7-Home and away

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Sophie POV

"I love this stove" I say running my finger along the smooth glossy finish of the range cooker.

"It can be left in if you want it. The previous owners have removed everything they were keeping already" the real estate agent from Asiyeneys informs me.

"The bathroom needs work Soph, looks like it came from the 70's" Eddy says rejoining us in the kitchen.

"I know," I agree. Eddy gives his nod of approval for the house we are viewing. A couple of weeks ago I would have imagined that buying a house would be with Eddy, and it would be a place to build our lives together.

"I'm willing to offer the full asking price as a cash buyer if we can complete by April 1st." I inform the agent. They hurry from the room pulling out a mobile as they go.

I take another look around the kitchen. It needs a good clean and redecorating. The previous owners were fans of cigarettes and cooking with fat if the yellow stain of the ceiling is anything to go by.

This is my third walk through of the house in the past two weeks, A viewing last week with Louise, an inspection which came back with no big issues and this viewing for Eddy's opinion.

I was lucky to view the house so quickly, a friend of Louise's aunt lived here but she sadly passed away. The family wants a fast sale to cover her debts, and I need a place. It benefits us both.

The house (like most houses in Sheffield) is on a hill, it is close to the city centre, has a big garden that needs some TLC, a garage, a big kitchen, and a sitting room with a front facing bay window. Upstairs leads to the three bedrooms, one bathroom.

It will make a perfect home for me and my little one.

"You're going to be a cash buyer?" Eddy asks.

"Yeah this isn't London prices Eddy, I have enough. Besides I can do the conveyancing myself if everything goes smoothly I could be in by mid march." I explain.

"Makes sense you don't want to move when you are ready to pop" he says, prodding my stomach softly. "What about the apartment? And all your stuff?"

"I know I have kind of left you in the lurch with the apartment, I'm sorry." I apologise, feeling guilty again. I can hardly get through a conversation with Eddy now without being overwhelmed by guilt.

"It's cool, Steve is looking to move might see if he's interested" he says wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Don't give that sad face, makes me feel shitty."

"I'm sorry, these stupid hormones." I say wiping my eyes. I feel like all I do is cry recently, at least now I know why.

"Oh I'm sorry," the real estate agent says awkwardly. "I've informed the owners of your offer and they are considering it, I'll get back to you as soon as I hear back."

Heading back to Louise's house Eddy starts reeling off all his plans for Paris next week. We had lucked out that his work was taking him to Paris on valentines week, and although I suspected it would be awkward to continue with these plans Eddy had managed to change our reservation to adjoining rooms and I was looking forward to it.

"Have you packed yet?" Eddy asked, catching my eye. "Of course you haven't, we go in less than a week! Come on I'll help," he laughed.

"Is that just an excuse to see my underwear draw?" I joke, leading him up to my room. Pulling a suitcase from under the bed and adding my writing pad with carbon transfer paper, and some envelopes.

"Why are you taking that?" Eddy questions, turning from the wardrobe with an armful of jumpers.

"Paper & Envelopes? In case I get the house and need to send anything. Transfer paper? Everything I send to anyone gets a copy." I shrug.

"You still do that? You are such a nerdy Lawyer." He laughs kissing the top of my head.

It's strange how his kisses have already changed to those of a brotherly affection, and it makes me wonder if we were always heading to this point and the pregnancy just sped it up?

The week flies by, my offer was accepted for the house and I spent the week starting the paperwork and checks I needed to complete the sale. The perk of being a lawyer means I could do this in my sleep and I won't have to pay and wait on someone else.

Before I know it, it's already the eighth of February and we are on our flight bound for Charles de Gaulle, Paris. Which sounds amazing but a very early flight, extreme morning sickness plus a flight do not equal a happy Sophie.

Although the antiemetics are helping to stop me actually throwing up the nausea has me feeling warm and sweaty in my seat. Eddy has given up trying to make conversation and has started reading the pregnancy book I bought which has remained untouched.

"Ewww, Sophie look at this picture it's called crowning" He says shoving the book in my face. Oh my God. I did not need to see that! I think Screwing my eyes shut as my stomach gives another roll.

Thankfully other than the landing the flight was pretty smooth and I managed to keep my insides, well, inside. I still gave Eddy a swift dead arm for showing me that disgusting picture mid flight. Why do people describe childbirth as a miracle? It is clearly something out of a horror movie.

In fact I have seen horror movies that were less traumatising than that picture, and the thought that I will have to do that in seven months has me more than a little freaked out.

"Six and a half months" Is Eddy's less than helpful point when I share these concerns with him. I am just starting to question why I am friends with him when the Eiffel tower comes into view. Oh yeah cause Paris...


Thought I had posted this earlier... Oops

Asiyeneys17 made a little cameo as our real estate agent. Thanks for your support!

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