47 Abandoned house

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Matt POV

"What the fuck are these files anyway?" I growl, practically ripping them from Marco's hands.

"The ownership documents for some of our shell companies. Combined they're worth a little over half a billion." Marco explains. "You really want to hand them over?"

I don't dignify the question with a response. He has got to be joking?! He already has two black eyes from yesterday when he didn't want to give up the files. How dare he suggest that any amount of money or business is worth risking their safety?

Money can't buy happiness.

I can practically hear Sophie telling me that is 'a rich douchebag thing to say'. But I'd rather be poor with Sophie than rich without her.

Turning to look out of the car window I  breathe in deeply to steady my temper, I need to stay calm now for Sophie. I squint against the sun outside glaring down on us, uncharacteristically nice for English weather, inside the car the mood is cold and stormy.

Ultimately it was Ma who had the final say so I knew Marco would have to get those files. As much as I want to believe Ma did it for me and Sophie, part of me knows that if Sophie wasn't already pregnant with Ma's nipote the outcome might have been very different.

Knowing that makes me feel uneasy. Was this the reason Sophie was so reluctant to be with me? If I hadn't been so selfish she would have been safe now.

It's the reason I was at the airport with Nico when Marco landed and we are headed straight to the location we were given. I'm not taking any chances of this going wrong or us being late. We haven't been driving long when Nico turns up a smaller side road.

"We'll be there in around five minutes" Nico tells us over his shoulder. My stomach clenches with anticipation. The kind of feeling you get when you are on the precipice of a rollercoaster knowing you are about to fall.

"When we get there you wait in the car" I tell Nico.


"No buts. Taking a known assassin in with us is just asking for trouble. Besides" I say pulling my cell out of my pocket "you can't be inside when the cops arrive"

"You're calling the cops?!" Marco objects.

"Yes. We need a back up plan in case this goes to shit or its a set up. Sophie is a lawyer, she will want this done properly" I say tapping 113 into my phone.

  "This is fucking ridiculous. When did we become snitches?" Marco grumbles.

"They're holding my wife and baby hostage and you are still concerned about your reputation?!"

"She's not your wife" Marco spits out, a second before my fist connects with the side of his jaw in a satisfying crunch.

"Fucking stop" Nico shouts. "Marco won't be able to help you if you break his jaw! Matt just call 999 if that's what you think is best. I'll wait in the car as back up."

Nico pulls the car over pointing at what appears to be a boarded up abandoned house.

"That's the place. According to the email, Sophie will be inside. You take the files, transfer the money and walk away with Sophie."

I give Nico a nod observing the house. All seems quiet. If I didn't trust Nico's information I would suspect we had the wrong place.

Deleting the 113 from my phone I dial 999. I'd forgot we weren't in Italy for a moment, the number for police emergency is obviously different here.

After being connected to the police I briefly give them the address and explain that I have seen suspicious looking men with guns and heard screaming. Enough to get them out here. Then Marco and I make our way towards the house, leaving our cell's in the car and unarmed as promised.

Knocking on the door we are quickly pulled inside and searched by a group. There are more people than I expected. The house looks even worse inside. The pungent stench of damp, alcohol and cigarettes is overwhelming. Like the garbage chute of a cheap bar.

Satisfied that we are unarmed we are lead through to a room where we face Andre, beside his sister Camille, who I swear gets more orange every time I see her. She is the fakest person I ever met. If it can be surgically enhanced then she's enhanced it. Then painted it orange.

She thinks this makes her irresistible, even now, while I'm literally here to negotiate for my wife and child, she's 'seductively' biting her over-filled lower lip while she openly checks me out. It would be funny, if I wasn't so angry.

It looks like she gets her tanning salon tips from oompa loompas. I'm so distracted by her satsuma face it takes me a moment to notice the familiar person stood to the side.


"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" I growl facing Mia. Mia subtly moves closer to Andre, lacing her fingers with his. I frown looking towards Marco in surprise. But Marco seems as shocked as I am.

"What? You didn't actually believe Andre was gay did you?" She chuckles darkly.

In the corner of my eye I see Marco's fist clench in anger, I reach out and touch his arm. A silent reminder to stay calm.

"Where is Sophie?" I ask, ignoring the smug looks on their faces.

Nobody replies, but Camille's eyes flick to the ceiling.

"SOPHIE?" I bellow, I wait for a response before trying again. "SOPHIE?!" I shout even louder, making Camille and Mia flinch. After a moment there is the sound of movement from above and I finally hear her.

"Matt?! Matt I'm up here!" Sophie's voice comes from above with the sounds of her rattling and banging on a door.

"I see her, unharmed or there's no deal."

"Fine" Andre shrugs, "go get her" he orders one of the men behind me.

"No. I'm going" I argue. Andre doesn't dispute this just gesturing the man to lead the way to my girl.

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