I don't want to turn my phone back on to check incase they keep me in again. I need to save the battery.

I gaze out of the window slowly watching the sky change to a golden hue, streaks of reds and pinks across the clouds before it deepens into a dark purple. The city below seemingly coming to life as it lights up with the flow of brake lights and steady glow of the football stadium polluting the sky to hide any stars.

When the nurse comes to change my fluids again she lets me know I'll be staying over once they find me a spare bed. So I take the opportunity to turn on my phone.

A small part of me is expecting or perhaps hoping for the barrage of messages and missed calls from Matt checking I'm ok. The memory of his arms holding me while I rested against him this morning flickers through my mind, the thought of him looking after me warms me inside making me smile.

My phone starts buzzing with the influx of messages and calls an unknown number, Louise, Eddy, Maddie, Lili even Nico… But no Matt.

The disappointment squeezes my chest. I write out a simple message explaining I'm sick and will message tomorrow to reply to everyone that has messaged, before I consider Matt.

Am I really allowed to be annoyed about this? It was me who said friends after all, and he agreed. Just last night and this morning made me think maybe?

I can't really blame him for not knowing what I want if I don't even know what I want. The nurse moves me to another ward thankfully giving me a private room to rest in.

I decide to call Matt while I'm alone but it sends me to voicemail, is he on another call? After a few more unsuccessful attempts I give up and send him a text explaining that I am staying in. Snuggling into the unfamiliar bedding trying to find a comfortable position that won't pull on my cannula. My eyes fixated on the phone that I am unwilling to turn off yet.

It's almost an hour later when Matt replies. I snatch the phone up immediately and laugh at myself as I read his message.

Matt: I was asleep on the floor next to the toilet…. As they say around here "reyt classy" I guess it's Karma for making my girl sick.

'My girl'? I'm his girl? My heart flutters in my chest. I'm smiling at my phone biting my bottom lip softly, when it buzzes again.

Matt: When will you be allowed to leave? I will pick you up.

I send Matt a quick reply that I'll let him know, and sink back into my pillow feeling like a teenager texting a crush.


Hi sorry for the delay! Finally seeing light at the end of the tunnel that is my work load! Thanks for sticking with me updates will be back to daily now

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