43- The Limo ride

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Sophie POV

"So… how many did you actually get?" Daisy, one of the paralegals, whispers, glancing around the room.

"I had to tap out at nine" I whisper back, pulling a new file towards myself. We have a manic afternoon ahead of us so it's all hands on deck to prepare. That hasn't stopped the girl talk in hushed voices.

"Ugh I wish I had a man like yours" Tim adds with a fake swoon.

"I bet you've had several men like hers, you old man whore" Daisy chuckles.

"Hey! Less of the old!" Tim cries aiming a ball of paper at her head. In reality he's only a year or two older than us, but he doesn't like to be reminded.

"Enough messing around, we need to get this done" I remind them.

"We are so not done with this subject," Daisy argues. "So what surfaces am I avoiding at the house warming?"

"Who said I'm having a house warming? And if I did, who says you're coming? You both said no to the baby shower"

"Ok, look here lil Miss Marrying-a-sex-god ain't no way you are moving into a mansion and not having a party! And like no offense but baby showers… no thanks. If I wanted an alcohol free night talking about bladder weakness I'd visit my great aunt Agnes" Tim says, sassily snapping his fingers.

Dramatic bitch.

"I do not have bladder weakness! And you don't  have a great Aunt Agnes"

"No, I don't. But you're missing the point." He retorts rolling his eyes.

"What's the point?" I ask.

"That we will be coming to your party when it's fun"

"So rude, making me suffer alone" I joke.

"Yeah sounds like it's been so hard for you" Daisy pitches in. "Literally" she adds with a giggle.

"Hmm I must have forgotten to mention that Matt invited Marco" I say, resting my finger on my chin in mock thought.

"I'm listening," Daisy replies, putting down her papers.

"He's pretty to look at, but Marco is more Tim's team than yours"

"You have my attention, Marco? So is he Italian? tall? Dark? Sinfully attractive?" Tim asks, turning to face me.

"He's Matt's brother. So he basically looks like Matt. But bigger" I shrug. Tim looks ready to drool at this information.

"You know what? I think something just opened up, what kind of friends would we be if we didn't come to your baby shower?"

"We? Why do I have to go?!" Daisy protests.

"Because we're supportive, obviously. Also cause I want to go halves on the gift" he laughs. "We can run out and get it after work"

This sets them off into a petty argument about the benefits of attending the baby shower. Seriously, where are my headphones when I need them?

The entire morning they have nagged me for details of my sex life. The only information I shared was Matt's birthday orgasm promise. And I only shared that to get some peace.

Now they're arguing about kick starting their own, despite knowing that there will be back to back meetings all afternoon that we need to prepare for. I'm not paid enough for this.


Finally leaving my last meeting I check my phone, shit I'm late! I notice three missed calls, from Matt. The meeting overran so I'm in the office alone. It's eerily silent.

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